Obbligazioni societarie Abengoa XS0498817542 XS1048657800 XS1219438592 XS1113021031

Qualcuno ha provato a vendere? C’è un po’ di liquidità? Prima di Pasqua non si riusciva a liquidare niente a qualunque prezzo
Premesso che è praticamente impossibile vendere....ma, se posso chiedere, quale sarebbe il motivo per non vendere "adesso"???
Abengoa, S.A. is a Spanish multinational company in the green infrastructure, energy and water sectors. The company was founded in 1941 by Javier Benjumea Puigcerver and José Manuel Abaurre Fernández-Pasalagua,[4] and is based in Seville, Spain. Its current chairman is Gonzalo Urquijo Fernández de Araoz. After repeated bankruptcies and rescues, it declared insolvency in February 2021 amid various regulatory and financial charges against the board and management, the second-largest corporate collapse in Spanish history.[5]

Abengoa invests in research in sustainable technology, and implements these technologies in Spain as well as exporting them globally. These technologies include concentrated solar power and desalination.
Non ha mercato e' un valore simbolico vedremo tra 1 anno se riescono finalmente a ristrutturare in modo definitivo se no ameno zero e' e zero rimane

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