Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (19 lettori)

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Listino e panino
BERKELEY, Calif., June 19 (Reuters) - Long-time Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) executive and president Jerome Guillen, who left the company earlier in June, has sold an estimated $274 million worth of shares after exercising stock options since June 10, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Guillen, a former Mercedes engineer who was with Tesla since 2010, oversaw the company's entire vehicles business before being named president of the Tesla Heavy Trucking unit in March.
He left the company on June 3. (news)
The departure of Guillen, one of Tesla's top four leaders, including Chief Executive Elon Musk, has sparked market concerns about Tesla's future vehicle programs like the Semi electric truck and new batteries called 4680 cells.
Gordon Johnson, an analyst at GLJ Research, estimated that Guillen has cut his exposure to Tesla from 1.3 million shares a weak ago to about 150,000 as of Friday.
“Should TSLA be on the verge of technological and autonomous breakthroughs and breakout 2Q21E deliveries/earnings, as well as EV domination, why has what many assumed was the second most important person at the company (i.e., Jerome Guillen) sold $274mn worth of TSLA stock," he said in a report.

Nonostante questo, il PM di Tesla è verde


Money often costs too much
Fineco ha appena pagato!
Mi hanno scritto che "c'é stato un problema con l'emittente"
Mancano tutti gli altri però, incluso IWBank e Directa

Quoto nuovamente il tuo post relativo alla cedola del DE000UD97FZ9 perchè io con IW ancora non ho ricevuto niente..

Novità dagli altri intermediari ?!


Forumer storico
Quoto nuovamente il tuo post relativo alla cedola del DE000UD97FZ9 perchè io con IW ancora non ho ricevuto niente..

Novità dagli altri intermediari ?!

Directa ancora niente, ho aperto reclamo e mi hanno risposto che ho diritto alla cedola ma ci sono problemi con l'emittente ...
Lo stesso per un altro UBS su tre azioni oil che ha pagato cedola il 31/5 ma non su Directa
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