Certificati di investimento - Cap. 2 (2 lettori)

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PARIS (Reuters) - Shares in French retailer Casino surged more than 10% on Friday after controlling shareholder Jean-Charles Naouri won some respite as his debt-laden Rallye investment vehicle was placed under protection from creditors.
Investors and analysts, however, said the move did not solve all of Rallye or Casino's problems and that the impact on the complex ownership structure remained uncertain.
A Paris commercial court on Thursday placed Rallye, the parent company of Casino, under protection from its creditors for at least six months.
Rallye has net debt of 2.9 billion euros (£2.5 billion) and Casino net debt of 2.7 billion euros.
Rallye's main asset is its 51.7 percent stake in Casino. Rallye in turn is controlled by Fonciere Euris, Finatis and Euris, all in the hands of Casino chairman and CEO Naouri.
Under the safeguard procedure the servicing of bank and bond debt is suspended while the group works on a plan to reorganise its debt and potentially reschedule it up to 10 years.
As part of negotiations with creditors, some of Rallye's debt could be converted into equity.
"We cannot rule out the possibility of seeing Mr Naouri lose control of his whole galaxy," said Bryan Garnier analyst Clement Genelot.
Shares in both Casino and Rallye have fallen by roughly 20 percent so far in 2019, and their slump on the stock market has drawn the attention of some hedge funds.
Casino shares jumped as much as 12 percent while Rallye shares slumped 61 percent when they resumed trading on Friday.
Casino Chief Financial Officer David Lubek told a conference call that Rallye's move had no impact on the operations or strategy of a company that has more than 12,000 stores worldwide.
Casino, whose credit rating was pushed further into junk status by Standard & Poor's in March and was also downgraded by Moody's in April, has embarked upon asset sales to cut its debt and ease concerns over it and Rallye's position.
Casino, which controls Brazilian retailer Grupo Pao de Acucar (GPA), this month said it was reviewing strategic options in Latin America.
Dividends from Casino are used to maintain Rallye's debt interest payments, which makes it hard for Casino to reduce its own leverage.
Casino shares held by Rallye are also pledged as collateral to banks in order for Rallye to obtain more financing. So the more Casino's shares fall, the less room Rallye has to move.
"That Rallye is temporarily protected from repaying its liabilities does not prevent Casino from continuing to pay dividends, even if the amount may be down," Bryan Garnier wrote.
Kepler Cheuvreux said in a note that a 10-year debt rescheduling would impact Casino's future dividend policy.
It would imply that "Casino will pay more dividends over 10 years (although they could cut dividend first in the short-term), which is not in the interest of the minority shareholders," it said.
Meanwhile short-seller Muddy Waters, a long-term critic of the company, called the news "a resounding vindication of the warnings we sounded".
It also said this "likely marks the beginning of the end for this financing structure, which has been a parasite on Casino for years".


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PARIS (Reuters) - Shares in French retailer Casino surged more than 10% on Friday after controlling shareholder Jean-Charles Naouri won some respite as his debt-laden Rallye investment vehicle was placed under protection from creditors.
Investors and analysts, however, said the move did not solve all of Rallye or Casino's problems and that the impact on the complex ownership structure remained uncertain.
A Paris commercial court on Thursday placed Rallye, the parent company of Casino, under protection from its creditors for at least six months.
Rallye has net debt of 2.9 billion euros (£2.5 billion) and Casino net debt of 2.7 billion euros.
Rallye's main asset is its 51.7 percent stake in Casino. Rallye in turn is controlled by Fonciere Euris, Finatis and Euris, all in the hands of Casino chairman and CEO Naouri.
Under the safeguard procedure the servicing of bank and bond debt is suspended while the group works on a plan to reorganise its debt and potentially reschedule it up to 10 years.
As part of negotiations with creditors, some of Rallye's debt could be converted into equity.
"We cannot rule out the possibility of seeing Mr Naouri lose control of his whole galaxy," said Bryan Garnier analyst Clement Genelot.
Shares in both Casino and Rallye have fallen by roughly 20 percent so far in 2019, and their slump on the stock market has drawn the attention of some hedge funds.
Casino shares jumped as much as 12 percent while Rallye shares slumped 61 percent when they resumed trading on Friday.
Casino Chief Financial Officer David Lubek told a conference call that Rallye's move had no impact on the operations or strategy of a company that has more than 12,000 stores worldwide.
Casino, whose credit rating was pushed further into junk status by Standard & Poor's in March and was also downgraded by Moody's in April, has embarked upon asset sales to cut its debt and ease concerns over it and Rallye's position.
Casino, which controls Brazilian retailer Grupo Pao de Acucar (GPA), this month said it was reviewing strategic options in Latin America.
Dividends from Casino are used to maintain Rallye's debt interest payments, which makes it hard for Casino to reduce its own leverage.
Casino shares held by Rallye are also pledged as collateral to banks in order for Rallye to obtain more financing. So the more Casino's shares fall, the less room Rallye has to move.
"That Rallye is temporarily protected from repaying its liabilities does not prevent Casino from continuing to pay dividends, even if the amount may be down," Bryan Garnier wrote.
Kepler Cheuvreux said in a note that a 10-year debt rescheduling would impact Casino's future dividend policy.
It would imply that "Casino will pay more dividends over 10 years (although they could cut dividend first in the short-term), which is not in the interest of the minority shareholders," it said.
Meanwhile short-seller Muddy Waters, a long-term critic of the company, called the news "a resounding vindication of the warnings we sounded".
It also said this "likely marks the beginning of the end for this financing structure, which has been a parasite on Casino for years".
Articolo fortemente preoccupante..da valutare il da farsi lunedi per quanto mi riguarda..


