mai magnato il bisonte

aoooo mi dici se vieni con l'aquilone o no? salvato il link ?

vuoi provare a volare anche qui?
è un accordo di grecia è presa x il collo....non si salverà le condizioni sono pesanti..

la sola cosa che può dar fuoco alla miccia è la sfiducia dell'estero a comprare titoli usa a tassi da fame .. se il mkt pretenderà tassi più alti .. allora sarà l'inizio della fine ... tanto per capire come ormai si fanno tutto da soli ....

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- News that Ambac Assurance Corp. had to hand over some of its troubled assets to regulators on Thursday may have rocked to company's shares, but it was brushed aside by the municipal-bond market, once a major business area for the bond insurer.
The muni bond market stopped caring about insurance at least a year ago, after the big participants lost their AAA ratings, leaving investors to rely more on an issuer's underlying credit.
"In the last year or so, the market has basically ignored the bond insurers," with the exception of a couple that still have high credit ratings, said Philip Condon, head of municipal-bond portfolio management at DWS Investments. "It doesn't make any difference.
Ambac Assurance, a unit of Ambac Financial Group Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!abk/quotes/nls/abk (ABK 0.61, -0.05, -7.20%) , said Thursday its handing over about $35 billion of troubled contracts on securities made up of souring mortgages to its state regulator. Read more on Ambac
Insurers haven't been big players in new municipal bond sales for some time, and whether a bond deal is insured or by who is not longer a major factor in the market, analyst said. A majority of tax-exempt municipal bonds used to by insured, before the financial crisis set in.
Ambac was downgraded to an R rating from CC by Standard & Poor's on Thursday.
Ambac is rated Caa2 by Moody's Investors Service.
"It really doesn't make much of a difference and it won't have much of an impact on bonds in the secondary market," said Jim Colby, senior fixed-income strategist at Van Eck Associates Corp.
The only investors it might matter to -- and it's a very slim subset of the overall market -- may be holders of bonds of issuers nearing default and insured by Ambac, he said. They could either see some relief now that Ambac has segregated its troubled assets.
S&P analyst said "the regulatory directive with respect to the segregated account indicates a level of regulatory intervention at Ambac that is consistent with an R rating. We believe that such a move will lead to concern that it favors one class of policyholders over another."

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