Princeps thermarum
La Corte dei Conti Europea critica la CE per l'applicazione selettiva delle regole fiscali agli stati-membri, citando fra gli altri i casi della flessibilità accordata a Italia e Francia l'anno passato.
The Commission "is not applying the procedure in a consistent manner," EU auditors said in a report, adding that the EU executive has also been not effective in collecting reliable data from EU countries and pushing them to carry out necessary structural reforms.
The European Commission rejected this criticism, saying it was treating EU countries in an equal manner.
The auditors said the Commission used "a high degree of flexibility and discretion" for Italy and France in 2015, deciding not to open an EDP against Italy despite a "prima facie" breach of the debt rule, while allowing France more time to bring its deficit below 3 percent in spite of data showing the procedure should have been made tougher.
EU Commission is not consistent in applying fiscal rules - auditors
The Commission "is not applying the procedure in a consistent manner," EU auditors said in a report, adding that the EU executive has also been not effective in collecting reliable data from EU countries and pushing them to carry out necessary structural reforms.
The European Commission rejected this criticism, saying it was treating EU countries in an equal manner.
The auditors said the Commission used "a high degree of flexibility and discretion" for Italy and France in 2015, deciding not to open an EDP against Italy despite a "prima facie" breach of the debt rule, while allowing France more time to bring its deficit below 3 percent in spite of data showing the procedure should have been made tougher.
EU Commission is not consistent in applying fiscal rules - auditors