Obbligazioni a tasso fisso CRISI UCRAINA, Bond Russia, Ucraina, Gazprom e altro

Elenco delle società che sono state oggetto di contro-sanzioni
  1. Gazprom Germania GmbH (Germania)
  2. Gazprom NGV Europe GmbH (Germania)
  3. Astora GmbH (Germania)
  4. ZGG – Zarubezhgazneftehim Trading GmbH 3GG (Austria)
  5. GAZPROM Svizzera AG (Svizzera)
  6. WIEE Ungheria Kft (Ungheria)
  7. WIEE Bulgaria EOOD (Bulgaria)
  8. IMUK AG (Svizzera)
  9. WIBG GmbH (Germania)
  10. WIEH GmbH (Germania)
  11. WINGAS GmbH (Germania)
  12. WINGAS UK Ltd. (Regno Unito)
  13. WINGAS Sales GmbH (Germania)
  14. WINGAS Holding GmbH (Germania)
  15. Industriekraftwerk Greifswald GmbH (Germania)
  16. VEMEX ENERGO sro (Slovacchia)
  17. WINGAS Benelux srl (Belgio)
  18. Gazprom Marketing & Trading Ltd
  19. Gazprom Global LNG Ltd. (Regno Unito)
  20. Gazprom Marketing & Trading France SAS (Francia)
  21. Gazprom Marketing & Trading USA Inc. (STATI UNITI D'AMERICA)
  22. Gazprom Marketing & Trading Switzerland AG (Svizzera)
  23. Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore PTE. srl (Singapore)
  24. Gazprom Marketing & Trading Retail Ltd (Gran Bretagna)
  25. Gazprom Fur (Regno Unito) 1 Ltd. (Regno Unito)
  26. Gazprom Fur (Regno Unito) 2 Ltd. (Regno Unito)
  27. PremiumGas SpA A. (Italia)
  28. VEMEX sro (Repubblica Ceca)
  29. VEMEX ENERGIE as (Repubblica Ceca)
  30. WIEE ROMANIA SRL (Romania)
  31. EUROPOL GAZ SA (Polonia)

Sai che non ho capito?
Cosa significa controsanzioni? E da parte di chi?
dopo la UE che voleva l'embargo, no forse fermano i russi, no lo embarghiamo prima noi dice la bionda, no poniamo il veto dice l'Ungheria, arrivano gli ucraini e risolvono tutti i dubbi. Il gas? stop. non lo facciamo più passare. vuoi vedere che il north stream 2 torna buono?
As Russia faces another round of payments on its sovereign debt, Biden administration officials are weighing whether forcing Moscow into default for its invasion of Ukraine would really be the best outcome.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Tuesday that the matter is being “actively examined” before a crucial deadline in two weeks, and a decision will be made shortly.
Russia is constrained by economic sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine and won’t be able to service its foreign debt, unless the US acts before May 25 to extend a license that permits American banks and individuals to accept the payments. The Treasury could grant exceptions for certain cases.
“We want to make sure we understand what the potential consequences and spillovers would be of allowing the license to expire, and we have not yet made a decision,” Yellen said without elaborating on the pros and cons.
Although it’s not unusual for such licenses to be extended -- Venezuela is a recent example -- Russia’s situation is unique because President Vladimir Putin’s forces are engaged in active military operations against a US ally that’s being armed with American weapons. Any easing of penalties on the country could be viewed as a concession, according to Timothy Ash, a senior strategist at Bluebay Asset Management.
“If they do extend the license, the market assumption will be that the financial stranglehold on Russia has eased,” Ash said. “So they’ve got themselves in a bit of a tangle actually.” BBG

...probabilmente la rinnovano questa licenza. Certo che se a ogni scadenza, parte questo triste e squallido teatrino mediatico...Far fare default a uno stato sul debito sovrano non è cosa da poco.Si parla di default con molta leggerezza, però mediaticamente parlando rende molto bene. ..

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