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Forumer storico
Moderna Inc said on Monday that a booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine appeared to be protective against the fast-spreading Omicron variant in laboratory testing and that the current version of the vaccine would continue to be Moderna’s "first line of defense against Omicron."
The company said a two-dose course of its vaccine generated low neutralizing antibodies against the Omicron variant, but a 50 microgram booster dose increased neutralizing antibodies against the variant 37 fold. A higher, 100 microgram booster dose of the same vaccine drove antibody levels even higher - more than 80 times pre-boost levels. RTRS


Listino e panino
Più che l'obbligatorietà dei vaccini (cosa che ha un effetto relativo sui dissenzienti) contano a mio avviso le sospensioni dallo stipendio per le categorie 'critiche' e il comportamento responsabile degli altri (distanze, mascherine, evitare assembramenti, ecc.).
Attualmente questi sono gli unici modo di 'combattere' il virus. Vista la velocità di sviluppo dei primi vaccini, ci si aspettava anche qualcosa di valido sul fronte delle cure sanitarie per quelli che vengono ricoverati.
2 giorni fa (non un mese fa!) mi hai dato del no-vax perchè ho scritto che il vaccino non è sufficiente e che bisogna anche evitare gli assembramenti.


It's time to play the game
Moderna Inc said on Monday that a booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine appeared to be protective against the fast-spreading Omicron variant in laboratory testing and that the current version of the vaccine would continue to be Moderna’s "first line of defense against Omicron."
The company said a two-dose course of its vaccine generated low neutralizing antibodies against the Omicron variant, but a 50 microgram booster dose increased neutralizing antibodies against the variant 37 fold. A higher, 100 microgram booster dose of the same vaccine drove antibody levels even higher - more than 80 times pre-boost levels. RTRS

Ma avranno avvisato il loro AD?


It's time to play the game
Buy XS1575031973
La giornata non é buona, lo vediamo ma a me pare che questo sia sceso fin troppo
Eurostoxx Banks sullo strike, oggi può callare a 1014 circa e il MM é in ask a 977 (valore di non rimborso certo)

In apertura ero solitario in bid a 929 e adesso ho davanti il mondo... :d:


Nuovo forumer
Moderna Inc said on Monday that a booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine appeared to be protective against the fast-spreading Omicron variant in laboratory testing and that the current version of the vaccine would continue to be Moderna’s "first line of defense against Omicron."
The company said a two-dose course of its vaccine generated low neutralizing antibodies against the Omicron variant, but a 50 microgram booster dose increased neutralizing antibodies against the variant 37 fold. A higher, 100 microgram booster dose of the same vaccine drove antibody levels even higher - more than 80 times pre-boost levels. RTRS

Questo invece era la comunicazione di Pfizer l'8 dicembre:

Data indicate that a third dose of BNT162b2 increases the neutralizing antibody titers by 25-fold compared to two doses against the Omicron variant; titers after the booster dose are comparable to titers observed after two doses against the wild-type virus which are associated with high levels of protection

Quindi in ottica booster sembra meglio Moderna che Pfizer, potrebbe essere una buona notizia per l'Italia che sta facendo per le terze dosi moltissimo Moderna.
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