Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (13 lettori)

Keller Zabel

Il denaro non è la realtà, sembra ma non lo è.
No, è tutto bloccato per appecoronamento trumpiano dell'ETLX. Data riammissione sconosciuta. Forse qualche utente che ha investito di più e che giustamente ha iniziato ad agitarsi con qualche legale notando l'illegalità del "sequestro" (che ho fatto? che c'entro?) un giorno potrà condividere col thread la propria vision.

Onestamente non trovo giustificabile il blocco delle operazioni da parte del TLX. È chiaro che rientra in una determinata strategia, però secondo me è un atto contro la tutela degli investitori. E secondo me non deve durare a lungo.


... o li condanneranno per Corruzione Spirituale, come la giudice Maria Afiuni e non è un pesce di aprile.

— José AMALIO Graterol (@JoseAGraterol) March 21, 2019

Condenada a 5 años la jueza @mariafiuni la fiscalía objetó que no se pudo comprobar NINGÚN DELITO,es deci,absolutoria ,y el juez tan sangano la condenó por CORRUPCIÓN ESPIRITUAL,así como usted lo lee,ESPIRITUAL

direi che in tal caso scatterebbe l'immunità per i membri AN e quindi l'arresto effettuato sarebbe illegittimo


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March 22, 2019 / 7:52 PM / Updated 10 minutes ago
U.S. blacklists Venezuela bank Bandes after arrest of Guaido aide
Lesley Wroughton

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s development bank, Bandes, a day after the Trump administration warned there would be consequences for the arrest by Venezuelan authorities of opposition leader Juan Guaido’s top aide.

The U.S. Treasury said on Friday it was slapping the sanctions on Banco de Desarrollo Economico y Social de Venezuela, including its subsidiaries in Uruguay and Bolivia.

Congress head Guaido, who invoked the constitution to assume the interim presidency in January, has accused Bandes of being used by President Nicolas Maduro’s government to funnel money outside Venezuela.

The White House said in a statement it was committed to preventing Maduro’s government from stealing Venezuela’s resources and from arresting those pushing for political change.

Venezuela’s information ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Guaido’s chief of staff, Roberto Marrero, was detained in a pre-dawn raid on Thursday, sparking vows of reprisals from the United States, which along with most Western countries backs Guaido as Venezuela’s rightful leader.

“The United States will not tolerate the arrest of peaceful democratic actors, including members of the democratically-elected Venezuelan National Assembly and those Venezuelans working with interim President Juan Guaido,” the White House said in a statement.

The U.S. Treasury said Maduro tried to move $1 billion out of Venezuela through Banco Bandes Uruguay in early 2019 as he came under increasing pressure from the United States and other countries in the region to step down.

Bandes has received billions of dollars over the past decade from the China Development Bank, in exchange for oil, which the Venezuelan government used to fund infrastructure projects.

Uruguay has stayed neutral on Venezuela’s political crisis and has called for dialogue, while China, Russia and regional ally Cuba have backed Maduro.

But the sanctions on Bandes could test Beijing’s ties with Caracas, since it would impede Venezuela from restructuring its $20 billion debt with China, opposition lawmaker Angel Alvarado said on Friday.

“That makes it even less likely that China will step in to save Maduro,” Alvarado wrote on Twitter. Guaido and his allies have repeatedly argued that China and Russia are more likely to collect on their loans to Venezuela with Maduro out of office.

The sanctions freeze assets belonging to the bank and its subsidiaries, and prevent U.S. citizens from any dealings with Bandes. They follow a raft of other sanctions imposed by the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump in recent months against Maduro, top government officials, and state oil firm PDVSA.

Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton tweeted: “BANDES bank is to Venezuela’s financial sector what PDVSA is to its oil sector. This action will severely affect any attempted currency movements by Maduro and his cronies moving forward. Do not test the resolve of this Administration.”

Maduro’s government accuses Washington of waging a “economic war” to force them from power and has said that the sanctions only harm regular Venezuelans.

