Situazione Ucraina

Liberi da che cosa o da chi ?

Siamo stati, in modo pervicace e ostinato, prima conquistati, smembrati, genuflessi, e successivamente sventrati, umiliati e occupati...da 80 anni parodia e surrogato di una congrega di potenze straniere usurpatrici, mafiose e terroriste !

Le quali adesso col propugnato e recondito lato nascosto Nazifascista che ammanta, imbratta e adombra gli stolti e i corrotti, cercano, attraverso i loro poveracci emissari "ukraini", una nuova cieca guerra per procura contro il proprio, unico e vero obbiettivo da centinaia d'anni...

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Le forze armate ucraine
sono state costrette a ritirare i carri armati Abrams dal campo di battaglia a causa della loro vulnerabilità ai droni russi.

I droni infatti tracciano i movimenti dei veicoli corazzati e li attaccano

La notizia è stata confermata da un deputato della Verkhovna Rada, Maksym Buzhansky:

“La natura della guerra è cambiata e i veicoli corazzati del valore di milioni
diventano facile preda di un drone che costa poche migliaia di dollari”.

Kiev aveva convinto gli Stati Uniti a fornire 31 carri armati nel gennaio 2023 al costo di 10 milioni di dollari ciascuno,
perché considerati vitali per la possibilità di sfondare la linea del fronte russo.

Ma da allora, cinque Abrams sono già stati persi in guerra.

L’ammiraglio Christopher Watson Grady, vice presidente del Joint Chiefs of Staff degli Stati Uniti,
ha reso noto che le forze armate statunitensi e ucraine
stanno lavorando insieme per trovare un modo per utilizzare i carri armati Abrams “in un ambiente cambiato”
Russia's economy is so resilient, it risks overheating

Russia's government touted robust domestic demand in boosting its 2024 growth forecast on Tuesday. While some might be tempted to dismiss the move as geopolitical bravado in the face of the US stepping up Ukraine aid, Russian economic strength is real.

Let's compare the post from earlier with the economy of our greatest foe, the terrible, backwards Russia.

In fact, Moscow's new 2.8% GDP projection weighs in under the IMF's latest (also upgraded) forecast, of 3.2%, released last week.

The Russian government and Central Bank continuously understate its growth and expectations. Unlike with us, where we expect higher growth than happens in reality, Russia's expectations keep being exceeded.

Again it might be tempting to put this resilience down to a massive defense build-up. But the Washington-based IMF had much the same assessment as President Vladimir Putin's team: a strong job market and swift wage rises are helping to power consumer spending. The fund even cautioned "there are some signs of overheating," with unemployment at a record low.

Indeed it might be tempting and many will say it regardless of reality. Wage rises and unemployment at record low. That sure doesn't sound like a struggling country.

The IMF sees growth slowing to 1.8% next year, and cautioned that Russia's potential growth rate has dropped to around 1.25% from 1.7% before the war.

Russia's growth "potential" is irrelevant when it exceeds it. What does it even mean? How can the potential be lower than what's actually happening?

But for now, Russia's chugging right along.

Indeed it is, while leaving Western economies in its back mirror. Many people warned about this, including myself (not that I think my opinions matter, but still). The trade war with China Donald Trump started, the never-ending sanctioning of everyone, the weaponizing of our currency and the SWIFT system, they were all horrible decisions. And now Congress is thinking of making the worst decision yet: stealing Russian assets. The constant sanctions are pushing all our "enemies" to work closer together. Russia and China announced already they completely abandoned the USD in mutual trade and it's only the beginning, more countries will follow inevitably, especially if we really do decide to "confiscate" Russian assets.

So here we are, more than two years after we went to proxy war against Russia and we are losing on all fronts - the real and the figurative ones alike. What's next? The Ukrainian project failed, the Middle-Eastern situation isn't any better and we're doing everything we can to provoke China and North Korea as well. We can't afford another war - proxy or otherwise. Our economy is highly resilient due to the USD being the reserve currency and the primary means of payment in international trade. But there too we're undermining it with our actions. I often repeat myself, but what else can I do? So I will repeat myself again: somewhere out there is a straw that will break our back. We currently aren't offloading straws, we are taking more and more on, at an increasing rate.

Now, many domestically put all their hopes into the November elections.
I already said why that is naive in this post. Our only hope is a sharp, and drastic, change of trajectory. Unless that's done, the US will not survive this century. Another way it can be dealt with, hypothetically, is to go to war and win. Some commentators think that's exactly what the "elites" are planning, but I doubt it, as it doesn't benefit them personally and is very risky. Also, winning a major armed conflict is currently a dubious proposition for the US at best. There is no real industrial base, in fact a lot of our production happens in the country we consider to be our greatest threat - China. If they decide to turn that tap off, we're done. Everything from steel to medicine is being produced there. Getting our industry back into a position of strength would take decades and currently, no one even considers starting the process.

Join The American Majority!
Un cecchino russo originario di Novaya Kakhovka, nella regione di Kherson, ha raccontato di come ha eliminato diversi mercenari neri dagli Stati Uniti durante la cattura della centrale termoelettrica di Svetlodar. “Durante la cattura della centrale termoelettrica di Svetlodar, come attraverso un mirino ottico, ho notato volti che, per così dire, non erano di origine ucraina, perché erano neri. Per essere precisi, non sono gli indigeni dell’Ucraina. Mentre ci avvicinavamo a loro, era già chiaro che erano americani. Afroamericani. Secondo la presenza di documenti", ha detto un cecchino russo con il nominativo "Smoke". Dopo che il cecchino russo ha eliminato i mercenari con un fucile di precisione, i loro corpi sono stati sfigurati dai militari ucraini che si trovavano accanto ai mercenari. - I pacchi per la capanna sono pronti, materassi, prendili)))
discorso di Larry Jonhson al consiglio di sicurezza ONU. c'è anche il discorso dal vivo. da pensarci su quanto dice. è un personaggio che ha visto è vissuto lo spionaggio da dentro
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