Obbligazioni societarie Abengoa XS0498817542 XS1048657800 XS1219438592 XS1113021031

Abengoa presents the homologation of standstill contract

  • The company has achieved a 75.04 % of compliance from lenders.
  • This key step in the restructuring process of Abengoa and will permit the company to complete the Financial Viability Plan presented on March 16th.
March 28, 2016 – Abengoa (MCE: ABG.B/P SM /NASDAQ: ABGB), the international company that applies innovative, sustainable technology solutions to energy and environmental sectors presented the homologation of the standstill contract which has garnered support from 75.04 % of the company's lenders. The objective is that the conditions of the contract will be applied to all lenders. Abengoa passes the agreement with the support of 15.04 % more than the required 60 % of the lenders in order to approve the restructuring plan.

The standstill contract will permit the company to exercise certain rights for resolution and early maturity of financing. This will allow the company to reach 75 % of adhesion needed to pass the final plan.

In parallel, Abengoa will also present as part of their restructuring plan for the company the plan to file Chapter 11 for its affiliates in the United States and Chapter 15 for all affiliates with the end goal to apply protection and a homologation of the agreement in the US.

This key step in the restructuring process of Abengoa and will permit the company to complete the Financial Viability Plan that has already been accepted by lenders in order to stabilize business and protect its leadership in the energy and environmental sectors.

Abengoa would like to thank the support it has received as well as the confidence that the employees, lenders, providers, clients, consultants as well as all other stakeholders have shown. Thanks to this collaboration the company will be able to guarantee the solid business and new operating framework upon which it will build value and maximize its technology and pipeline to generate economic returns in the long term.

Abengoa is working hard to meet the objectives set out in the re-sizing of the company, providing it with the necessary financial security, leadership and management to enable it to develop its operational and financial potential, its growth and profitability.

Io ero rimasto a questo. Cosa mi sono perso? Ricominciano a negoziare per ulteriori tagli? Cos'hanno omologato il 28 marzo un piano che il 6 aprile già fa acqua?!
Io ho capito così...Abengoa ha prima chiesto l'estensione della protezione dai creditori per ulteriori 6 mesi (e non poteva essere diversamente con un bond scaduto il 31.03.16) e ha avuto oltre il 75% dei voti favorevoli (la maggioranza erano i 2/3)...adesso saremo chiamati a votare il piano (o meglio i piani) di ristrutturazione presentati, con la sostituzione dei vecchi bond con i nuovi bond vn. 30 + equity e la possibilità di sottoscrivere altri bond di nuova emissione con ulteriore equity "in omaggio"...qua servirà una maggioranza dei 3/4...però onestamente come e entro quando avremo la possibilità di scegliere non mi è dato sapere...
Abengoa, S.A. ("Abengoa" or the "Company"), pursuant to article 228 of the Restated Securities Market Act approved by Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October (el Texto Refundido de la Ley del Mercado de Valores, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 4/2015, de 23 de octubre), informs the Spanish Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) of the following:

Material fact (Hecho relevante)

Following the Significant Event announced on 28 March 2016 (official registry number 236686) by virtue of which the Company announced that it has filed with the Mercantile Court of Seville nº 2 (“Spanish Court”) an application for the judicial approval (homologación judicial) of the standstill agreement (the “Standstill Agreement”), the Company informs that on 6 April 2016 the Judge of the Mercantile Court of Seville nº 2 has issued a resolution declaring the judicial approval (homologación judicial) of the Standstill Agreement and extending the effect of the stay of the obligations referred to in the Standstill Agreement until 28 October 2016 (inclusive), to creditors of financial liabilities who have not signed the agreement or have otherwise expressed their disagreement with it.
Io ho capito così...Abengoa ha prima chiesto l'estensione della protezione dai creditori per ulteriori 6 mesi (e non poteva essere diversamente con un bond scaduto il 31.03.16) e ha avuto oltre il 75% dei voti favorevoli (la maggioranza erano i 2/3)...adesso saremo chiamati a votare il piano (o meglio i piani) di ristrutturazione presentati, con la sostituzione dei vecchi bond con i nuovi bond vn. 30 + equity e la possibilità di sottoscrivere altri bond di nuova emissione con ulteriore equity "in omaggio"...qua servirà una maggioranza dei 3/4...però onestamente come e entro quando avremo la possibilità di scegliere non mi è dato sapere...
Ok. Grazie
Abengoa, S.A. ("Abengoa" or the "Company"), pursuant to article 228 of the Restated Securities Market Act approved by Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October (el Texto Refundido de la Ley del Mercado de Valores, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 4/2015, de 23 de octubre), informs the Spanish Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) of the following:

Material fact (Hecho relevante)

Following the Significant Event announced on 28 March 2016 (official registry number 236686) by virtue of which the Company announced that it has filed with the Mercantile Court of Seville nº 2 (“Spanish Court”) an application for the judicial approval (homologación judicial) of the standstill agreement (the “Standstill Agreement”), the Company informs that on 6 April 2016 the Judge of the Mercantile Court of Seville nº 2 has issued a resolution declaring the judicial approval (homologación judicial) of the Standstill Agreement and extending the effect of the stay of the obligations referred to in the Standstill Agreement until 28 October 2016 (inclusive), to creditors of financial liabilities who have not signed the agreement or have otherwise expressed their disagreement with it.

E fino qua ci siamo...il tema è quando e come si potrà aderire alla ristrutturazione vera e propria

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