Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (22 lettori)


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Sergi Lanau‏ @SergiLanauIIF

The collapse of Venezuela's oil industry is nearly unprecedented. The only worse case in history is Iran starting in 1976. The other 20 or so episodes of large output declines look like nothing compared to Venezuela.



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Sergi Lanau‏ @SergiLanauIIF

Venezuela's oil exports are falling due to sanctions and blackouts. Exports to the US dropped to zero and Europe bought substantially less since January. Asian markets remain open but it looks unlikely that they could increase demand enough to fully offset losses elsewhere.



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Sergi Lanau‏ @SergiLanauIIF

Venezuela's oil exports are falling sharply due to sanctions and blackouts. The drop is fast but still small in absolute terms compared to Iran's case. As waivers expire in May and repairing electricity infrastructure is unlikely, we expect exports to continue dropping.



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Sergi Lanau‏ @SergiLanauIIF

The cost of living in Venezuela measured in black-market dollars is increasing. Technically, this is called a real appreciation and is quite common in hyperinflations. In all but one past hyperinflation where we have black market data, the cost of living in dollars increased.



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Sergi Lanau‏ @SergiLanauIIF

Despite lack of market access, Venezuela's external debt continued to climb in recent years due to arbitration awards and PDVSA arrears. Relative to Venezuela's capacity to generate FX (ie, exports), debt is increasing even faster because the oil industry is collapsing.


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