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Obbligazioni societarieBonds Air Berlin Eur/Chf DE000AB100B4 XS1051719786 XS1051723895
According to the current status of the insolvency proceedings, no or minimal recovery can be expected for the creditors of Air Berlin PLC. However, the insolvency administrator Prof. Dr. Lucas Flöther clarified that the recovery quota may change, if potential claims of Air Berlin PLC against third parties, in particular against Etihad Group arising out of a financing commitment, the so-called "letter of comfort", can be successfully asserted. For this purpose, the insolvency administrator Prof. Dr. Flöther has already obtained various expert opinions from reputable lawyers, in which they have examined the chances of success of any litigation against the Etihad Group. At the same time, the possibilities of litigation funding for a lawsuit against the Etihad Group are being explored, as Air Berlin PLC itself does not have the funds to conduct such lawsuit against the Etihad Group.