The United States also on Friday imposed sanctions on other state-owned Venezuelan banks, including Banco de Venezuela and Banco Bicentenario. It said that Visa, Mastercard and American Express would be prohibited from facilitating transactions involving those banks, beginning in March 2020

Carla Angola‏ @carlaangola 4 h4 ore fa

Así como nos lo dijo esta mañana un alto funcionario de los Estados Unidos, la administración de @realDonaldTrump sanciona al Bandes de Venezuela, filiales y todo el sistema financiero del régimen de Maduro, por el arresto de @ROBERTOMARRERO Jefe de Gabinete de @jguaido



March 22, 2019 / 7:52 PM / Updated 10 minutes ago
U.S. blacklists Venezuela bank Bandes after arrest of Guaido aide
Lesley Wroughton

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s development bank, Bandes, a day after the Trump administration warned there would be consequences for the arrest by Venezuelan authorities of opposition leader Juan Guaido’s top aide.

The U.S. Treasury said on Friday it was slapping the sanctions on Banco de Desarrollo Economico y Social de Venezuela, including its subsidiaries in Uruguay and Bolivia.

Congress head Guaido, who invoked the constitution to assume the interim presidency in January, has accused Bandes of being used by President Nicolas Maduro’s government to funnel money outside Venezuela.

The White House said in a statement it was committed to preventing Maduro’s government from stealing Venezuela’s resources and from arresting those pushing for political change.

Venezuela’s information ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Guaido’s chief of staff, Roberto Marrero, was detained in a pre-dawn raid on Thursday, sparking vows of reprisals from the United States, which along with most Western countries backs Guaido as Venezuela’s rightful leader.

“The United States will not tolerate the arrest of peaceful democratic actors, including members of the democratically-elected Venezuelan National Assembly and those Venezuelans working with interim President Juan Guaido,” the White House said in a statement.

The U.S. Treasury said Maduro tried to move $1 billion out of Venezuela through Banco Bandes Uruguay in early 2019 as he came under increasing pressure from the United States and other countries in the region to step down.

Bandes has received billions of dollars over the past decade from the China Development Bank, in exchange for oil, which the Venezuelan government used to fund infrastructure projects.

Uruguay has stayed neutral on Venezuela’s political crisis and has called for dialogue, while China, Russia and regional ally Cuba have backed Maduro.

But the sanctions on Bandes could test Beijing’s ties with Caracas, since it would impede Venezuela from restructuring its $20 billion debt with China, opposition lawmaker Angel Alvarado said on Friday.

“That makes it even less likely that China will step in to save Maduro,” Alvarado wrote on Twitter. Guaido and his allies have repeatedly argued that China and Russia are more likely to collect on their loans to Venezuela with Maduro out of office.

The sanctions freeze assets belonging to the bank and its subsidiaries, and prevent U.S. citizens from any dealings with Bandes. They follow a raft of other sanctions imposed by the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump in recent months against Maduro, top government officials, and state oil firm PDVSA.

Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton tweeted: “BANDES bank is to Venezuela’s financial sector what PDVSA is to its oil sector. This action will severely affect any attempted currency movements by Maduro and his cronies moving forward. Do not test the resolve of this Administration.”

Maduro’s government accuses Washington of waging a “economic war” to force them from power and has said that the sanctions only harm regular Venezuelans.

The United States also on Friday imposed sanctions on other state-owned Venezuelan banks, including Banco de Venezuela and Banco Bicentenario. It said that Visa, Mastercard and American Express would be prohibited from facilitating transactions involving those banks, beginning in March 2020

Carla Angola‏ @carlaangola 4 h4 ore fa

Así como nos lo dijo esta mañana un alto funcionario de los Estados Unidos, la administración de @realDonaldTrump sanciona al Bandes de Venezuela, filiales y todo el sistema financiero del régimen de Maduro, por el arresto de @ROBERTOMARRERO Jefe de Gabinete de @jguaido

