Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (3 lettori)


Frangar non Flectar
Il cross default in generale si attiva anche sulle cedole, in caso di richiesta di accelerazione.
Onestamente non so se il prospetto della 2020 preveda procedure atipiche, ma non credo.

dal prospetto 2017, 27, 37:

Events of Default
The following events are defined in the Indenture as “Events of Default”:
(1) the failure to pay the principal of, or premium, if any, on any Notes, when such principal becomes due
and payable, at maturity, upon redemption or otherwise;
(2) the failure to pay interest and Additional Amounts, if any, on any Notes when the same becomes due
and payable and the default continues for a period of 30 days;
(3) a default in the observance or performance of any other covenant or agreement contained in the
Indenture (other than the payment of the principal of, or premium, if any, or interest and Additional
Amounts, if any, on any Note) which default continues for a period of 60 days after the Issuer receives
written notice specifying the default (and demanding that such default be remedied) from Holders of at
least 25% of the Outstanding principal amount of the Notes;
(4) the failure to pay at final stated maturity (giving effect to any applicable grace periods and any
extensions thereof) the principal amount of any Indebtedness of the Issuer or any of its Significant
Subsidiaries, or the acceleration of the final stated maturity of any such Indebtedness (which acceleration is
not rescinded, annulled or otherwise cured within 30 days from the date of acceleration) if the aggregate
principal amount of such Indebtedness, together with the principal amount of any other such Indebtedness
in default for failure to pay principal at final stated maturity or which has been accelerated (in each case
with respect to which the 30-day period described above has elapsed), aggregates US$100 million or more
at any time;
(5) one or more judgments in an aggregate amount in excess of US$100 million shall have been rendered
against the Issuer or any of its Significant Subsidiaries and such judgments remain undischarged, unpaid
or, unstayed, unbonded or not suspended by agreement for a period of 60 days after such judgment or
judgments become final and non-appealable;
(6) the Issuer or any Significant Subsidiary shall (a) apply for or consent to the appointment of a receiver,
conciliador, trustee, fiscal agent liquidator or similar official for all or any substantial part of the Property
of the Issuer or such Significant Subsidiary, (b) make a general assignment for the benefit of the creditors
of the Issuer or such Significant Subsidiary, (c) be adjudicated bankrupt (declaración de quiebra), in
reorganization (concurso mercantil) or insolvent, or (d) file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or a petition
or an answer seeking reorganization (concurso mercantil) or seeking to take advantage of any applicable
insolvency law;
(7) the entry by a court having jurisdiction in the premises of (A) a decree or order for relief in respect of
the Issuer or any Significant Subsidiary, in an involuntary case or proceeding under any applicable
bankruptcy, insolvency, suspension of payments, concurso mercantil, quiebra, reorganization or other
similar law, or (B) a decree or order adjudging the Issuer or any Significant Subsidiary bankrupt or
insolvent, or suspending payments, or approving as properly filed a petition seeking reorganization,
arrangement, adjustment or composition of or in respect of the Issuer or any Significant Subsidiary under
any applicable law, or appointing a custodian, receiver, liquidator, assignee, fiscal agent, trustee, síndico,
conciliador, sequestrator or other similar official of the Issuer or any Significant Subsidiary or of any
substantial part of the property of the Issuer or any Significant Subsidiary, or ordering the winding up or
liquidation of the affairs of the Issuer or any Significant Subsidiary, and the continuance of any such decree
or order for relief or any such other decree or order unstayed and in effect for a period of 60 consecutive
days; and
(8) any of the Notes, the Indenture or any part thereof, shall cease to be in full force and effect (except as
contemplated by the terms thereof) or is declared to be null and void and unenforceable in a judicial
proceeding or inadmissible in evidence in the courts of Venezuela, or the Issuer shall contest the
enforceability of, deny or disaffirm its material obligations under the Notes.
If an Event of Default (other than an Event of Default specified in clauses (6) or (7) above) shall occur and
be continuing and has not been waived, Holders of at least 25% in principal amount of Outstanding Notes may
declare the principal of, and premium, if any, accrued interest and Additional Amounts, if any, on all the Notes to be
due and payable by notice in writing to the Issuer and the Trustee specifying the Event of Default and that it is a
“notice of acceleration” (the “Acceleration Notice”), and the same shall become immediately due and payable.
If an Event of Default specified in clauses (6) or (7) above occurs and is continuing, then all unpaid
principal of, and premium, if any, and accrued and unpaid interest and Additional Amounts, if any, on all of the
Outstanding Notes shall ipso facto become and be immediately due and payable without any declaration or other act
on the part of Trustee any Holder.
The Indenture will provide that, at any time after a declaration of acceleration with respect to the Notes as
described in the preceding paragraphs, the Holders of a majority in principal amount of the Notes may rescind and
cancel such declaration and its consequences:
(a) if the rescission would not conflict with any judgment or decree;
(b) if all existing Events of Default have been cured or waived except nonpayment of principal, premium, if
any, interest or Additional Amounts, if any, that has become due solely because of the acceleration;
(c) if the Issuer has paid or deposited with the Trustee (to the extent the payment of such interest is lawful)
interest on overdue installments of interest and overdue principal and premium, if any, and Additional
Amounts, if any, which has become due otherwise than by such declaration of acceleration; and
(d) if the Issuer has paid or deposited with the Trustee the reasonable compensation of the Trustee and
reimbursed the reasonable expenses, disbursements and advances of the Trustee, its agents, and counsel under
the Indenture.
No such rescission shall affect any subsequent Default or impair any right consequent thereto.
The Holders of a majority in principal amount of the Notes may waive any existing Default or Event of
Default under the Indenture, and its consequences, except a default in the payment of the principal of or premium, if
any, interest or Additional Amounts, if any, on any Notes.
Subject to certain limitations, Holders of a majority in aggregate principal amount of the then Outstanding
Notes voting as a single class may direct the Trustee in its exercise of any trust or power. Subject to the provisions
of the Indenture relating to the duties of the Trustee, in case an Event of Default occurs and is continuing, the
Trustee will be under no obligation to exercise any of the rights or powers under the Indenture at the request or
direction of any Holders unless such Holders have offered to the Trustee indemnity or security satisfactory to the
Trustee against any loss, liability or expense.
Except to enforce the right to receive payment of principal, premium, if any, or interest when due, no
Holder may pursue any remedy with respect to the Indenture or the Notes unless:
(1) such Holder has previously given the Trustee notice that an Event of Default is continuing;
(2) Holders of at least 25% in aggregate principal amount of the then Outstanding Notes voting as a single
class have requested the Trustee to pursue the remedy;
(3) such Holders have offered the Trustee security or indemnity satisfactory to the Trustee against any loss,
liability or expense;
(4) the Trustee has not complied with such request within 60 days after the receipt of the request and the
offer of security or indemnity; and
(5) Holders of a majority in aggregate principal amount of the then Outstanding Notes voting as a single
class have not given the Trustee a direction inconsistent with such request within such 60-day period.
Under the Indenture, the Issuer will be required to provide an Officer’s Certificate to the Trustee promptly
upon any Officer obtaining knowledge of any Event of Default that has occurred and is continuing (provided that
such Officer’s Certificate shall be provided at least annually whether or not such Officer knows of any such Event of
Default) and, if applicable, describe such Event of Default and the status thereof.
If a Default or an Event of Default occurs and is continuing, and is known to a responsible officer of the
Trustee, the Trustee will notify each Holder as provided herein under “—Notices” of the Default or Event of Default
within thirty (30) days after obtaining knowledge thereof; provided that except in the case of a Default or an Event
of Default in payment of principal of, premium, if any, or interest on any Notes, the Trustee may withhold the notice
to the Holders if a committee of its trust officers in good faith determines that withholding the notice is in the
interest of the Holders.


