Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE BUND TBOND V.M. 69 Rischio sovrano, guadagni per sultani (2 lettori)


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(Reuters) - European Union states have<br>failed to agree on how to regulate shortselling of derivative<br>debt insurance contracts that some blamed for worsening the<br>region's sovereign debt crisis, an EU diplomat said.<br>Ambassadors met on Wednesday to thrash out agreement finance ministers to endorse next Tuesday, but due to splits there will only be a progress report.<br>&quot;There is no basis at this
stage for an agreement,&quot; the<br>diplomat said.<br>Italy, Britain and
the Netherlands said curbing &quot;naked&quot;<br>selling of credit
default swaps linked to sovereign debt could<br>bump up funding costs
for governments, the diplomat said.<br>Some policymakers blamed naked
shortselling of sovereign CDS<br>contracts, whereby the buyers does
not own any of the underlying<br>government bonds being insured
against price falls, for<br>worsening the euro zone debt crisis in
Greece and elsewhere.<br>The draft law, authored by Michel Barnier,
the bloc's financial services commissioner, introduces transparency requirements
for naked CDS selling and on shorting stocks.<br>The European
Parliament has joint say with EU states on the<br>measure, and its
economic affairs committee voted on Monday to<br>toughen up the draft
and effectively ban naked CDS selling on a<br>permanent basis in many
cases.Barnier had proposed giving regulators powers to intervene<br>with a temporary halts if markets become disorderly and on Tuesday urged a speedy joint deal.
Several countries signalled they want references to<br>sovereign CDS trading
removed from the draft measure.<br>&quot;Italy's message was that the inclusion of sovereign debt in<br>the scope of this provision would have the effect of making<br>national debt more expensive. Britain maintained the same<br>position,&quot; the diplomat said.<br>Britain flagged a possible compromise, saying that a ban<br>could apply to CDS on sovereign debt if the country involved<br>allowed this, but this was seen as being too legally tricky.<br>There was also debate on whether regulators should first<br>obtain permission from finance
ministers before introducing<br>temporary bans on naked CDS selling or
shorting of shares.


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USA a non-partisan report that looks at the U.S. federal government (and its financials) as if it were a business. Mary Meeker, partner at KPCB and former financial analyst at Morgan Stanley, created and compiled the report with the goal of informing the discussion about our financial situation and outlook. USA Inc. examines the country’s income statement and balance sheet, aiming to interpret the underlying data and facts, and illustrate patterns and trends in easy-to-understand ways. The report also analyzes the drivers of federal revenue and the history of expense growth, and discusses basic scenarios for how revenue and expense growth might change to help America move toward positive cash flow.
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goooood morning bbbbanda

...15-16 marzo potrebbe andare ...speriamo sia un wend
15 marzo l'è l'onomastico mio
mi fazzo sempre un bel regalo
quast'anno .... hummmm ... vediamo se riesco aa avere quel che desidero :D

...te lo auguro di cuore :) ...Guglielmo o Clemente :-?
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goooood morning bbbbanda

nè Guglielmo nè Clemente ;)

azz , avrei due 'pezzi' da scrivere
uno sullo sfasamento che c'è sui mercati per la contemporanea presenza di intraday-traders , daily uikly e monthly - e del fatto che la dimensione tra un operatore intraday credo sia medamente asai inferiore a quella di un gestore di fondi, che vedrei più sul frame uikly monthly

e uno sul fatto che la AT tende a usare parametri sempre fissi, scelti once-for-all ... ma qwesto maggari vien già fuori nella chiacchiera sui TS che sto facendo nella sez apposta ;)

boh dai vedrèm :)


l'idiota sul blog.... ma c'è bisogno di rispondergli? :D:D ma direi proprio di no :-o:lol:

:eek::eek::eek: per, l'amor diddio!!

si qualifica da sè, lasciamolo alla sua quieta esistenza
sono sempre contento quando trovo gente così, sono la speranza del mercato

servono anche loro :devil:
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