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Over the past 5 years, June has ended lower 3 times and ended pretty much flat twice. Also, every June except one has seen it start off lower, bounce heading up to Quadruple Witching and then falling immediately afterward, at least short term. This fall didn't always start on Quadruple Witching day, but it was within a couple days of it. Below are my findings: June 2006 (Quadruple Witching Week 12-16)
This month started off by losing 6.00% in the S fund by the 13th. It then gained 3.66% by the 15th before dropping another 2.40% by the 20th. It ended the month pretty much flat. June 2007 (Quadruple Witching Week 11-15)
This month started off by losing 2.68% in the S fund by the 12th. It then gained 2.71% by the 15th before dropping another 2.68% by the 26th. It ended the month down 1.53%. June 2008 (Quadruple Witching Week 16-20)
This month started off by losing 3.84% in the S fund by the 11th. It then gained 2.58% by the 16th before dropping another 6.36% by the 30th. It ended the month down 7.63%. June 2009 (Quadruple Witching Week 15-19)
This month started off by gaining 4.06% in the S fund by the 11th. It then lost 7.50% by the 23rd before gaining another 4.69% by the 30th. It ended the month pretty much flat. June 2010 (Quadruple Witching Week 14-18)
This month started off by losing 5.50% in the S fund by the 9th. It then gained 7.77% by the 15th before dropping another 8.77% by the 30th. It ended the month down 6.90%. June 2011 (Quadruple Witching Week 13-17)
This month started off by losing 7.20% in the S fund by the 10th. It then ….