Certificati di investimento - Cap. 5

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Il ministro degli Esteri cinese Wang Yi si recherà in visita ufficiale a Mosca a febbraio. Lo scrive il quotidiano Vedomosti citando due proprie fonti ben informato. Durante il viaggio, Wang potrebbe incontrare il presidente russo Vladimir Putin.

La Cina è l'unica chance per arrivare alla pace. Speriamo siano convincenti con il pazzo.
Inflazione in spagna preliminare

SPANISH CPI (M/M) JAN P: -0.3% (PREV 0.2%)
- CPI (Y/Y) JAN P: 5.8% (EST 5.0%; PREV 5.7%)
- CPI EU HARMONISED (M/M) JAN P: -0.5% (EST -1.9%; PREV 0.0%)
- CPI EU HARMONISED (Y/Y) JAN P: 5.8% (EST 4.8%; PREV 5.5%)
- CPI CORE (Y/Y) JAN P: 7.5% (PREV 7.0%)

alibaba -7,60% ci sono notizie ?

E-commerce giant Alibaba sank 7.1% following reports it is building a facility in Singapore that some speculated could become its global headquarters.
The Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post reported that the company had denied it was planning such a change, saying the new campus in Singapore will house regional operations with partners like Lazada. Alibaba is headquartered in the east Chinese city of Hangzhou.
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