A long qoute by teacher in Osmani naksibendi

So in that thread i did share a part of my own teacher words. I do not want this OP to be seen as prozelyting, it is not my intention to convert anyone, only to show that sufism is love and compassion as i my self speak of in RF. So to the Staff who may read this, if it is in wrong area of RF feel free to move it, if it go against RF rules feel free Speed Test to remove it :)

Juantorena ?

nei banner a destra è spuntato questo


E' un caso ? :d:
So in that thread i did share a part of my own teacher words. I do not want this OP to be seen as prozelyting, it is not my intention to convert anyone, only to show that sufism is love and compassion as i my self speak of in RF. So to the Staff who may read this, if it is in wrong area of RF feel free to move it, if it go against RF rules feel free Speed Test to remove it :)

Come se fosse Antani ?

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