Obbligazioni bancarie Obbligazioni CREDIT SUISSE (1 Viewer)


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Che qulo

Qui Gazprom gente che poteva fare ha fatto Size omeopatiche che conosco

Io ho fatto all in

Non è qulo

E poco qulo e molta determinazione visione cisa vuoi fare della vita....

Accontentarsi o tradare i momenti di disperazione

Se uno non regge tradi la sua Size

Ma non mi rompere i cog... Col culo

O sai cusa fai cosa vuoi o togliti dalle palle fammi giocare come so giocare io

Scusate ma ogni tanto è giusto che sapete cusa penso


Il mito, la leggenda.
Nessuno vi obbliga a dare nulla io posto ciò che eseguo

Se uno non se la sente sta seduto sul divano col telecomando

Emi guarda a mo di serie tv

Ma nkn venga a dirmi che io trado solo con il qulo

Perché nkn vai a 30 mila a 10.5, milioni solo col qulo tradando 300-400 bond diversi


Il mito, la leggenda.
Aggiornamenti stasera

Sto menando di brutto

Tempesta perfetta

Ognuno ragioni con la sua testa

Prevedo che a questo ritmo in intervento molto vicino

Comprare ciò che potete reggere mentalmente

Io trado relax... Ricordatevi la mia size prevede 8 milioni area 79-80

Entro con missili gradualmente ma sempre missili
  • Mi piace
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Il mito, la leggenda.
Nessun prigioniero

O si vince o si perde

... Se non reggere state al telecomando e sul divano

Io mi godo questi momenti... Molto meglio del sesso


Utente Old Style

Qualcuno ha accesso perchè potrebbe essere interessante quello che dicono i primi azionisti
Credit Suisse Group AG’s top shareholder, whose stake has lost more than one-third of its value in three months, ruled out investing any more in the troubled Swiss bank as a bigger holding would bring additional regulatory hurdles.

“The answer is absolutely not, for many reasons outside the simplest reason, which is regulatory and statutory,” Saudi National Bank Chairman Ammar Al Khudairy said in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Wednesday. That was in response to a question on whether the bank was open to further injections if there was another call for additional liquidity.

Credit Suisse fell as much as 23% to a new record low in Zurich, while the cost to insure the bonds against default in the near term approached a level typically signaling serious investor concerns.

The bank is just months into a complex turnaround plan that will see the Swiss firm spin out the investment banking unit while focusing on its key wealth management business. That effort risks being further complicated by market unease across financials after the collapse of multiple US regional banks.

Chief Executive Officer Ulrich Koerner on Tuesday said the bank’s financial position is sound, including a so-called liquidity coverage ratio, which it can draw on to fulfill its obligations, of about 150%. He said that the firm saw inflows on Monday amid the market turmoil and is ahead of schedule on its turnaround plan.

“Nobody is pleased by the share price development, but we manage what we can manage, and this is the execution of our plan,” Koerner said in a Bloomberg Television interview.

Saudi National Bank, which is 37% owned by the kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund, became Credit Suisse’s biggest shareholder late last year after acquiring a 9.9% stake in the Swiss lender for 1.4 billion francs. The stake has lost more than 500 million francs in a matter of months.

Al Khudairy has consistently said that his bank doesn’t want to take its stake beyond the current level. He said in October that he “likes” Credit Suisse’s new leadership and their resolve to execute on its turnaround plan, but any additional equity for the moment is “out of the question.” He said Wednesday that adding to the stake would bring additional regulatory hurdles.

“If we go above 10%, all new rules kick in whether it be by our regulator or the Swiss regulator or the European regulator,” he said. “We’re not inclined to get into a new regulatory regime. I can cite five or six other reasons, but one reason is there is a glass ceiling and we’re not going to entertain going beyond it.”

Chief Executive Officer Ulrich Koerner on Tuesday said the bank’s financial position is sound, including a so-called liquidity coverage ratio, which it can draw on to fulfill its obligations, of about 150%. He said that the firm saw inflows on Monday amid the market turmoil and is ahead of schedule on its turnaround plan.

“Nobody is pleased by the share price development, but we manage what we can manage, and this is the execution of our plan,” Koerner said in a Bloomberg Television interview.

Saudi National Bank, which is 37% owned by the kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund, became Credit Suisse’s biggest shareholder late last year after acquiring a 9.9% stake in the Swiss lender for 1.4 billion francs. The stake has lost more than 500 million francs in a matter of months.

Al Khudairy has consistently said that his bank doesn’t want to take its stake beyond the current level. He said in October that he “likes” Credit Suisse’s new leadership and their resolve to execute on its turnaround plan, but any additional equity for the moment is “out of the question.” He said Wednesday that adding to the stake would bring additional regulatory hurdles.

“If we go above 10%, all new rules kick in whether it be by our regulator or the Swiss regulator or the European regulator,” he said. “We’re not inclined to get into a new regulatory regime. I can cite five or six other reasons, but one reason is there is a glass ceiling and we’re not going to entertain going beyond it.”

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