Tempo a Milano - Cap. 2

Petrolio: Barkindo (Opec), vitale cooperazione con paesi non-Opec

(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) - Roma, 07 nov - Il segretario generale dell'Opec ha definito "vitale" la collaborazione tra paesi Opec e non per contenere la sovrabbondanza dell'offerta e aumentare il prezzo del petrolio. "E' vitale che i paesi Opec e non si riuniscano e prendano misure coordinate per riequilibrare il mercato nell'interesse comune", ha detto Mohamed Barkindo aprendo una conferenza internazionale sul petrolio ad Abou Dhabi

L'accordo di settembre "ha chiarito l'impegno del cartello a favore della stabilita' dei mercati petroliferi", ha ricordato Barkindo, indicando ai giornalisti che la Russia sostiene l'intesa di Algeri. "Restiamo ancorati all'accordo di Algeri", aggiungendo di aver "sentito dire alti livelli di Mosca che la Russia e' con l'Opec".


(RADIOCOR) 07-11-16


basta tradare queste fuffe che salgono e scendono dentro un laterale

la regola aurea è FLAT

France 40(5 Heures)20161107160812.png
un'altra ottima maniera è seguire i LARGE che da mesi LONG Cocoa in un rapporto di 2:1 rispetto agli short...

come si dice in giro?

segui quello che fanno gli smart money...



leggetelo tutto

Hitting Rock Bottom

è un'analisi spietata di come si vive davvero in USA oggi

cosa succede quando si è malati e si ha bisogno di cure

questa è la parte più impressionante

"And I will make it personal: My wife died 10 years ago from brain cancer. Doctors couldn’t save her and there is nobody to blame, it is a nasty disease. In our case: We had good health insurance, but still I was left with huge out of pocket expenses thanks to co-payments, deductibles, etc. My bills amounted into the tens of thousands of dollars. Her entire medical treatments amounted to over $500K. “Sorry your wife is dead, but you still owe us $50K, pay up or we sue you”. Nice. Europeans are horrified when they hear stories such as this.

And just as insane: Medical bills continue to be the largest source of bankruptcies in the US.

Fast forward 10 years. Obamacare was supposed to help on many fronts, but it really hasn’t. Not because the intentions weren’t there, but because Americans seem stuck with a political system that can’t develop good, practical solutions for society at large. Rather, at its best, it produces solutions focused on symptoms, but not root causes. Instead we get patch up solutions for public political consumption, but nothing that solves the substance of a problem.

Case in point: About 2 months ago I saw a Facebook post done on behalf of a friend of mine. Gofundme was the plea. Her insurance wouldn’t cover her treatment for a recurring breast cancer and doctors wouldn’t start the treatment unless the full payment was secured in a advance. Really? Really. She was gainfully employed, had a full time, well paying job. But guess what? It wasn’t enough although hundreds of people donated.

This last week she died. She was 38 years old. She died not getting access to a treatment that may or may not have saved her life. She died having to hustle folks for funds to just have a chance to get access to another treatment option and she died while worrying about being financially ruined by her illness. Just horrid.

Is this the society we want? People forced to beg friends on gofundme for help so they can get access to medical treatment? Is this the society we are? Is this truly the best we can do?

America has some of the most brilliant medical doctors and hospitals, but it has the financially crappiest “health care” system of the developed world. It’s awful. And frankly it is embarrassing and all Americans should demand better solutions from the people wanting the jobs of “leaders”.

gli USA scelgono di trasferirsi in SUD - AMERICA

come in Argentina la MOGLIE DEL PRESIDENTE diventa presidente

così in USA

oggi è un giorno storico


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