scontro Iran-Israele (3 lettori)


mediocrità strategica
Questo è uno scenario medio, dove le sole infrastrutture petrolifere dell'Iran verrebbero colpite.

International crude oil prices could surge by $20 per barrel if Iran’s oil supply drops in a possible escalation of the Middle East conflict, Goldman Sachs says.
If major OPEC+ producers with enough spare production capacity, such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), increase output and offset some of the potential losses from Iran, oil prices could rise more modestly, and the impact could be slightly less than $10 barrel, Goldman’s analyst added.
Most analysts say that the OPEC spare capacity, concentrated in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, would be enough to compensate for an Iranian loss of supply.

Questo è un aspetto geopolitico di una certa rilevanza, cioè il colpire le infrastrutture energetiche iraniane significherebbe di rimbalzo impattare sulla Cina.

Iran currently produces around 3.5 million bpd, of which an estimated 1 million bpd are exported, mostly in China, which hasn’t stopped buying Iranian oil after the U.S. re-imposed sanctions on Tehran’s oil industry.



mediocrità strategica
Minaccie e contro-minaccie fanno parte del gioco.

I pasdaran iraniani minacciano di colpire le raffinerie e i giacimenti di gas israeliani se lo Stato ebraico attaccasse l'Iran.
Lo annunciano le stesse Guardie della rivoluzione citate dal Teheran Times.



mediocrità strategica
However, in case the conflict escalates to Iranian proxies targeting oil infrastructure in Iran's Middle Eastern neighbors, or if Iran moves to block or restrict oil cargo traffic in the Strait of Hormuz, oil prices could spike to triple digits and record highs, analysts say.
But most watchers and experts see the mother of all oil shocks – a closure of the Strait of Hormuz – the world's most important chokepoint for oil trade handling about 20 million barrels per day (bpd) – as a low probability event.



mediocrità strategica
Secondo queste stime del Jerusalem Post il recente attacco missilistico iraniano è costato circa 200 milioni di dollari e la difesa israeliana circa 450 milioni di dollari.


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