Usa-Iran: Washington impone nuove sanzioni contro Teheran
Washington, 22 mar 19:31 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il dipartimento del Tesoro Usa ha imposto nuove sanzioni contro l’Iran ponendo restrizioni contro 14 persone e 17 entità legate alla Spnd, l'organizzazione iraniana per la difesa, l'innovazione e la ricerca. Lo riferisce un comunicato stampa del dipartimento del Tesoro. "La nostra massima campagna di pressione sull’Iran continua con le sanzioni odierne sugli obiettivi coinvolti nel programma nucleare del regime, compresi ex scienziati coinvolti nella realizzazione di armi nucleari. Non risparmieremo sforzi per impedire all'Iran la capacità di contribuire alla proliferazione delle armi di distruzione di massa e di tutte le attività fuorilegge", ha dichiarato il segretario di Stato Usa, Mike Pompeo, in un messaggio su Twitter. Le persone e le entità sottoposte a sanzioni sono collegati all'Organizzazione di ricerca e innovazione difensiva dell'Iran (nota con il suo acronimo persiano Spnd), un'entità costituita da Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, l’ex responsabile del programma di armi nucleari iraniano. In base all’ordine esecutivo 13382, queste sanzioni colpiscono i sostenitori della proliferazione delle armi di distruzione di massa. Oltre al blocco di qualsiasi attività degli Stati Uniti, alle entità sottoposte a sanzioni verrà negato l'accesso al sistema finanziario statunitense.

© Agenzia Nova - Riproduzione riservata

bah che dire ? questo Trump oltre che mettere sanzioni a mezzo mondo altro non sa fare

e tra poco gli va in recessione l'economia .....un vero "genio" (?)

daniele macagnino

Nuovo forumer
Usa-Iran: Washington impone nuove sanzioni contro Teheran
Washington, 22 mar 19:31 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il dipartimento del Tesoro Usa ha imposto nuove sanzioni contro l’Iran ponendo restrizioni contro 14 persone e 17 entità legate alla Spnd, l'organizzazione iraniana per la difesa, l'innovazione e la ricerca. Lo riferisce un comunicato stampa del dipartimento del Tesoro. "La nostra massima campagna di pressione sull’Iran continua con le sanzioni odierne sugli obiettivi coinvolti nel programma nucleare del regime, compresi ex scienziati coinvolti nella realizzazione di armi nucleari. Non risparmieremo sforzi per impedire all'Iran la capacità di contribuire alla proliferazione delle armi di distruzione di massa e di tutte le attività fuorilegge", ha dichiarato il segretario di Stato Usa, Mike Pompeo, in un messaggio su Twitter. Le persone e le entità sottoposte a sanzioni sono collegati all'Organizzazione di ricerca e innovazione difensiva dell'Iran (nota con il suo acronimo persiano Spnd), un'entità costituita da Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, l’ex responsabile del programma di armi nucleari iraniano. In base all’ordine esecutivo 13382, queste sanzioni colpiscono i sostenitori della proliferazione delle armi di distruzione di massa. Oltre al blocco di qualsiasi attività degli Stati Uniti, alle entità sottoposte a sanzioni verrà negato l'accesso al sistema finanziario statunitense.

© Agenzia Nova - Riproduzione riservata

bah che dire ? questo Trump oltre che mettere sanzioni a mezzo mondo altro non sa fare

e tra poco gli va in recessione l'economia .....un vero "genio" (?)

Si infatti è da un pezzo che tenta di soffocare Maduro, ma non si è spostato di un millimetro.
Fa prima a perdere le elezioni in USA l'anno prossimo.


Forumer storico
Si infatti è da un pezzo che tenta di soffocare Maduro, ma non si è spostato di un millimetro.
Fa prima a perdere le elezioni in USA l'anno prossimo.

Effettivamente.... da quando Guaidò è diventato Presidente Incaricato non ha più fatto mezzo viaggetto fuori dal territorio nazionale.
Niente più bisteccone in Turchia, sfilate a Pechino, non è andato più nemmeno a Cuba a prendere ordini, gli mandano gli emissari.
Una fiducia nel popolo che lo ha votato in massa l'anno scorso.... :rolleyes::rolleyes:


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Hugo Carvajal‏ @hugocarvajal4f 14 h14 ore fa
Hugo Carvajal ha ritwittato Bruno Rodríguez P

Irresponsable y descarado. No publico lista y ubicación de agentes cubanos en Venezuela por evitar un estado de conmoción.
Esta información la envié a quien corresponde. Tu mentira será desmontada junto al aparato de inteligencia cubano.

Bruno Rodríguez PAccount verificato @BrunoRguezP
Rechazo categóricamente reiteradas y falsas acusaciones del Vpte. Pence y otros funcionarios en #EEUU sobre militares cubanos que “entrenan”, “controlan” o “intimidan” en #Venezuela. Son burdas mentiras. Es parte de la feroz campaña de propaganda macartista desplegada por #EEUU.