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Conte Arciof

per gli amici Arciof
Please let me know about the coupon of Venezuela Republic 2019.

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Forumer storico
Sì, leggevo che già 2 o 3 giorni fa mettevi in dubbio che fosse vero che il venezuela ha pagato e che gli intermediari han bloccato la distribuzione

vedremo cosa succede, ognuno può valutare e sceglier se correre il rischio di investire

Certo che lo metto in dubbio, non mi "bevo" certo quel che esce da Caracas...

Ed oltre all'umile sottoscritto c'è pure Rosneft e Sinopec che si sono stancati di PDVSA.


Forumer storico
Quevedo insta a trabajadores de Pdvsa a denunciar a corruptos
Manuel Quevedo, presidente de Petroleos de Venezuela S.A, expresó que "vamos a blindar Pdvsa contra los corruptos"

Fanny Mora
diciembre 7, 2017

El presidente de Petróleos de Venezuela S.A (Pdvsa), Manuel Quevedo, declaró este jueves que hay que identificar y señalar a los funcionarios corruptos en la industria petrolera, por eso instó a los trabajadores a denunciar a los jefes que desvían la producción y se enriquecen de forma ilícita.

Si queremos hacer una verdadera revolución debemos cambiar la cultura organizacional”, dijo Quevedo durante una asamblea con los trabajadores petroleros en la sede de Pdvsa en La Campiña.

Expresó que “vamos a blindar Pdvsa contra los corruptos”, por eso anunció que solicitará auditorias internas en todas las unidades de la estatal petrolera.



Nuovo forumer
Please let me know about the coupon of Venezuela Republic 2019.

Two weeks ago I've received ELECAR coupon payment. But there is no Venezuela Republic 2019. coupon.
I'm still waiting to receive fund. But I want to make sure if someone has already received coupon payment.
Thank you guys.

Hi Moxcen,

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Forumer storico
Estado brasileño de Roraima declara emergencia social por éxodo venezolano

Dic 7, 2017 12:29 pm

El gobierno regional de Roraima, estado amazónico brasileño en la frontera con Venezuela, declaró el estado de “emergencia social” para intentar atender la crisis provocada por el elevado número de inmigrantes venezolanos que ha recibido en los últimos meses, informaron hoy fuentes oficiales. EFE

“Queda declarada la situación de emergencia social en el estado de Roraima debido al gran flujo migratorio de extranjeros venezolanos que carecen de cualquier medio de sustento y que ingresan a Brasil por la frontera con el estado de Roraima”, según el decreto firmado por la gobernadora Suely Campos.

