Oro e Argento

Bhar said “there is no stopping silver.” He said investors prefer the gray metal to gold as a risk aversion play since it’s seen as a better and cheaper alternative. He cited the record high investment in the iShares Silver Trust, the world’s largest silver-backed exchange-traded fund, and the drop in the gold-silver ratio, which fell to its lowest since October 1983, as examples. The ratio is currently around 38.3.
The gold/silver ratio measures how many ounces of silver it takes to buy an ounce of gold. The lower the ratio, the stronger that silver prices become in comparison to gold. Barclays Capital said they expect the gold/silver ratio to fall to 31.00.
The bank is bullish on silver. “We expect buying interest near the former highs in the 36.75 area to underpin any dips and look for gains to our next target in the 38.50 area. Our greater target for silver is in the 44.00 area,” they said.
Support, Morrison said, is around $36. Like gold, “silver also has a reliable history of correcting soon after hitting new highs,” he added.
Physical demand continues unabated, said Peter Thomas, director of business development at PFG Precious Metals. He added that like many metal dealers, he sometimes has delays getting supply in from the various global mints because they cannot keep up with demand. Others are still making exact deliveries. “The Royal Canadian Mint has never missed a (delivery) deadline. They’re smack-dab on the button. But they have plenty up there,” he said.
On the other hand, Thomas said, silver supply from the secondary market is “red hot.” He said investors who bought silver in 2007 or 2008 when silver prices were in the single digits are coming in to sell. “It’s secondary supply, it’s just not mint-fresh. Whether that matters depends on your end-user. If it’s someone who just wants it for investment, it doesn’t matter,” he said.
But not everyone is bringing in older silver. He said many are sitting on their supply waiting for $50 to become a reality.
Thomas said he expects silver prices will hit $50 and gold $1,500, but when is the question. Before that happens the markets could experience “wicked volatility,” he said.
recupero e respiro...

guarda chi si vede.. gassati.. come va Bye Bye?

Ciao Cort. Abbastanza bene e tu ? Ti ricordi ancora di me ? Ho postato solo poche volte sul gas, un po' perchè inesperto.....un po' perchè faccio fatica a seguire quel 3d....troppi interventi e spesso fuori tema. Se posso darti un consiglio non da esperto ma da "sfigato storico" nel settore...vai long tranquillo sul gas, ora che io sono uscito con discreto loss, dopo mesi di sofferenza. Ora partirà a razzo :D:D:D... Ciao a presto.

Ciao Cort. Abbastanza bene e tu ? Ti ricordi ancora di me ? Ho postato solo poche volte sul gas, un po' perchè inesperto.....un po' perchè faccio fatica a seguire quel 3d....troppi interventi e spesso fuori tema. Se posso darti un consiglio non da esperto ma da "sfigato storico" nel settore...vai long tranquillo sul gas, ora che io sono uscito con discreto loss, dopo mesi di sofferenza. Ora partirà a razzo :D:D:D... Ciao a presto.


non ditegli che sta già partendo
non sono espertissimo ma qua non sta dicendo che deve scendere?!


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Per vedere se c'è una correlazione dovresti metterci sopra il grafico dell'oro.

Io lo faccio con l''Euro, e questo è quanto ne emerge:

si, solo che io avevo preso in USD dato che è scambiato in dollari:

e mi veniva una roba del genere..

ps. i due screen sono 1po' disallineati (il gold dovrebbe stare un po' più a sinistra) rispetto a come dovrebbero

cmq a dire il vero non mi spiego perchè non sia già sceso 1po'..:-?:-? dato che i commercial short sono calati rispetto a fine 2010


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azzardo una domanda domenicale per il grande Rommel e per tutti gli altri che ne masticano di AT e MP

lo vedete un tuffo del gold/silver ratio sotto 20 nei prossimi 10 o 15 anni ??

buona domenica pomeriggio :bow:
azzardo una domanda domenicale per il grande Rommel e per tutti gli altri che ne masticano di AT e MP

lo vedete un tuffo del gold/silver ratio sotto 20 nei prossimi 10 o 15 anni ??

buona domenica pomeriggio :bow:

Kitco News) - The gold market these days is filled with speculators and investors who wonder just how high the metal will run, and thus how large of a profit they can capture before exiting. Gold has been in a bull market for more than a decade now, boosted by an expansion of money supply around the world, worries about currency debasements and underpinned by a slew of crises, most recently the civil unrest in the Middle East-North Africa region and European sovereign-debt issues.
But even when the world is in good times, gold has a role in portfolios that may be overlooked by some – as “insurance” against so-called bad times that can suddenly come about quickly, some gold-market veterans say.
“Gold should be like your car insurance,” said Frank Holmes, chief executive officer with U.S. Global Investors, which manages a number of natural-resource funds. “You want to know you have it, although you don’t want to go get in a car accident so you can make a claim on it.”
Olivier Garret, chief executive officer of the independent advisory firm Casey Research, suggested investors not completely leave physical precious metals whenever they think there are no more global worries to keep pushing prices higher. He made an analogy that somebody would not cancel health insurance because he thinks he is healthy.
“Even in good times, you should have it because situations change,” he said. “If you wait until the situation gets worse, then usually the premium is higher…When you have insurance, you have it all of the time. At times, when things become more threatening, you may want to assess whether you have enough insurance. But we think it’s something people should hold, as insurance, at any time.”
Gold is no longer undervalued the way it was roughly a decade ago when it was back around $250 an ounce, he said. Some viewed gold as “an old relic” back then, forgetting that it had been a stable source of money for some 5,000 years.
“It was really an opportunity to buy gold as an investment and something that had to go up, not just in nominal terms but in real terms,” Garret said. “It was undervalued. Today, I don’t think you can say that gold, in real terms, is undervalued.”
Yet, it’s worth holding for insurance, he continued.
One reason, he said, is the expansion of the money supply in the U.S., Europe, China and Japan in recent years. Gold offers protection against currency depreciation and inflation.
Holmes called gold “the bedrock of money.” The reason: “it takes a lot of money and manpower to get an ounce of gold--to move a ton of rock and grind it out…versus pushing a button and printing $1 billion.”
Additionally, gold offers protection against crashes in financial markets such as occurred in 2008, Holmes and Garret said. In that crash, gold did initially slide. “But relative to other classes of assets, it was the class least affected by the financial crisis,” Garret said
Furthermore, the initial decline was because investors “hurting elsewhere” had to liquidate some of their gold positions to raise cash. Afterward, gold rebounded quickly, Garret continued.
In fact, Holmes said, during any 12-month period over the last decade, gold was less volatile than the S&P 500 Index. Thus, he said gold offers “portfolio insurance,” particularly when there are imbalances between government fiscal policies and the monetary policies of central bankers.
“If you look at the history of the world, gold is insurance against all kinds of political threats,” Garret said. “Whenever you see countries in turmoil, people fly back into gold…In the ‘20s in Germany, people who saved gold and exported it were in a much better situation.”
When turmoil does occur, such as the 2008 financial crisis, it can be hard for investors to buy physical metal, and premiums rise, he said. More recently, gold premiums soared in Greece when that country was hit by a debt crisis. The same is occurring currently as Japanese citizens try to buy gold amid the havoc created by a massive earthquake.
Casey Research anticipates there will be another leg of the economic weakness that will be more severe than in 2008. “As a result of that, we are very, very bullish on gold, not because we’re gold bugs, but because we think it’s the ultimate insurance against turmoil.”

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