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Giorno a tutti .... questo è il signore di cui si sta parlando , nn so perchè guardando la foto a colori mi è venuto in mente il maestro Yoda :

Life and career

Blankfein was born in to a Jewish family in the Bronx, New York City and raised in Brooklyn's Linden Houses, part of the New York City Housing Authority. His father was a clerk with the Postal Service in Manhattan.[2] He received primary and secondary education in the public schools of the New York City Department of Education, and was a valedictorian at Thomas Jefferson High School in 1971. He attended Harvard University, where he lived in Winthrop House, and earned his B.A in 1975, graduating with fellow Winthrop House student and future Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke. In 1978, Blankfein received a J.D. from Harvard Law School.
Blankfein worked as a corporate tax lawyer for the law firm Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine. In 1981, he joined Goldman's commodities trading arm, J. Aron, as a precious metals salesman in their London office.
He is the Gala Chairman of the Rockefeller family's Asia Society in New York. He serves on the board of the Robin Hood Foundation, a charitable organization seeking to alleviate poverty in New York, as well as on the Board of Overseers at Weill Cornell Medical College.
Blankfein earned a total of $53.4 million in 2006, making him one of the highest paid executives on Wall Street. His bonus allegedly reflected the performance of Goldman Sachs, which reported record net earnings of $9.5 billion. The compensation included a cash bonus of $27.3 million, with the rest paid in stock and options. While CEO of Goldman Sachs Group in 2007, Lloyd C. Blankfein earned a total compensation of $53,965,418, which included a base salary of $600,000, a cash bonus of $26,985,474, stocks granted of $15,542,756 and options granted of $10,453,031.[3] He now resides in New York with his wife and children.
Blankfein has been named as the most outrageous CEO for the year 2009 by Forbes.[4] Taking a different position, Financial Times named Blankfein as its 2009 Person of the Year stating, "his bank has stuck to its strengths, unashamedly taken advantage of the low interest rates and diminished competition resulting from the crisis to make big trading profits."[5] However, many hold the opinion that Goldman Sachs 2009 performance is indicative of exactly what is wrong with Wall Street.[6]
[edit] Politics

Blankfein contributed at least $7000 to Democratic Party candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008.
On April 7, 2009, Blankfein recommended guidelines to overhaul executive compensation. According to the New York Times, Blankfein said that lessons from the global financial crisis included the need to "apply basic standards to how we compensate people in our industry".[7]
In November, 2009, he declared in an interview that, as a banker, he was doing "God's work".[8] Several days later, he indicated that he regretted that remark, which had been intended as a joke. He also apologized on behalf of Goldman Sachs to the public for unspecified "things that were clearly wrong and have reason to regret" which contributed to the financial and economic crisis, and pledged that Goldman would donate $500 million to American small businesses.[9]
che faccia è c...zo:D


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MILANO (MF-DJ)--China Minmetals e Shunde Rixin Development intendono avviare una miniera da 1,9 mld usd di minerali di ferro in Cile. Il comparto metallurgico cinese spera che tale investimento possa contribuire in modo significativo ad adempiere alla domanda annuale del Paese, mettendo fine a cio' che Rixin descrive come "monopolio" della fornitura di metallo.
China Minmetals e Shunde Tixi lavoreranno congiuntamente al progetto, riferisce He Jinglin a Dow Jones Newswires.
China Minmetals offrira' il proprio contributo attraverso la controllata Minmetals Zhuhai ma non fornira' assistenza finanziaria a Shunde Rixin. E' quanto riporta Gao Peijun, addetto stampa di Minmetals.
"Collaboreremo nella vendita di metalli di ferro nel quadro di un accordo commerciale", afferma Gao.
Shunde Rixin, esportatore tessile acquisira' una quota del 70% in una miniera di minerali di ferro in Cile e afferma di avere riserve dai 3 ai 5 mld tonnellate metriche, riportano indiscrezioni di stampa.
La societa' spenderebbe 13 mld yuan (1,9 mld usd) per la quota partecipativa nella miniera situata a circa 1.000 km a nord di Santiago. E' quanto si apprende da indiscrezioni di stampa del 21st Century Business Herald che cita Li Zihao, presidente di Shunde Rixin.
La miniera potrebbe fornire alla Cina almeno 30 mln tonnellate di metalli di ferro tra il 2010 ed il 2012 e 120 mln tonnellate annuali dopo il 2014, rivela Li al quotidiano.
Secondo il presidente, attraverso l'accordo la Cina potrebbe liberarsi dal monopolio estero australiano e brasiliano di metalli di ferro. red/est/bia

questi senza rivalutare la moneta riescono a fare questo....
Giorno a tutti .... questo è il signore di cui si sta parlando , nn so perchè guardando la foto a colori mi è venuto in mente il maestro Yoda :

Life and career

Blankfein was born in to a Jewish family in the Bronx, New York City and raised in Brooklyn's Linden Houses, part of the New York City Housing Authority. His father was a clerk with the Postal Service in Manhattan.[2] He received primary and secondary education in the public schools of the New York City Department of Education, and was a valedictorian at Thomas Jefferson High School in 1971. He attended Harvard University, where he lived in Winthrop House, and earned his B.A in 1975, graduating with fellow Winthrop House student and future Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke. In 1978, Blankfein received a J.D. from Harvard Law School.
Blankfein worked as a corporate tax lawyer for the law firm Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine. In 1981, he joined Goldman's commodities trading arm, J. Aron, as a precious metals salesman in their London office.
He is the Gala Chairman of the Rockefeller family's Asia Society in New York. He serves on the board of the Robin Hood Foundation, a charitable organization seeking to alleviate poverty in New York, as well as on the Board of Overseers at Weill Cornell Medical College.
Blankfein earned a total of $53.4 million in 2006, making him one of the highest paid executives on Wall Street. His bonus allegedly reflected the performance of Goldman Sachs, which reported record net earnings of $9.5 billion. The compensation included a cash bonus of $27.3 million, with the rest paid in stock and options. While CEO of Goldman Sachs Group in 2007, Lloyd C. Blankfein earned a total compensation of $53,965,418, which included a base salary of $600,000, a cash bonus of $26,985,474, stocks granted of $15,542,756 and options granted of $10,453,031.[3] He now resides in New York with his wife and children.
Blankfein has been named as the most outrageous CEO for the year 2009 by Forbes.[4] Taking a different position, Financial Times named Blankfein as its 2009 Person of the Year stating, "his bank has stuck to its strengths, unashamedly taken advantage of the low interest rates and diminished competition resulting from the crisis to make big trading profits."[5] However, many hold the opinion that Goldman Sachs 2009 performance is indicative of exactly what is wrong with Wall Street.[6]
[edit] Politics

Blankfein contributed at least $7000 to Democratic Party candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008.
On April 7, 2009, Blankfein recommended guidelines to overhaul executive compensation. According to the New York Times, Blankfein said that lessons from the global financial crisis included the need to "apply basic standards to how we compensate people in our industry".[7]
In November, 2009, he declared in an interview that, as a banker, he was doing "God's work".[8] Several days later, he indicated that he regretted that remark, which had been intended as a joke. He also apologized on behalf of Goldman Sachs to the public for unspecified "things that were clearly wrong and have reason to regret" which contributed to the financial and economic crisis, and pledged that Goldman would donate $500 million to American small businesses.[9]
pare un marziano.....cmq..è sempre un marziano pezzo di mierda!!!!
Buongiorno a tutte le rekkie infrocite :V:V:V..passo per un la sono presa comoda ...tanto ero sicuro che dopo ieri ...oggi se faceva meno d'un quazzo:D:D:D......

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