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According to Zacks, “Atlantica Yield Plc owns, manages and acquires a diversified portfolio of contracted assets in the power and environment sectors. It operates primarily in North America, South America and Europe. Atlantica Yield Plc, formerly known as Abengoa Yield plc, is based in Brentford, the United Kingdom. “
Atlantica Yield Plc owns, manages and acquires a diversified portfolio of contracted assets in the power and environment sectors. The Company owns approximately 20 assets, comprising 1,441 mega watts of renewable energy generation, 300 mega watts of conventional power generation, 1,099 miles of electric transmission lines and 10.5 Mft3 per day of water assets.
Several large investors have recently bought and sold shares of ABY. HITE Hedge Asset Management LLC increased its stake in Abengoa Yield PLC by 98.8% in the second quarter. HITE Hedge Asset Management LLC now owns 651,517 shares of the company’s stock worth $12,105,000 after buying an additional 323,731 shares in the last quarter. Rock Point Advisors LLC bought a new position in Abengoa Yield PLC during the second quarter worth approximately $945,000. Americafirst Capital Management LLC bought a new position in Abengoa Yield PLC during the second quarter worth approximately $470,000. Finally, Strs Ohio bought a new position in Abengoa Yield PLC during the second quarter worth approximately $364,000.