Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (26 lettori)

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Keep calm and trade on
qualcuno ha XS1973491076 ?

Io l'ho comprato e venduto varie volte dalla sua emissione (l'ultimo acquisto l'ho fatto oggi, sulla debolezza di ieri di BYND, come ho scritto): mi piace perché, a fronte di un considerevole grado di rischio dovuto all'alta volatilità dei sottostanti (peraltro assolutamente NON correlati) dà un rendimento del 6.3% lordo trimestrale; lo trovo ottimo per diversificare sia i sottostanti (che non compaiono in molti certificati) che l'emittente, Credit Suisse (che non è certo prolifico nell'emissione di prodotti).

Se ti servissero altre info specifiche chiedi pure


Forumer attivo
grazie adesso me lo guardo meglio
oggi volevo prenderne un po' ma non ho avuto tempo
inoltre ho già il DE000VP6LT15 e nn vorrei esagerare


It's time to play the game
da distaccato investitore, durante l'ultima presidenza americana, in nasdaq +136%, lo S&P +67% e il DowJ +56%, se non ho commesso errori. Se anche questa presidenza fa lo stesso a me va benissimo. Il Mib +16%.

Ma potrebbe essere che il "merito" non sia di una persona?


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TechnipFMC (FTI) said it would resume its planned spinoff into two publicly traded companies, with the separation expected to be completed in the first quarter of the year.
The company had previously halted the spinoff in March due to market volatility caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The two companies to come out of the spinoff will be TechnipFMC, a technology and services provider, and Technip Energies, an engineering and technology company. The company said the separation would improve the two firm's focus on their respective strategies and provide improved flexibility and growth opportunities.
The company will distribute 50.1% of the outstanding shares in Technip Energies to existing TechnipFMC shareholders on a pro rata basis. TechnipFMC will retain ownership of the remaining 49.9% of Technip Energies.
Bpifrance, a substantial shareholder of TechnipFMC since 2009, intends to invest $200 million in Technip Energies by acquiring shares from TechnipFMC's retained stake in Technip Energies, the company said. RTRS


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TechnipFMC (FTI) said it would resume its planned spinoff into two publicly traded companies, with the separation expected to be completed in the first quarter of the year.
The company had previously halted the spinoff in March due to market volatility caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The two companies to come out of the spinoff will be TechnipFMC, a technology and services provider, and Technip Energies, an engineering and technology company. The company said the separation would improve the two firm's focus on their respective strategies and provide improved flexibility and growth opportunities.
The company will distribute 50.1% of the outstanding shares in Technip Energies to existing TechnipFMC shareholders on a pro rata basis. TechnipFMC will retain ownership of the remaining 49.9% of Technip Energies.
Bpifrance, a substantial shareholder of TechnipFMC since 2009, intends to invest $200 million in Technip Energies by acquiring shares from TechnipFMC's retained stake in Technip Energies, the company said. RTRS
Da monitorare per l'airbag CH0516983589


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Hyundai shares jump 18% after a report said Apple was in talks with the automaker on developing self-driving electric vehicles


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STMicroelectronics (STM.PA) said Friday its preliminary and unaudited net revenue for the fourth quarter of 2020 are higher than the forecast in October 2020.
The Switzerland-based semiconductor manufacturing company's net revenue for the quarter ended Dec. 31, 2020, jumped 21.3% sequentially, and 580 basis points above the high end of the range, to $3.24 billion, compared with the forecast of $2.99 billion, plus or minus 350 basis points.
President and Chief Executive Jean-Marc Chery said the results were achieved on the back of better performance of the personal electronics and automotive products and microcontrollers operations.
Revenue in the full year grew 6.9% year over year to $10.22 billion, Chery said.
The group's 2020 results are expected to release Jan. 28.


It's time to play the game
Un’ulteriore spinta al rally è arrivata stanotte dalla Casa Bianca, Donald Trump ha detto di esser pronto a farsi da parte ed ha preso le distanze dalla folla che ha “contaminato il luogo della democrazia degli Stati Uniti”.

Deo gratias...

P.s. Abboniamogli pure che la contaminazione è stato lui a richiederla...
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