Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (10 lettori)

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Tesla plans to recall more than 285,000 cars sold in China to address risks associated with its autopilot feature

Ogni tanto qualcuno muore (Tesla ha già sopportato un paio di cause non so con quali esiti), ma purtroppo fa parte della statistica delle nuove invenzioni e quindi della mancanza di normative che comprendano test solidi per la verifica dell'affidabilità.
Ricorda un po' l'inizio dell'aviazione civile (es. finestrini rettangolari come le finestre di casa e con tanto di tendine, poi dopo un po' di disintegrazioni in volo si è capito che bisognava togliere gli spigoli).


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Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ordered cryptocurrency exchange Binance to stop undertaking any regulated activity in the country, saying the firm lacked authorization.
The exchange would not be allowed to undertake any regulated activities without the prior written consent of the FCA, the watchdog said in a statement here dated Saturday.
“No other entity in the Binance Group holds any form of UK authorisation, registration or licence to conduct regulated activity in the UK,” the FCA statement said.
Britain’s move comes at a time when Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, is under scrutiny by regulators in other countries, including the United States and Germany. RTRS


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Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ordered cryptocurrency exchange Binance to stop undertaking any regulated activity in the country, saying the firm lacked authorization.
The exchange would not be allowed to undertake any regulated activities without the prior written consent of the FCA, the watchdog said in a statement here dated Saturday.
“No other entity in the Binance Group holds any form of UK authorisation, registration or licence to conduct regulated activity in the UK,” the FCA statement said.
Britain’s move comes at a time when Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, is under scrutiny by regulators in other countries, including the United States and Germany. RTRS
Notizia importante, anche in vista di eventuali altri stop in USA e Germania.
Tuttavia la quotazione sembra non averne risentito.


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Germany will attempt today to ban British travellers from the EU regardless of whether or not they have had a vaccine.
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, wants to designate Britain as a “country of concern” because the Delta variant is so widespread.
The plans will be discussed by senior European and national officials on the EU’s integrated political crisis response committee and will be resisted by Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Malta and Portugal. President Macron of France has backed mandatory quarantine for unvaccinated travellers. RTRS


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Mexican billionaire Ricardo Salinas Pliego endorsed the use of #Bitcoin and said his bank is on the way to accepting the cryptocurrency
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