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lupo si lupo no
sella mi da
eureko 714 91 92
erste 152 71.3 74.5
rbz 862 82 87
ho una mezza idea di comprare qualcosa chi vede una lettera piu' umana? grazie


BAWAG fan club
Anglo Irish Creditor Group Plans to Decline Subordinated Debt-Swap Offer
Anglo Irish this month offered to exchange 1.6 billion euros ($2.2 billion) of subordinated debt for new bonds at 20 cents on the euro to generate capital. The group of noteholders, which hold about 690 million euros of lower Tier 2 debt, plan to vote against the offer, Houlihan Lokey said in an e-mailed statement late yesterday.
il resto qui: Anglo Irish Creditor Group Plans to Reject `Strong-Arm' Debt-Exchange Deal - Bloomberg

adesso ci divertiamo


BAWAG fan club
Anglo Irish Creditor Group Plans to Decline Subordinated Debt-Swap Offer
Anglo Irish this month offered to exchange 1.6 billion euros ($2.2 billion) of subordinated debt for new bonds at 20 cents on the euro to generate capital. The group of noteholders, which hold about 690 million euros of lower Tier 2 debt, plan to vote against the offer, Houlihan Lokey said in an e-mailed statement late yesterday.
il resto qui: Anglo Irish Creditor Group Plans to Reject `Strong-Arm' Debt-Exchange Deal - Bloomberg

"The bondholder meetings to approve the exchange must have a minimum attendance of holders of 66 percent of the notes, 75 percent of whom must agree to the changes, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co., which is managing the offer. "

non eravano arrivati ad una conclusione diversa? non ricordo
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