FTSE Mib Futures solo fib fatto "ad quazzum" 2010, parte seconda. (2 lettori)


Tutti pazzi x Pazzini
Reuters - 03/05/2010 12:47:16

3 maggio (Reuters) - Qui sotto una sintesi in inglese delle misure di austerità annunciante ieri dalla Grecia quale parte dell'accordo di salvataggio stretto con Ue e Fmi. (news)
Nel piano si prevede tra l'altro una riduzione del rapporto deficit/pil dal 13,6% del 2009 all'8,1% quest'anno, al 7,6% nel 2011 e 2,6% nel 2014.

Il rapporto debito/pil è previsto al massimo del 149% nel 2013 e poi al 144% nel 2014.

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
DP -4.0 -2.6 1.1 2.1 2.1
DEFICIT (pct of GDP) -8.1 -7.6 -6.5 -4.9 -2.6
DEBT (pct of GDP) 133.3 145.1 148.6 149.1 144.3
Source: Greek finance ministry document
- Public sector pay freeze extended until 2014.

- Christmas, Easter and summer holiday bonuses in the public sector, also known as 13th and 14th salaries, are abolished for those earning above 3,000 euros a month and will be capped at 1,000 euros for those earning less. These bonus salaries had already been cut by 30 percent under a previous set of austerity measures announced in March.

- Public sector allowances to be cut by an additional 8 percent. These allowances, which account for a significant part of civil servants' overall income, were already cut by 12 percent under the latest round of austerity measures announced in March.

- The main VAT rate is increased by 2 percentage points to 23 percent. It had already been raised to 21 percent from 19 percent in March.

- Excise taxes on fuel, cigarettes and alcohol are increased by a further 10 percent.

- The government expects to generate additional revenues through another one-off tax on highly profitable companies, as well as new gambling and gaming licences, more property taxes and green taxes.

- The government said it will revise laws which currently bar companies from firing more than 2 percent of their total work force each month. Other changes will be made regarding severance payments. A new minimum wage will be introduced, applying to the young and the long-term unemployed.

- Liberalisation in the energy, transport markets and opening up of closed professions.

- The retirement age, currently 65 years for men and 60 years for women, will be linked to average life expectancy.

- Minimum contribution period to qualify for full pension will be gradually increased to 40 years from 37 years by 2015.

- Early retirement will be curtailed, with a view to banning any retirement below 60.

- Pensions will be cut, to reflect a pensioner's average pay over the entire working life rather than his or her final salary level.

The Greek government is extending a bank assistance package to provide 17 billion euros in liquidity to the sector and will also set up, in consultation with the IMF, European Commission and ECB, an independent Financial Stability Fund to provide equity support to banks as needed.


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Forumer storico
i petrolieri sono la rovina del mondo...:-o

buongiorno (si fa per dire)...a tutti...;)

e un augurio alla lazio di finire in B...
forza Atalanta!!!!!
scherzo eh...Pazzo e Casti non mi insultate....


Sempre. Comunque.
faccio il tifo per il long, così carichiamo lo short del settimanale


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