En su decreto, la gobernadora atribuyó el “intenso proceso de inmigración” por el que Roraima ha recibido a cerca de 30.000 venezolanos en los dos últimos años, a la grave “crisis socio-económica de Venezuela”.

El decreto fue publicado el pasado lunes en el Diario Oficial del estado, pero sólo trascendió hoy cuando diferentes secretarías de la gobernación informaron sobre las diferentes tareas que les fueron encomendadas para intentar atender la crisis generada por el éxodo de venezolanos.

Las secretarías alertadas son las encargadas de ofrecerle diferentes servicios públicos, como habitación, salud y educación, a los miles de inmigrantes que se han establecido en Roraima, muchos de los cuales se han instalado en plazas y edificaciones públicas sin ninguna infraestructura.

De acuerdo con cifras oficiales, entre enero y septiembre de este año 12.193 venezolanos solicitaron refugio en Brasil tras haber ingresado al país por la frontera de Roraima. El número de solicitudes es más de cinco veces superior al acumulado en los dos últimos años.

Los venezolanos, que huyen de la grave crisis económica y social en su país, en donde escasean los alimentos y los empleos, han sido acomodados precariamente en algunos abrigos abiertos en ciudades como Paracaima y Boa Vista que no dan cuenta de la demanda.

El primero de tales abrigos, abierto en la ciudad fronteriza de Paracaima, tiene capacidad para cerca de 150 personas pero actualmente atiende a unos 500 venezolanos, en su mayoría indígenas de la etnia Warao.

La gobernación justificó la emergencia social por el “inesperado y rápido aumento del número de inmigrantes venezolanos que llegaron a Roraima sin poseer medios y condiciones para mantenerse”, así como por el flujo “intenso, ilimitado y desordenado” de venezolanos que llega a la frontera.

Tal éxodo, asegura la gobernación, ha generado “serias dificultadas entre los equipos encargados de darles apoyo logístico (recepción y acogimiento) en la frontera”.

La situación, agrega el respectivo decreto, también ha generado riesgos a la salud y a la seguridad tanto de los inmigrantes como de los brasileños, y exige una “rápida respuesta” del poder público para “preservar la salud, la seguridad y la vida humana en el estado”.

Campos recordó que Roraima recibió esta semana de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (Odepa) una tercera alerta epidemiológica por la posibilidad de que, como consecuencia de la migración, la región se vea afectada por el brote de sarampión que afecta desde hace seis meses al estado venezolano de Bolívar, en donde han sido confirmados 38 casos de la enfermedad.

(La Patilla)


Forumer storico
Quevedo promete incrementar la producción de Pdvsa en un millón de barriles

El presidente de Pdvsa y ministro de Petróleo y Minería indicó que se debe realizar una reestructuración en la estatal petrolera para hacerla "más competitiva" para el "beneficio" de la población.

07 de diciembre de 2017 12:15 PM

Caracas.- El presidente de Pdvsa, Manuel Quevedo, anunció este jueves que solicitará una auditoría en varias áreas de la estatal petrolera para “blindar” dicha industria contra la “corrupción”.

Igualmente, aseguró que incrementará la producción de petróleo en un millón de barriles diarios, tal y como se lo indicó el presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro.

“Si pudimos construir más de un millón de viviendas, podemos nosotros recuperar más de un millón de barriles”, dijo el también ministro de Petróleo y Minería desde la sede de Pdvsa en La Campiña, Caracas.

Quevedo indicó que en la industria petrolera se debe realizar una reestructuración en todas sus áreas a fin de “hacerla competitiva” para el “beneficio” de la población.

La expectativa es que en Pdvsa realmente se haga una verdadera depuración, una verdadera limpieza y queden los trabajadores honestos”, afirmó.

Eulogio Del Pino y Nelson Martínez (ambos expresidentes de Pdvsa y exministros de Petróleo) fueron detenidos el 30 de noviembre por estar presuntamente involucrados en la trama de corrupción en la estatal petrolera y sus filiales.

A este respecto, Quevedo indicó que en la petrolera se relevó quienes promovieron la corrupción en la industria y "penetraron algunas de las estructuras básicas" para “dar un golpe a la economía venezolana” este 2017.

Alegó que se trató de un plan "desde el norte, (EEUU). Nos golpearon Citgo y la industria petrolera también, venían con un plan de sabotaje articulado".

El exembajador de Venezuela ante la ONU y expresidente de Pdvsa, Rafael Ramírez, aseguró que la producción de la estatal petrolera cayó en casi un millón de barriles diarios desde el 2014.

(El Universal)

Si vede che non è un tecnico.
Sarà un miracolo tenere gli attuali livelli di produzione... anche se, con ogni probabilità, scenderanno ulteriormente.

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