Certificati di investimento - Cap. 2

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Continua intanto la telenovela sulla cedola di CH0402355868 che coinvolge anche un altro forumer (mi scuso se ora non ne ricordo il nick). IW risponde oggi al mio ennesimo sollecito dicendo che ancora non l'hanno ricevuta dalla depositante: gli ho risposto che, stranamente, la stessa depositante mi ha regolarmente versato la cedola, nel giorno prescritto, sullo stesso titolo che ho presso altra banca (Binck). Ancora un po' di ammoinna e dovrò trasferire tutti i certificati su Binck.
Netflix reports revenue in line with expectations in the second quarter. Net profit was positive and better than expected. Compared with the previous year, net profit rose. However, the stock is raging in the aftermarket after the company's subscriber growth has fallen below expected and the company's expectations have come down.
Turnover amounted to $ 3.91 billion (2.78), compared with Bloomberg analyst consensus, which was 3.94.
Profit after tax was $ 0.45 billion (0.11), analyst consensus 0.42.
Earnings per share ended at $ 0.85 (0.15), which is 8 percent better than the Bloomberg Analyst Consensus, which was 0.79.
During the quarter, 5.2 million subscribers increased, which was clearly worse than expectations of 6.3 million.
Netflix estimates that there are 5.0 million subscribers in the third quarter and it is also clearly lower than analysts' expectations of 5.9 million.
The stock, which has more than doubled so far this year, drops almost 15 percent in the after-trade.
con questi numeri un titolo cala!!! parliamo di profitti per 0,85 BILIONI di dollari!!! ma come si scrive a numeri un bilione??? Poi facciamo tutte le considerazioni sulle bolle speculative, sulla mega crescita del nasdaq, ecc.... ma questi sono numeri da paura!!!
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