Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
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    Votes: 8 5,4%
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    Votes: 3 2,0%
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    Votes: 39 26,2%
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    Votes: 6 4,0%
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    Votes: 18 12,1%
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    Votes: 17 11,4%
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    Votes: 13 8,7%
  • 300k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
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    Votes: 9 6,0%

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Anche lo Spiegel vuole la testa di JD

False Start: Is the New Euro Group Head Up to the Task?

Euro Group Head Jeroen Dijsselbloem Under Fire for Cyprus Comment - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Ma perche' anche in un articolo in cui si dice testualmente:" Dopo tutto, il passo falso nel colloquio non è stato il primo errore che Dijsselbloem aveva fatto nelle ultime settimane." non si cita il caso SNS come minimo a testimonianza dell'arroganza di questo tizio ??? Sembra che quanto accaduto in Olanda il 1 di febbraio sia una nostra invenzione !!!!
Mi spiegate perché il pirlotto al posto di espropriare le nostre obbligazioni non ha espropriato i conti correnti del 40% ai correntisti sns come ha fatto con Cipro?????
Mi sto leggendo la lettera al parlamento olandese del nostro eroe che si puo' trovare sul sito di Bink, ve la allego, e' istruttiva per capire dove potremmo andare a finire se prevalesse la sua "visione" vi cito alcune "perle"che gia' avete sentito:

Also, I want all private parties, senior bond holders included, to be made liable to foot as much of the bill as possible: the Netherlands will press this case in the negotiations on the harmonisation of resolution frameworks in Europe.


e questa:

Expropriation of shares and subordinated creditors:

Furthermore, the expropriation extends to both shares and subordinated creditors. This is in line with recent cases of State support in Europe, where subordinated creditors bore their share of the loss. The holders of such debt instruments receive relatively high remuneration, with the downside of running added risk. This is reflected in the ratings and market prices of such instruments. The contribution of the subordinated creditors reduces the institution's deficit by circa €1 billion.
This constitutes a clear departure from 2008, when private parties contributed far less. This way, parties that have knowingly opted to lend money with higher risk to SNS REAAL and SNS Bank foot their share of the bill.
Anche in questo estratto, dove ipotizza l'esproprio dei depositi e dei bond senior, cosa che hanno fatto dopo a Cipro.

Theoretically, even more creditors of SNS REAAL and SNS Bank might have been expropriated, that is, creditors on an equal footing with depositors: the ordinary creditors. This includes uncovered bank bonds, also known as 'senior bonds'. This option was dropped, however, because of expected adverse effects on financial stability.
La Francia ha uno spread sotto 80 (niente).
Ha goduto in pieno dell'effetto "tedesco".
Chi pensa che un giorno si aggiunga agli "straccioni" si sbaglia.

Oggi a Depardieu a Parigi hanno rubato lo scooter.
lo scooter sarà contento e sollevato, forse adesso lo guiderà un giovane sotto il quintale
E' inutile studiarsi i prospetti per D.J. sono carta straccia

I might add that there are European plans to introduce a mechanism by which, in the future, senior creditors will be involved in salvaging a bank.12 Under this mechanism, part of creditors' positions will be converted into shares if the contributions of shareholders and subordinated creditors of a systemic bank should still leave a capital deficit.
Per un uomo con tante "certezze" come DJ c'e' l'incertezza della compensazione agli espropriati

The expropriation of subordinated creditors (section 3.1) will contribute €1 billion to the recapitalisation of SNS REAAL and SNS Bank. The expropriation will not cost the State anything, given that the subordinated creditors will receive compensation of €0. The expropriated parties can appeal to the Enterprise Chamber of the Court of Appeal, which means there is a risk of the amount of €0 being revised upwards. Based on the analyses by my advisers, I see absolutely no reason at this stage to assume that the Enterprise Chamber will revise the compensation upwards.

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