Download ADX trend visualization For Amibroker (AFL)
range = Param("Periods", 14, 2, 200, 1 );
ad = ADX(range);
pd = PDI(range);
md = MDI(range);
falling = ROC( ad, 2 ) < 0;
// 0 - week, 1 - medium, 2 - strong
strength = IIf( ad < 15 OR ( ad < 25 AND falling ), 0,
IIf( ad < 25 OR ( ad < 35 AND falling ), 1,
2 ) );
pTrendBullStrong = ParamColor( "Bullish Strong", colorDarkGreen );
pTrendBearStrong = ParamColor( "Bearish Strong", colorDarkRed);
pTrendBullMedium = ParamColor( "Bullish Medium", colorGreen );
pTrendBearMedium = ParamColor( "Bearish Medium ", colorRed );
pNoTrend = ParamColor( "NoTrend", colorLavender );
color = IIf(
strength > 0 , IIf(
pd >= md AND strength == 1,pTrendBullMedium,
IIf(pd >= md AND strength == 2, pTrendBullStrong,
IIf(pd < md AND strength == 1,pTrendBearMedium,pTrendBearStrong
Plot( ad, _DEFAULT_NAME(), color, ParamStyle("ADX style", styleThick));