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American Express $AXP just approved the repurchase of up to 120 Million shares of common stock ($21.4 Billion at current levels) $AXP also raised its quarterly dividend to $0.60 per share up from $0.52 per share
Palantir $PLTR was just awarded a contract to sell up to $99.6 Million worth of software to the U.S. Department of State for monitoring the health of the diplomatic corps - Reuters
Credit Suisse on Thursday announced that it will delay the publication of its 2022 annual report after a late call from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday night.
In a statement, the embattled Swiss lender said the conversation related to SEC comments about the “technical assessment of previously disclosed revisions to the consolidated cash flow statements in the years ended December 31, 2020, and 2019, as well as related controls.”
“Management believes it is prudent to briefly delay the publication of its accounts in order to understand more thoroughly the comments received. We confirm the 2022 financial results as previously released on February 9, 2023, are not impacted by the above,” the bank said.
Le prime arrivarono nel 2019, quando gli allevatori lasciarono i campi incolti per la crisi del latte. Oggi sono diventate miliardi. E contro le cavallette si …