Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (12 lettori)

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Money often costs too much
Mandata ennesima email ad IW per DE000UD97FZ9, con allegati i Final Terms e tutta la spiegazione (posso scriverci un libro ormai).

Ne approfitto per ringraziare tutti per il supporto ricevuto e salutarvi...mi aspetta una settimana di mare e pesca in barca! :abbocca:


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ECB decides not to extend dividend recommendation beyond September 2021
23 July 2021
  • Current ECB recommendation on dividends to expire on 30 September 2021
  • Supervisors to return to pre-pandemic way of assessing banks’ capital and dividend plans
  • Banks to remain prudent, not underestimate credit risk when they decide on dividends
The European Central Bank (ECB) today decided not to extend beyond September 2021 its recommendation that all banks limit dividends. Instead, supervisors will assess the capital and distribution plans of each bank as part of the regular supervisory process.


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Bloomberg Markets
“The delta variant is posing a growing risk, but it’s probably not to the point that we should be making big, negative changes in our outlook”


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odio fare certe domande . Ma a me pare avesse cedole arretrate . De facto ieri ,pagata solo una . Qualcuno l'ha in ptf ?
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