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BAWAG fan club
Ciao Mais....non era poi male il consiglio di 2 settimane fà di parcheggiare la liquidità sui BTPI 41 a 85......oggi a esco....con una tranche

Ciao Vet...col senno di poi sicuramente un BTPI 41 non e' mai un parcheggio per la liquidita'...pensa a quelli che l'hanno "parcheggiata" a 100


Forumer storico
baca w70 55 -55.5
lodi 90 - 91
ing 127 59.5 - 59.75
isp663 96-96.5

prezzi sella
sns 155 70 73
sns 482 74,5 80 ??
bancaja 778 56 61
rbz 862 79 86
bes 854 46 49 non se move
oevag 643 56 60
bp 290 77 79
Gold sac lt2 87 10 89 30
sns 040 lt2 83.50 84.9
baca k8 53 57
ntw 221 lt2 95 10 96 90
mq 768 lt2 95 10 96 90

Grazie per i prezzi , mi confermate BP 373 e ISP 506 sempre sopra le sorelle di 1,5 circa ??


100% perpetual
mercato impostato bene oggi...

confermo bp +1 rispetto a venerdì..

sembra anche ba-ca +1 si iniziano a vedere denari a 55/55,5 per entrambe le emissioni


Bos 4 Mod
Risultati OPA COBA

January 21, 2011

Commerzbank finalises measure to optimise its capital structure

Today, as a step in its capital management, Commerzbank's Board of Managing Directors, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, has completed the capital measure announced on January 13, 2011. In these transactions, Commerzbank's subscribed capital will be increased by 10% less one share (118,135,291 shares) by means of a contribution in kind using the Bank's authorised capital; shareholders' pre-emptive rights were excluded. The new shares are fully underwritten by Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited ('Credit Suisse') against the contribution of the hybrid equity instruments (Trust Preferred Securities) issued by companies in the Commerzbank group and identified below. The new shares were placed with institutional investors by a syndicate of banks comprising Credit Suisse, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and UBS on January 13, 2011. The registration of the capital increase in the commercial register is expected soon.
Credit Suisse will contribute the following Trust Preferred Securities in kind to Commerzbank:

  • Commerzbank Capital Funding Trust I (ISIN DE000A0GPYR7) in an aggregate nominal value of
    EUR 355,300,000
  • Commerzbank Capital Funding Trust II (ISIN XS0248611047) in an aggregate nominal value of
    GBP 283,250,000
  • Commerzbank Capital Funding Trust III (ISIN DE000CK45783) in an aggregate nominal value of
    EUR 43,315,000
  • Eurohypo Capital Funding Trust I (ISIN XS0169058012) in an aggregate nominal value of
    EUR 96,338,000
  • Eurohypo Capital Funding Trust II (ISIN DE000A0DZJZ7) in an aggregate nominal value of
    EUR 79,904,000
The German Financial Market Stabilisation Fund (SoFFin) intends to continue to maintain its equity interest ratio in Commerzbank (25% plus one share). For this purpose, a corresponding portion of the silent participations held by SoFFin is intended to be converted into shares, using the conditional capital authorized in the 2009 Annual General Meeting of shareholders.
This transaction marks an important step in optimising Commerzbank's capital structure. The transaction will have a one-off positive effect of more than EUR 300 million on the pre-tax result of Commerzbank pursuant to IFRS; it will not have any noticeable impact on the Bank's Tier 1 capital ratio, but it will result in an increase of Core Tier 1 capital.


Prezzi IW di poco fa:

Aegon NL0000121416 62.5-64.5
BPCE FR0010814558 99.8-100.5
Lodi XS0223454512 91-91.5
BACA DE000A0DYW70 55-55.5
Commercio Industria XS0131512450 97-98
Bawag XS0119643897 68.25-70.25
KBC BE0934378747 85-85.5



Forumer storico
By Dara Doyle
Jan. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Holders of Irish subordinated bank
debt may face increased risks after upcoming national elections,
said Bill Blain, an analyst at Newedge Group, a joint-venture
brokerage between Societe Generale SA and Credit Agricole SA’s
corporate and investment bank.
“Any new government will remain keen to ensure burden
sharing is seen to be happening, with a clear danger sub bond
holders could still be put through coercive exchanges,” Blain
said in a note today. “Senior debt looks safer.”


Forumer storico
Ciao Vet...col senno di poi sicuramente un BTPI 41 non e' mai un parcheggio per la liquidita'...pensa a quelli che l'hanno "parcheggiata" a 100

Io l'ho fatto.......è questa è andata bene ...con la convinzione che a 85 due settimane fà erano in OFFERTA..PREMIO.....poi chi le ha prese a 100 o 105.....non mi interessa molto.....e naturalmente ciò non toglie che possano tornare a 85 o meno in futuro....o più di 100.....
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