Certificati di investimento - Cap. 2

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Scusate come vedete Stm , ho notato che rispetto agli altri tecnologici non ha stornato per niente forse è il caso di aspettare? Non vorrei facesse la fine di Fiat!!
a prescindere dall'acquisto o meno, segnati sul calendario l'8/8....semestrale di ENDO.

Endo International PLC company events calendar | Nasdaq: ENDP | 4-Traders

ho visto i dati finanziari degli ultimi anni....negli ultimi 6 anni, 6 anni in perdita!
in bocca al lupo a tutti coloro che sono dentro!

Sì, me l'ero già segnato e penso che per prudenza ne venderò la metà. Poi, in funzione dei conti, si vedrà se ricomprare. Ho appena impiegato lo stesso metodo per i certificati con Tesla che presenta i conti domani. Certo sono operazioni che si concludono sempre con una certa perdita ma un po' di prudenza non guasta (anche se a pagamento).
Enel SpA (ENEL.MI) said Tuesday that first-half net profit rose, boosted by decreases in both net financial expenses and taxes.
Net profit at the Rome, Italy-based energy company was 2.02 million euros ($2.36 million) compared with EUR1.85 billion in the same period a year earlier and close to analysts' expectations of EUR2.06 billion, according to FactSet.
Revenue fell slightly to EUR36.03 billion, weighed down by exchange rates, Enel said.
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization increased 2.3% to EUR7.86 billion, reflecting organic growth in renewables, distribution tariff increases in Argentina and Spain, as well as an improvement in margins in Spain and Romania, according to the company.
The company confirmed its 2018 targets.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration plans to propose a 25 percent tariff on $200 billion (152.36 billion pounds)in Chinese imports and an announcement could come as early as Wednesday, a source familiar with the plan said on Tuesday.
President Donald Trump's administration had initially announced it would seek to impose a tariff of 10 percent on $200 billion of Chinese imports, and raising the level to 25 percent would escalate the dispute over trade between the world's two biggest economies

MILAN (Reuters) - Poste Italiane and UniCredit have teamed up in the consumer credit business, the post office and Italy's biggest bank by assets said in a joint statement.
The agreement regards the promotion and the sale, through the post office network, of salary- and pension-backed loans underwritten by UniCredit. It could be extended to include personal loans, the two partners said.
Under its business plan, Poste has committed to establish partnerships with leading banks to expand the range of products it offers its clients.
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