Obbligazioni valute high yield Bond Scholz Anleihe 2017 8,50% Euro AT0000A0U9J2

se qualcuno traduce , grazie !mai che 'sti tedeschi si abbassino a scrivere in inglese

An die Investoren der Scholz-Anleihe (3/2017)

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wie Sie bereits den Presseveröffentlichungen der jüngsten Vergangenheit entnehmen konnten, haben wir mit dem Abschluss einer Stillhaltevereinbarung sowie der Bereitstellung einer neuen Kreditfazilität der Kernbanken bereits erste Meilensteine in der Restrukturierung der Scholz Gruppe erreicht.

Ab Montag, den 30. September 2013 wird der Konzernhalbjahresbericht 2013 der Scholz Gruppe zum Abruf auf unserer Homepage www.scholz-ag.de bereit stehen.

Gerne würden die Vorstände der Scholz AG Ihnen die wesentlichen Inhalte in einer Investorenkonferenz vorstellen und laden hierzu am Dienstag, den 1. Oktober 2013 um 10.30 Uhr herzlich ein.

Bitte wählen Sie sich mit nachfolgenden Einwahldaten ein:

Einwahlnummer aus Deutschland: 069 201744220
Einwahlnummer aus dem Ausland: +49 69 201744220
Pin-Code: 875752#
se qualcuno traduce , grazie !mai che 'sti tedeschi si abbassino a scrivere in inglese

An die Investoren der Scholz-Anleihe (3/2017)

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wie Sie bereits den Presseveröffentlichungen der jüngsten Vergangenheit entnehmen konnten, haben wir mit dem Abschluss einer Stillhaltevereinbarung sowie der Bereitstellung einer neuen Kreditfazilität der Kernbanken bereits erste Meilensteine in der Restrukturierung der Scholz Gruppe erreicht.

Ab Montag, den 30. September 2013 wird der Konzernhalbjahresbericht 2013 der Scholz Gruppe zum Abruf auf unserer Homepage www.scholz-ag.de bereit stehen.

Gerne würden die Vorstände der Scholz AG Ihnen die wesentlichen Inhalte in einer Investorenkonferenz vorstellen und laden hierzu am Dienstag, den 1. Oktober 2013 um 10.30 Uhr herzlich ein.

Bitte wählen Sie sich mit nachfolgenden Einwahldaten ein:

Einwahlnummer aus Deutschland: 069 201744220
Einwahlnummer aus dem Ausland: +49 69 201744220
Pin-Code: 875752#
Usare google translate no?
Già , è vero che esiste anche quello . Non ci penso mai . Sono proprio rimasto all' età della pietra . Salta anche fuori una roba quasi "leggibile". Grazie del suggerimento .

Signore e Signori,

come avete già visto i comunicati stampa del recente passato, abbiamo già raggiunto con il completamento di un accordo di moratoria e la fornitura di una nuova linea di credito di banche centrali prime pietre miliari nella ristrutturazione del Gruppo Scholz.

A partire da Lunedi, 30 Settembre 2013 sarà pronta la consolidata relazione semestrale 2013, il Gruppo Scholz a chiamare il nostro homepage redirect.

Potete chiedere ai direttori di Scholz AG vorrebbe presentare il contenuto di base in una conferenza con gli investitori e invitare questo il Martedì, 1 Ottobre 2013 cordialmente alle 10.30 orologio.

Si prega di chiamare utilizzando la seguente numeri di accesso:

069 201744220: il numero da comporre Germania
Numero di accesso dall'estero: +49 69 201744220
Codice Pin: 875 752 #

Temevo qualcosa di molto peggio .
Scholz AG issues consolidated half-year report 2013

Scholz AG has widely included the balance sheet burdens of the restructuring and realignment in the first half year 2013. In addition, the operational development of the international recycling group has been affected by a worldwide difficult market environment in the steel and metal industry.

• The group’s revenues amounted to 2bn Euro in the first six months and were about 21% below the value for the same period last year. The decline is predominantly based on the significant decreased price and tonnage levels.

• The operating earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) reached 70.2m Euro after 110.4m Euro for the same period last year (-36%). The negative tonnage and price development and the resulting margin pressure affected earnings negatively. The results from ordinary business activities amounted to -3.1m Euro after 23.2m Euro for the same period last year.

• The group reports an extraordinary result of -75.5m Euro, which mainly includes depreciations in the context of the termination of business relations with the Australian recycling corporation CMA. Therewith the expected balance sheet burdens of CMA have been widely included in the first half year report.

• Consequently, the earnings after tax (including extraordinary results) of the first six months totaled to -82.5m Euro (1st half year 2012: +14.4m EUR).

• As of 30th of June 2013 the group reported an equity of 217.9m Euro (31st of December 2012: 300.4m Euro), which corresponds to an equity ratio of 11.9 % (31st of December 2012: 15.8 %).

From today the consolidated half-year report 2013 is available under the section IR / Bond on our homepage www.scholz-ag.de.
Speravo meglio

Peggio di quanto credessi.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Quanto quotano oggi, circa? Grazie mille. :bow:
Scholz AG issues consolidated half-year report 2013

Scholz AG has widely included the balance sheet burdens of the restructuring and realignment in the first half year 2013. In addition, the operational development of the international recycling group has been affected by a worldwide difficult market environment in the steel and metal industry.

• The group’s revenues amounted to 2bn Euro in the first six months and were about 21% below the value for the same period last year. The decline is predominantly based on the significant decreased price and tonnage levels.

• The operating earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) reached 70.2m Euro after 110.4m Euro for the same period last year (-36%). The negative tonnage and price development and the resulting margin pressure affected earnings negatively. The results from ordinary business activities amounted to -3.1m Euro after 23.2m Euro for the same period last year.

• The group reports an extraordinary result of -75.5m Euro, which mainly includes depreciations in the context of the termination of business relations with the Australian recycling corporation CMA. Therewith the expected balance sheet burdens of CMA have been widely included in the first half year report.

• Consequently, the earnings after tax (including extraordinary results) of the first six months totaled to -82.5m Euro (1st half year 2012: +14.4m EUR).

• As of 30th of June 2013 the group reported an equity of 217.9m Euro (31st of December 2012: 300.4m Euro), which corresponds to an equity ratio of 11.9 % (31st of December 2012: 15.8 %).

From today the consolidated half-year report 2013 is available under the section IR / Bond on our homepage www.scholz-ag.de.

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