Al ministro degli esteri cubano gli risponde Hugo Carvajal per 10 anni a capo dello spionaggio e controspionaggio del Venezuela ai tempi di Chavez, cioè dice quello che è ovvio, il Venezuela è una colonia di Cuba.
Se Chavez era l'uomo giusto e santo come qualcuno continua a ripetere, lo deve essere anche chi gli stato al fianco dal fallito tentativo di colpo di stato del 1992 fino alla sua morte.
Mi preparo al peggio per l'investimento, circolano voci abbastanza credibili che in caso di perdita del potere incendieranno e/o faranno esplodere i pozzi petroliferi e magari anche le raffinerie ( Kuwait docet ), questi si che vogliono bene al popolo.


Forumer storico
March 22, 2019 / 10:03 PM / Updated 15 hours ago
Exclusive: IADB cancels China meeting after Beijing bars Venezuela representative
Lesley Wroughton, Roberta Rampton

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Inter-American Development Bank on Friday called off next week’s meeting of its 48 member countries in China after Beijing refused to allow a representative of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido to attend, two sources with knowledge of the decision said.

The sources said the board would vote within 30 days to reschedule the annual meeting for another date and location.

On Thursday, the United States threatened to derail the March 26-31 meeting unless Beijing granted a visa to Guaido’s representative, Harvard economist Ricardo Hausmann.

The meeting, slated to bring together finance and development ministers from the lender’s members, was meant to mark the bank’s 60th anniversary.

Guaido invoked the constitution to assume Venezuela’s interim presidency in January, saying the re-election of President Nicolas Maduro was not legitimate. Most Western countries have recognized Guaido as head of state, but Russia and China, among others, back Maduro.

One source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters on Thursday that China had proposed that no representative from either Maduro’s or Guaido’s camps attend the meeting to “depoliticize” the gathering.

The White House was not immediately available to comment, and China’s embassy in Washington did not respond to an emailed question on the IADB’s decision.

In a statement posted later on its website, the IADB confirmed that the meeting would not take place on March 28-30 in the city of Chengdu as planned, but it did not give a reason.

China’s foreign ministry said in its own statement it regretted the decision but bore no responsibility.

Spokesman Geng Shuang said China “had difficulty allowing” Guaido’s representative to attend because Guaido himself lacked legal standing.

“Changing Venezuela’s representative at the IADB won’t help solve Venezuela’s problems and (the proposal) damaged the atmosphere of the IADB annual meeting and disturbed preparations for the meeting,” he said.

The Washington-based IADB was the first multilateral lender to replace a Maduro-selected representative with one backed by Guaido. The move would eventually open lines of credit to Venezuela should Maduro step down.

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank have so far not made a decision on whether to recognize Guaido officially as head of state.

Had the annual meeting taken place next week, it would have been the first time the IADB held it in China. The Asian country has become a major player in Latin America and has poured more than $50 billion into Venezuela over the past decade in oil-for-loan agreements.

Trump administration officials have called on the IADB since last year to hold the meeting in the Americas, where all of its borrowers are located.

With relations between Washington and Beijing marred by an acrimonious trade dispute, U.S. officials have expressed concern in recent months at China’s growing influence in Latin America - a region Washington has long regarded as its backyard.

Pedro Mario Burelli‏ @pburelli 18 h18 ore fa
Pedro Mario Burelli ha ritwittato DW Español

China cometió un error garrafal. Pocas veces en la historia de la China moderna han terminado el coloso con las tablas por la cabeza.
Son normalmente protocolares y cautelosos. Esta vez calcularon MUY mal y terminaron MUY mal.
La lección: a las Américas hay que respetarlas.

Inizia alla grande la Seal Road per Xi Jinping in Italia.
Cancellata quella che doveva essere la prima storica Assemblea Generale della Banca Interamericana di Sviluppo in Cina e botti di fine anno cinese in ritardo alla fabbrica chimica di Jiangsu.
Speriamo che non vogliano innovare il porto di Genova per farlo diventare come quello di Tianjin. :uhm:
Mattarella questa volta tiene il passo di Di Maio.
Xi Jinping aveva proprio voglio di mangiare a Roma due anatre alla pechinese.
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