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UPDATE 1-Russia's Gazprom exits German business amid row over pricing

(Adds details, context) April 1 (Reuters) - Russian energy giant Gazprom said on Friday it was exiting its business in Germany, amid a row between the two countries over Moscow's insistence on switching payments for Russian gas to roubles from euros. It was not immediately clear how the move would affect the supply of Russian gas, on which Germany depends for about 40% of its needs. The company said it had terminated its participation in Gazprom Germania GMBH and all of its assets, including Gazprom Marketing & Trading Ltd. It provided no further details or explanation. German business daily Handelsblatt reported on Thursday that the German economy ministry was considering expropriating the Gazprom and Rosneft units in the country amid concerns about the security of energy supplies. The Kremlin said on Friday that any such move would be a violation of international law. Gazprom Germania is based in Berlin and its only shareholder is Gazprom Export, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gazprom. The German entity has subsidiaries including in Switzerland and the Czech Republic. It lists its main business areas as storage, trading, and supply of gas as a fuel for road transport and shipping, with a network of filling stations in Germany and the Czech Republic. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Thursday to impose rouble pricing for gas on buyers from what Moscow considers unfriendly countries. Germany rejects the change, and its economy minister said on Thursday it would not be "blackmailed by Putin". (Reporting by Reuters; writing by Mark Trevelyan)

Russian energy giant Gazprom said on Friday it was exiting its business in Germany, amid a row between the two countries over Moscow's insistence on switching payments for Russian gas to roubles from euros.
It was not immediately clear how the move would affect the supply of Russian gas, on which Germany depends for about 40% of its needs.
The company said it had terminated its participation in Gazprom Germania GMBH and all of its assets, including Gazprom Marketing & Trading Ltd. It provided no further details or explanation. RTRS
Russian gas via the Yamal-Europe pipeline has resumed eastward flows from Germany to Poland, while flows via other major Russian supply routes were steady despite President Vladimir Putin's vow to cut off flows unless customers pay in roubles. RTRS
Gazprom ha iniziato a inviare notifiche sul passaggio ai pagamenti del gas in rubli

Gazprom ha iniziato a inviare notifiche alle controparti in merito al passaggio a un nuovo schema di pagamento del gas in rubli oggi, 1 aprile. Lo riferisce il servizio stampa della compagnia. Allo stesso tempo, il portavoce presidenziale russo Dmitry Peskov ha specificato che le forniture di gas non sarebbero state sospese a causa del passaggio a un nuovo regime di pagamento.

"Ieri mi sono state poste molte domande, questo significa che se non ci sono conferme per i rubli, le forniture di gas verranno interrotte dal 1 aprile. No, non è così. Il pagamento per le consegne effettive in corso non dovrebbe essere effettuato oggi. E dovrebbe essere effettuato da qualche parte alla fine, nella seconda metà del mese, aprile o anche all'inizio di maggio ", ha detto Peskov in risposta a una domanda di Kommersant FM.

Dmitry Peskov ha anche aggiunto che le società straniere possono contattare direttamente Gazprom per chiarire le sfumature del nuovo schema. Ha chiarito che in futuro la Russia potrebbe rifiutarsi di pagare il gas in rubli, "se si verificano le condizioni necessarie".

Il 31 marzo il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha firmato un decreto sulla conversione dei pagamenti del gas in rubli. Allo stesso tempo, Gazprombank sulla borsa di Mosca convertirà la valuta in rubli e non le stesse società straniere.


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