Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
  • 20k

    Votes: 8 5,4%
  • 30k

    Votes: 3 2,0%
  • 50k

    Votes: 39 26,2%
  • 75k

    Votes: 6 4,0%
  • 100k

    Votes: 18 12,1%
  • 150k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 200k

    Votes: 13 8,7%
  • 300k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 500k+

    Votes: 9 6,0%

  • Total voters
SNSSNS 6.625 05/18 6.50/8.00 XS0363514893 41M LT2 SNS BANK NEDERLAND
SNSSNS 6.250 10/20 6.50/8.00 XS0552743048 262M LT2 SNS BANK NV

SNSSNS 6.258 P-17 2.00/3.50 XS0310904155 250M T1 SNS REAAL GROEP NV
SNSSNS 11.25 P-19 2.00/3.50 XS0468954523 320M T1 SNS BANK NV

Guaranteed delivery through Euroclear or other clearing system. As of
1 February 2013, SNS subordinated bond ISIN codes no longer represent the
relevant subordinated bond but only represent the entitlement to a
possible compensation by the Dutch State, which may be an amount equal
to zero ("SNS ISINs"). All trades on SNS ISINs are traded flat of accrued.
In respect of any trades on SNS ISINS, all rights and distributions from
and including trade date shall pass to buyer regardless of whether the
Euroclear record date reflects seller as owner of such SNS ISINs following
the relevant trade date.
If the Dutch State or the relevant SNS estate or entity sets a claims
registry date prior to the relevant trade date/settlement date, the fall back
shall be that any subpart/turnover agreement as well as any rights and
distributions arising from the claim attached to the SNS ISINs shall pass to
SNSSNS 6.625 05/18 6.50/8.00 XS0363514893 41M LT2 SNS BANK NEDERLAND
SNSSNS 6.250 10/20 6.50/8.00 XS0552743048 262M LT2 SNS BANK NV

SNSSNS 6.258 P-17 2.00/3.50 XS0310904155 250M T1 SNS REAAL GROEP NV
SNSSNS 11.25 P-19 2.00/3.50 XS0468954523 320M T1 SNS BANK NV

Guaranteed delivery through Euroclear or other clearing system. As of
1 February 2013, SNS subordinated bond ISIN codes no longer represent the
relevant subordinated bond but only represent the entitlement to a
possible compensation by the Dutch State, which may be an amount equal
to zero ("SNS ISINs"). All trades on SNS ISINs are traded flat of accrued.
In respect of any trades on SNS ISINS, all rights and distributions from
and including trade date shall pass to buyer regardless of whether the
Euroclear record date reflects seller as owner of such SNS ISINs following
the relevant trade date.
If the Dutch State or the relevant SNS estate or entity sets a claims
registry date prior to the relevant trade date/settlement date, the fall back
shall be that any subpart/turnover agreement as well as any rights and
distributions arising from the claim attached to the SNS ISINs shall pass to

Chiusa direi, a questo punto, la questione della data valuta.

Guaranteed delivery through Euroclear or other clearing system. As of
1 February 2013, SNS subordinated bond ISIN codes no longer represent the
relevant subordinated bond but only represent the entitlement to a
possible compensation by the Dutch State, which may be an amount equal
to zero ("SNS ISINs"). All trades on SNS ISINs are traded flat of accrued.
In respect of any trades on SNS ISINS, all rights and distributions from
and including trade date shall pass to buyer regardless of whether the
Euroclear record date reflects seller as owner of such SNS ISINs following
the relevant trade date.
If the Dutch State or the relevant SNS estate or entity sets a claims
registry date prior to the relevant trade date/settlement date, the fall back
shall be that any subpart/turnover agreement as well as any rights and
distributions arising from the claim attached to the SNS ISINs shall pass to

sono un po' basito dal punto di vista di principio:
se ti espropriano un bene, come si può cedere lo stesso?!?!
mi sembra assurdo affermare "bene" = "diritto di risarcimento"

ma occorre essere pragmatici ... and live in the jungle
sono un po' basito dal punto di vista di principio:
se ti espropriano un bene, come si può cedere lo stesso?!?!
mi sembra assurdo affermare "bene" = "diritto di risarcimento"

ma occorre essere pragmatici ... and live in the jungle

Adesso è un diritto alla compensazione,puoi vendere e comprare

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