Analisi Intermarket ....quelli che.... Investire&tradare - Cap. 1 (2 lettori)

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Vendo le Canistracci Oil!
cambiato un quazz direi... stop pari e vediamo se succede qualcosa oppure se arricchisco solo la sim...


Viva i popoli, Viva le Nazioni europee, fanculo U€
NYSE + TRIN e SPX + T.10Y...alla faccia del declassamento....salvo che l'impatto non si sia ancora visto complice il crollo del mercato.


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Viva i popoli, Viva le Nazioni europee, fanculo U€
Vado di corpo pensando a Vossia tutti, a Voi.


Nuovo forumer
wild ride

with the help of an fomc policy statement, yesterday was probably in the top 5 of the wildest days on i have ever witnessed on wall street. We saw a swing from down well over 200-points, to up well over 400 in just over an hour.


that was after the dow lost a 240-point gain, falling over 450-points from the morning top to the afternoon low, before that wild last hour of trading. By the close, the dow was up 430-points.

for the tsp, the c-fund gained 4.75% yesterday, the s-fund jumped 6.60%, the i-fund was up 6.63%, and even the f-fund (bonds) made 0.50%.

before we get too excited, almost all of the largest one-day market gains have come during a market or after huge losses. It is nice for the bulls, but it is no guarantee that it will lead to a bottom.

precipitous drops often lead to strong rallies, but this is where the term "dead cat bounce" comes from. If you drop something from a first floor window, it might be able to jump right back up and go on its way. But if you drop it from the 10th floor window, there will be much more damage done and it may take a while before anything can get up a walk away without a limp or some assistance.

the s&p 500 jumped 53-points, but that was only a portion of the 80-points it lost on monday. As we have been talking about, a snap-back rally was due, but we can't assume anything from here expect that volatility will most likely continue.


chart provided courtesy of, analysis by tsp talk

in 2008 we saw two huge rallies in the fall. The dow gained 937-points during one trading day in early october of 2008, and then jumped 890-points on another day just over two-weeks later. But both times the dow lost those one-day gains within 1 to 3 weeks. Big rallies that follow large sell-offs, tend to fail at some point to test the prior lows. But the rallies are obviously large enough to make good money, provided you are nimble.


chart provided courtesy of, analysis by tsp talk

here is the 1998 chart that we talked about yesterday. Like the fall of 2008, and other large sell-offs, there were huge rallies after the losses, but again the indices retested the lows before finally bottoming.

chart provided courtesy of, analysis by tsp talk

as far as this rally goes, the very short-term indicators have moved into overbought territory, but the longer-term indicators are just curling up from their extreme oversold condition. This could indicate that the upside has more to go, but again, i wouldn't get too complacent because of a big relief rally in an environment like this.


chart provided courtesy of, analysis by tsp talk

we haven't talked about the price of oil in a while. The weak economic data sent the price falling along with the stock market. We have seen the april highs near $120 move all the way down to below $72 at the lows yesterday, before it closed near $82.

chart provided courtesy of, analysis by tsp talk

i don't know the formula, but if it can hang around the $85 area for a while, i would guess that we could see the price of gasoline move below $3 a gallon at some point in the near future. That would be a nice boost for consumer spending.

thanks for reading! We'll see you back here tomorrow.

chiedo scusa se mi inserisco forse sul posto e nel modo sbagliato ma sono un paio di gg che sono incollato al video per capire cosa sta succedendo e continuo a vedere sul mercato italiano una dipendenza da unicredit pesantissima: Questa mattina poi in maniera molto chiara.......cosa ne pensate ??


Vendo le Canistracci Oil!
chiedo scusa se mi inserisco forse sul posto e nel modo sbagliato ma sono un paio di gg che sono incollato al video per capire cosa sta succedendo e continuo a vedere sul mercato italiano una dipendenza da unicredit pesantissima: Questa mattina poi in maniera molto chiara.......cosa ne pensate ??

Ciao edoardo (mi sento empatico per omonimia!!) negli ultimi due giorni i bancari hanno avuto tregua e hanno pesato soprattutto eni e enel (27% del paniere), almeno a mio modo di vedere... oggi tocca a isp, ucg e G (che fanno il 22% del mib, per capirci)

appena entrati 1200

vabbè, stasera qualcosa mangio... aspettiamo sto sciacquone e riproviamo..
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