grazie per la risposta, ma nel mio listato dove andrebbe inserita la suddetta formula?
Var: mioosc1(0),mioosc2(0),MioMOV1(0),MioMOV2(0);
Var: valroc(0);
valroc = ROC(C, 9);
mioosc1 = CCI (C, 6);
mioosc2 = CCI (C, 14);
MioMOV1 = MOV(L,8,s);
MioMOV2 = MOV(H,10,s);
if t > 800 and t < 1800 and (C > mioMOV2 and valroc > 0 and mioosc1 > 0 and mioosc2 > 0) then enterlong(Nextbar,AtOpen);endif;
if t > 800 and t < 1800 and (C < MioMOV1 and valroc < 0 and mioosc1 < 0 and mioosc2 < 0) then enterShort(NextBar,AtOpen);endif;
if t >= 1738 and positiondir = 1 then exitlong(nextbar,atopen);endif;
if t >= 1738 and positiondir = -1 then exitshort(nextbar,atopen); endif;