Il caso Province
In assenza di notizie certe da Roma, intanto, in molte parti d’Italia, da Torino alla Toscana, è scoppiata la protesta dei dipendenti delle province. Assemblee, presidi e sit-in un poco ovunque, e sedi occupate in pianta stabile a Firenze, Pisa e Massa Carrara, in anticipo rispetto alla giornata di mobilitazione nazionale promossa per oggi da Cgil, Cisl e Uil. In tutto i posti a rischio sarebbero circa 20 mila, compresi 8 mila dipendenti dei centri per l’impiego. Secondo Santini, però, «nessun lavoratore verrà licenziato. Dal primo gennaio – ha assicurato - scatterà un percorso di mobilità e per due anni conserveranno il posto. Dopo i due anni scatteranno le regole in vigore che prevedono che i lavoratori prendano l’80% dello stipendio». Resta il nodo dei lavoratori a tempo determinato il cui contratto scade il 31: per loro si ipotizza una proroga forse col Milleproroghe.
Un doveroso omaggio ......

Il mondo dello spettacolo piange la scomparsa di Virna Lisi, l'attrice italiana amata in tutto il mondo morta a 78 anni per un tumore scoperto appena un mese fa.
l rimpianto di Barbara De Rossi oggi è legato a un progetto che doveva vederla di nuovo sul set con Virna Lisi: «Ero stata chiamata per una fiction in cui avrei dovuto lavorare con lei: sarebbe stato meraviglioso. Ho il rimpianto di non averla più incontrata. Ha segnato in maniera positiva la mia vita, ho avuto la possibilità di attingere a questa bella figura, grande esempio di solidità e di statura come donna, al di là della sua bellezza rimasta impareggiabile anche negli anni».

«Ciao Bellissima...!», scrive Fiorello su Twitter. E
Barbara d'Urso aggiunge‏: «La più alta rappresentazione di bellezza, eleganza e talento. Davvero la regina del cinema italiano. Che triste notizia». Messaggi di cordoglio anche da parte di
Antonella Clerici: «Addio a Virna Lisi bella come il sole, elegante, simpatica meravigliosa donna. Un privilegio averla conosciuta».

Condoglianze anche dal mondo delle istituzioni. «Esprimo sincero cordoglio per la scomparsa di Virna Lisi, interprete di rara bellezza, fascino, versatilità, e di una qualità ancora più rara: quella di mantenere tutte le sue doti dentro un'aura di sobrietà e di stile. Negli anni ha lavorato con i registi più grandi del cinema italiano ed internazionale ed impersonato molti ruoli in teatro e in televisione. Con lei il mondo dello spettacolo perde una grande protagonista», ha detto il ministro dei Beni e delle Attività culturali e del Turismo, Dario Franceschini.

«Ci ha lasciato una grande signora del cinema, non solo italiano. Un'artista che ci ha accompagnato con grazia, coraggio e sensibilità, protagonista anche di progetti Rai fino all'anno scorso», è il ricordo del direttore di Rai Fiction Tinni Andreatta.


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Russia's economic turmoil is already spreading to companies in the West and many are bracing for an even bigger blow to earnings.

A currency crisis and plunging oil prices have slammed the economy and damaged consumer confidence. If oil prices fail to recover, Russian GDP is expected to shrink by almost 5% next year.
That's bad news for plenty of Western companies with heavy exposure to Russia.
The currency collapse has driven up prices for Russians. Some shoppers have been rushing to buy before prices go any higher, but ultimately, spending on many Western consumer brands will slow.
Guardate un po' chi c'è ......Dany......pensaci tu.

Here are the Western brands taking the biggest hit from the Russian crisis:
It's been a tough year for automakers in Russia. Car sales are down about 12% so far this year, according to the Association of European Businesses. Ford (F) has been one of the hardest hit. Its sales slumped 40% in the first 11 months of the year, according to the AEB.
The U.S. automaker was forced to cut about 950 jobs at its Russia joint venture in April.
It's a similar story for the German car giant. Volkswagen (VLKAF) halted production at its plant in the Russian city of Kaluga for 10 days in September, blaming the souring economy.
The group's main VW car brand saw Russian sales fall 20% between January and November, compared to the same period in 2013, AEB data shows.
The Danish beer maker has issued two profit warnings this year due to slowing Russian demand. Beer market volumes fell by as much as 7% in the first six months of 2014, the brewer said, hit by the uncertain environment, weak growth and bad weather.
Carlsberg (CABGY) is heavily dependent on sales in Russia, where it is the biggest brewer supplying local brands such as Baltika. Its shares are down more than 20% this year.
Sluggish consumer spending has forced the German sportswear maker to shut stores and scale back expansion plans in Russia.
Adidas (ADDDF) is one of the biggest retail brands in the country with 1,100 stores. Chief Executive Herbert Hainer said last month that weak consumer sentiment and the falling ruble was hurting its business.
Crumbling oil prices and sanctions have dealt a double blow to oil majors in Russia. BP (BCONQ) owns a large stake in Rosneft, Russia's biggest oil company,
Rosneft has lost access to U.S. and European sources of finance, as well as technology and services to develop deep water, Arctic or shale oil deposits. It blamed an 86% fall in third quarter profit on the falling ruble and lower prices for Russian Urals crude.
BP shares are trading down 17% this year.
Related: Russia has cash to prevent economic collapse
ExxonMobil (XOM) made an Arctic oil discovery with Rosneft earlier this year. But the firm can't push ahead with the project until sanctions imposed over the Ukraine crisis are lifted.
The French energy giant has also had growth plans clipped by the West's trade war with Russia. The firm shelved plans for a shale exploration venture with Russia's Lukoil due to the sanctions.
Earlier this year, Russian officials forced the fast food giant to close 12 restaurants because of sanitary violations. The move was widely believed to be politically motivated.
All restaurants have now reopened but McDonald's (MCD) said "very weak results" in Russia worked to drive European sales lower in November.
French food conglomerate Danone (DANOY) is a big player in Russia. The market represents 11% of the group's annual turnover and was the top ranking country by sales in 2013.
Rising prices are a growing worry for the company in Russia. The company said operating margins fell sharply in the first half of this year due to higher milk prices.
Russia is also a major market for the German engineering titan, and sales are suffering. Siemens' (SIEGY)revenue from the country dropped about 14% in fiscal 2014, compared with the previous year.
European banks
An escalation of Russia's financial woes could create headaches for Western banks. European lenders are most exposed to the country, according to the Bank for International Settlements.
European banks had $155.9 billion in outstanding loans to Russia at the end of June. That's about 1% of total European bank lending. French banks have lent the most at $47.8 billion, followed by Italy with $27.7 billion. U.S. banks have lent a relatively modest $26.1 billion.
Among the major banks tied up in Russia are France's Societé Generale (SCGLY) and Italy's UniCredit (UNCFF).
Avrei bisogno 16000/16500 ........:mumble::mumble:

Piazza Affari azzera i guadagni di inizio seduta e si porta in territorio negativo. L'indice Ftse Mib al momento cede lo 0,23% a 19.018 punti.
Ciao Pilu. Buona giornata.


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