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Per una volta sono stato previdente: avevo il CH0438952258 e l'ho venduto un mesetto fa proprio perché non mi fidavo di Casino (forse NoWay se ne ricorda)

Quello che stava x succedere a Casino non mi era mai successo e nemmeno ci sono mai andato vicino.

(Ora specialmente con le azioni americane di cui si conosce poco, cerchero' di essere ancora piu previdente specialmente sul totale dell'investimento,mi sono lasciato andare su alcuni sottostanti avendo poche informazioni ma fidandomi piu' che altro della struttura)

Mi ricordo che non ti fidavi di Casino (in pratica x te era una ciofeca da evitare),che si dovesse ballare era ovvio(questo lo si deduceva dalla struttura-stike ampiamente descrescenti-barriera 50% cedole alte-airbag) ma che si stesse correndo un pericolo cosi alto non era prevedibile.

Ricordo a tutti che in caso di Eventi straordinari (es perdita di un sottostante) Leonteq (come probabilmente ache gli altri emittenti) estingue con effetto immediato il prodotto.......

Rettifico: Puo' estingure con effetto immediato il prodotto.....
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
CH0475335581... forse il certificato più rischioso che abbia mai visto... :brr:

Ho visto il sottostante...... (con anche Casino ecc) rischiosità alta (Almeno il rischio e ben pagato 3% mensile con memoria)
Altro certificato che (forse/attualmente x quel che rigurada Casino) l'ha scampata.


Forumer storico
Articolo fortemente preoccupante..da valutare il da farsi lunedi per quanto mi riguarda..

Io venerdì come postato sono uscito parzialmente (nessun altro sul certificato 258 lo ha fatto) o stanno valutando la situazione o pensano che il pericolo sia scampato...... (probabilmente sono propensi x la 2a)
solo 1 altro e uscito su un altro certificato che io avevo (e su questo sono uscito completamente)

Io proprio tranquillo non sono.


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MILAN (Reuters) - Italy's Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) is considering selling its stake in broadband operator Open Fiber to Telecom Italia (TIM), which would issue the state-owned lender with shares in return for the holding, Il Messaggero reported.
This could pave the way to a single ultrafast broadband operator through a merger of TIM's network with Open Fiber, which is co-owned by state-lender CDP and Italy's biggest utility Enel, to avoid duplicating investment.
The proposal is one option CDP's top executives have discussed with TIM's major investor French media group Vivendi, Saturday's Il Messagero report said.
CDP, which recently became TIM's second-largest shareholder with a 9.9% stake, would thereby lift its stake to between 20% and 25%, close to or more than Vivendi's 23.9%.
TIM would then merge its network assets into Open Fiber and keep control of the network company, Il Messaggero added.
The plan would trigger a reshuffle in TIM, as Vivendi and activist fund Elliott would be diluted, the report said.


It's time to play the game
Tu come la vedi la situazione (Sempre in riferimento al certificato con Casino).

Nell'articolo postato da Fabrib mi sembra che ci sia un elemento positivo importante. Le azioni Casino detenute da Rallye sono state concesse come collaterale alle banche per ottenere finanziamenti...


Forumer storico
MILAN (Reuters) - Italy's Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) is considering selling its stake in broadband operator Open Fiber to Telecom Italia (TIM), which would issue the state-owned lender with shares in return for the holding, Il Messaggero reported.
This could pave the way to a single ultrafast broadband operator through a merger of TIM's network with Open Fiber, which is co-owned by state-lender CDP and Italy's biggest utility Enel, to avoid duplicating investment.
The proposal is one option CDP's top executives have discussed with TIM's major investor French media group Vivendi, Saturday's Il Messagero report said.
CDP, which recently became TIM's second-largest shareholder with a 9.9% stake, would thereby lift its stake to between 20% and 25%, close to or more than Vivendi's 23.9%.
TIM would then merge its network assets into Open Fiber and keep control of the network company, Il Messaggero added.
The plan would trigger a reshuffle in TIM, as Vivendi and activist fund Elliott would be diluted, the report said.
Mi sembra che si stia parlando sempre di più di una possibile fusione.... spero possa essere la svolta per Telecom
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