Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti (1 Viewer)

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
  • 20k

    Votes: 8 5,4%
  • 30k

    Votes: 3 2,0%
  • 50k

    Votes: 39 26,2%
  • 75k

    Votes: 6 4,0%
  • 100k

    Votes: 18 12,1%
  • 150k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 200k

    Votes: 13 8,7%
  • 300k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 500k+

    Votes: 9 6,0%

  • Total voters


Forumer storico
Arrivata email anche a me... non si capisce Isin ma penso sia Obbligazioni 6.25% SNS Bank 2010-20 Bourse de Luxembourg XS0552743048


Nuovo forumer


Forumer storico
The overall value will be transferred to the account in respect of which the custodian has confirmed this application. This payment will be made through Euroclear Bank SA/NV and Clearstream


Forumer storico
you have any questions regarding this decision, you should contact the help desk using the contact form on compensationsns.nl or by calling +31 (0)88 792 5000 (weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm CET)

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