Arena Pharmaceuticals (2 lettori)


Forumer storico
Non so tecnicamente cosa sia successo ieri ad ARNA, ma fenomenologicamente si tratta di irrazionalità pura.....anzi peggio

Con un mercato potenziale così importante ed un possibile NO di Vivus, il mercato si amplia per le restanti concorrenti.

Se ormai la FDA è alla ricerca del farmaco impossibile ( efficace senza effetti collaterali), penso che la sicurezza venga messo in piano predominante rispetto alla efficacia, ossia si prediliga approvare farmaci più sicuri anche se meno efficaci.

Con una premessa di questo tipo, e con i problemi di obesità negli USA, è pure comprensibile ciò che accade ... magari anche sull'onda dell'emotività.


Nuovo forumer
guarda Mago, per essere molto chiaro, io mi auguro un TP di 30 dollari, ma da gennaio 2010 ho visto nelle biotech USA delle salite improvvise (vedi ARNA) e dei crolli pazzeschi. Senza sembrare presuntuoso, credo che sia necessario riflettere che anche ARNA potrebbe subire un parere tipo VVUS, cosiì come potrebbe rimanere al 50% del Suo valore odierno (tipo 2- 2,40 dollari), prima del 15 sept e poi schizzare in su. Tutto cio' é molto pericolo,troppo direi


quindi in questo rincorrersi di TP , rimaniamo in attesa dell'aggiornamento di quello di UBS ?

UBS che stando al link che ci hai procurato, dovrebbe essere quella del TP sui 40$..


Forumer storico
occhio se sei dentro.. mi permetto di segnalarti che ho modificato la view su ARNA in peggio. Una casa d'affari ha sgnaciato oggi un TP di 1 dollaro, qualcosa bolle in pentola, di marcio pero'.:down: Magari vogliono rientrare a 2 dollari, prima del 15 settembre..

Mah, secondo me dopo il vivus, Arna resta ancor più appetibile appetibile ... poi si sa ormai nella borsa accade tutto ... anche le cose più incredibili, specialmente nelle biotech.


Forumer storico
occhio se sei dentro.. mi permetto di segnalarti che ho modificato la view su ARNA in peggio. Una casa d'affari ha sgnaciato oggi un TP di 1 dollaro, qualcosa bolle in pentola, di marcio pero'.:down: Magari vogliono rientrare a 2 dollari, prima del 15 settembre..

Sempre mettere il link della news per conferma......di cose nei forum se ne dicono valgono solo se confermate....


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Arena Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ARNA)

J.P. Morgan on Friday upgraded Arena Pharmaceuticals to Overweight from Neutral and lifted its price target to $6 from $5. In a research note to clients, the brokerage firm said that Arena's obesity drug lorcaserin has the "best shot at regulatory success." On Thursday, a Food and Drug Administration panel rejected rival Vivus Inc.'s potential weight loss drug Qnexa, citing safety concerns. Shares of Arena Pharmaceuticals surged more than 16% in morning trading.


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Expert panel not convinced by Vivus' Qnexa

By Liz Jones Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn GAITHERSBURG, MD -- Expressing the need for more information--especially about teratogenicity--an FDA expert panel has recommended against approval of Vivus' (NASDAQ: VVUS) obesity drug Qnexa. The vote was six in favor and ten against, with many of the no voters citing the need for more safety data.
During the meeting, several of patients shared their experiences with Qnexa after taking the drug during clinical trials. They asked the committee to approve the drug, pointing to the success they had experienced, and their stories led to audience applause. However, Public Citizen's Sidney Wolfe expressed concern about safety issues, citing the lack of longer-term data, as well as the potential for fetal exposure during pregnancy. He also called it a mere "repackaging of two old drugs," and urged rejection.
But many panelists had problems with the lack of long-term clinical data on the drug. For example, one of the patients who spoke had regained much of the weight she had lost after coming off the drug. This would indicate that patients would need to take the drug over a long period of time--perhaps for the rest of their lives. Panelist Lamont Weide said that while was glad to see that obesity is being treated as a chronic disease, it would require doctors to look at what will happen to patients in the longer term.
Perhaps one of the biggest concerns was possible teratogenic risks, as women of reproductive age would turn to this drug. The sponsor had said it include labeling that Qnexa shouldn't be used if a woman is pregnant or is thinking of becoming pregnant, but many of the panelists were still concerned about reproductive risks.
Another panelist cited the potential effects like depression and memory problems--to him, there wasn't enough data to say whether this is a problem. Acting Chair Kenneth Burman voted no, citing cognitive issues, renal problems, and the lack of long-term data. But if it is approved, it should be tightly regulated--including the use of a registry. He could have voted yes, however, if potential problems for specific populations, including pregnant women, had been addressed.
Related Articles:
Vivus' Qnexa takes center stage during panel review
Spotlight shifts to Vivus' Qnexa
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Vivus touts late-stage success with obesity drug

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