Certificati di investimento - Cap. 2 (9 lettori)

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fol-low IO

questo cert ce l'ho! ma non per tenerlo
stò tentando di farmi delle minus
fortunatamente da un paio di giorni ho azzerato minus storiche però reputo la gestione delle minus positiva per abbassare la tassazione
............non considerate sia tutto corretto!!! anzi ... è proprio un tentativo all'acqua di rose!!!!

sinceramente non ho ancora capito quale sia il vantaggio pagare plus OGGI per avere un credito di minus domani...
a che pro?


Forumer storico
Stavo dando un'occhiata ull'ultimo numero del CJ questo certificato IT0005372377 di nuova emissione presenta una barriera del 60% mentre sul Kid c'è scritto 50% inoltre volevo sapere se la cedola al 75% dello strike è a memoria o no. Grazie.

El Trinche

Forumer storico
Stavo dando un'occhiata ull'ultimo numero del CJ questo certificato IT0005372377 di nuova emissione presenta una barriera del 60% mentre sul Kid c'è scritto 50% inoltre volevo sapere se la cedola al 75% dello strike è a memoria o no. Grazie.


43. Barriera 50% dello Strike

C.1 I Certificati prevedono il pagamento di uno o più Importi Addizionali Condizionati, che potranno essere corrisposti ai Portatori alle Date di Pagamento dell'Importo Addizionale Condizionato.


Forumer attivo

16/7 data rilevamento
18/7 ultimo acquisto per aver diritto alla cedola
19/7 quotazione ex-cedola
22/7 record date (leggendo quanto riportato qui sotto dalla scheda ETLX)

Vedi l'allegato 519025

23/7 pagamento cedola

Vendendo il 19/7 --> le MINUS si generano il 23/7
nella migliore ipotesi il pagamento avviene il 23/7 --> le PLUS si generano il 23/7

messa cosi, lo schema-VARENA non funziona

PS ricontrollate le date, non vorrei aver sbagliato!!
16/07/2019 22,5 % 50 % Cedola a memoria 22,5 eur; No rimborso anticipato
16/10/2019 2 % 70 % Cedola a memoria 2 eur; No rimborso anticipato
se perdi il treno del 16/7 è un problema


Forumer storico
Clarification of Casino following the communication of Rallye
Paris, 12 July 2019,
Following the press releases issued by Rallye, Foncière Euris and Finatis on 12 July 2019 relating to structured financing arrangements, Casino, Guichard-Perrachon ("Casino") confirms that these operations have no impact on the control exercised by Rallye and its holding companies over Casino.
In addition, Casino points out that the loss of control of Casino by Rallye or its holding companies would have no legal impact on Casino's debt and would not constitute an event of default, neither under the bank financing documentation nor the bond financing documentation of Casino.
As a matter of fact:
i. The main part of Casino's bank financing documentation contains change of control clauses. The notion of change of control is not defined as the loss of control of Casino by Rallye or its holding companies but as the acquisition of control1 of Casino by a third party, other than Rallye and its affiliates, acting alone or in concert. The implementation of the change of control clauses would constitute an event of mandatory early repayment or cancellation of confirmed credit lines upon the individual decision of each of the lenders.
ii. All of Casino's bond financing documentation contains change of control clauses, with the exception of the documentation relating to the €600 million of perpetual deeply subordinated notes (TSSDI) issued in 2005 that does not contain any. The notion of change of control is defined by two cumulative elements:
- the acquisition by a third party, other than Rallye and its affiliates, acting alone or in concert, of shares conferring them more than 50% of the voting rights in Casino; and
- this change of control directly results in a downgrade of Casino's long-term credit rating (by at least one notch in the event that Casino is not an investment grade).
In the event of an acquisition of control of Casino by a third party leading to a downgrading of Casino's rating, the consequences on Casino's bond financing would be as follows:
- for senior bonds representing a cumulative nominal value to date of €5,337.5 million, each bond investor would have the right to ask Casino for the early redemption at par of all the bonds he holds;
- for the deeply subordinated notes issued in 2013 representing a nominal amount of €750 million to date, the coupon would be increased by an additional margin of 5% per year and Casino would also have the option to redeem all of these notes at par.
1. Within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code. It is reminded that control within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code is presumed to be exercised by any person who directly or indirectly holds more than 40% of the voting rights and that no other shareholder holds directly or indirectly more than his own.


Forumer storico
  • A U.S. District Judge has rejected Bayer's request for a new trial in the case of a California man who was awarded $80M by a jury after it found exposure to the company's Roundup weedkiller caused his cancer.
  • Judge Chhabria, who is expected to issue a second ruling Monday on whether to reduce the damages in the case, ruled the plaintiff presented "sufficient admissible evidence" to the jury that exposure to Roundup caused his cancer.
  • The judge is handling the collection of hundreds of federal lawsuits involving Roundup.
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