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LANDI RENZO - Transfer from Landi Renzo S.p.A. to A.E.B. S.p.A. (100% controlled) of the Anti-theft business
Reuters - 29/11/2011 16:19:22
To view the document in .PDF format, click on: http://[email protected]:[email protected]/Public/91274_BIA294fa_10412801.pdf
No Press Release
vember, 29th 2011

LANDI RENZO S.p.A.: approval given to transfer of company division of Landi Renzo S.p.A.

that operates in the "Anti-theft" sector to the subsidiary A.E.B. S.p.A.

Cavriago (RE), 29 November 2011 -- The Board of Directors of Landi Renzo S.p.A. today
examined and approved the proposal to transfer its company division that operates in the "Anti-
theft" sector to the subsidiary A.E.B. S.p.A., which specialises in the manufacture of electronic

This transfer is part of a project to reorganise the Group's corporate structure in order to improve
the company's positioning and make it more competitive in the electronics sector.

For the transfer of the company division -- effective as from 1 January 2012 -- by the single
shareholder Landi Renzo, A.E.B. S.p.A. will approve a share capital increase by contribution in
kind, pursuant to article 2440 of the Italian Civil Code, and amounting to 311,812 Euros, of which
300,000 Euros as share capital and 11,812 Euros as premium.

The transfer does not modify the scope of consolidation and will have no impact on the Group's
consolidated financial statements.

Regarding the means of determining the price for the transfer and assessments of its suitability,
Landi Renzo S.p.A. notes that the relevant task was assigned to an independent expert of sufficient
and proven professionalism, as per article 2343-ter, second paragraph, letter b), of the Italian Civil

It is also noted that the prospectus as set out in article 71 of the Issuer's Regulation 11971/99 and
subsequent additions and amendments, which must be prepared in conformity with annex 3B, is not
necessary since it is an operation undertaken between the Issuer and a company that is wholly
controlled by the Issuer. Therefore the company will not make it available to the public.

Finally, since the transfer is being undertaken in favour of a wholly controlled subsidiary, in which
there are no significant interests held by other parties related to the Issuer, the procedure for
dealings with related parties of Landi Renzo has not been applied.


This press release is a translation. The Italian version will prevail

Landi Renzo S.p.A. is a world leader in the sector of components and LPG and CNG fuel systems
for motor vehicles. Based in Cavirago (Reggio Emilia -- Italy) and with more than 50 year's
experience in the sector, Landi Renzo is distinguished by the extent of its international operations,
with a presence in over 50 countries and with more than 80% of sales generated abroad. Landi
Renzo S.p.A. has been listed in the Star segment of Borsa Italiana since June 2007.

Può interessare? e che vor di'? c'è da guadagnare?
LANDI RENZO - Transfer from Landi Renzo S.p.A. to A.E.B. S.p.A. (100% controlled) of the Anti-theft business
Reuters - 29/11/2011 16:19:22
To view the document in .PDF format, click on: http://[email protected]:[email protected]/Public/91274_BIA294fa_10412801.pdf
No Press Release
vember, 29th 2011

LANDI RENZO S.p.A.: approval given to transfer of company division of Landi Renzo S.p.A.

that operates in the "Anti-theft" sector to the subsidiary A.E.B. S.p.A.

Cavriago (RE), 29 November 2011 -- The Board of Directors of Landi Renzo S.p.A. today
examined and approved the proposal to transfer its company division that operates in the "Anti-
theft" sector to the subsidiary A.E.B. S.p.A., which specialises in the manufacture of electronic

This transfer is part of a project to reorganise the Group's corporate structure in order to improve
the company's positioning and make it more competitive in the electronics sector.

For the transfer of the company division -- effective as from 1 January 2012 -- by the single
shareholder Landi Renzo, A.E.B. S.p.A. will approve a share capital increase by contribution in
kind, pursuant to article 2440 of the Italian Civil Code, and amounting to 311,812 Euros, of which
300,000 Euros as share capital and 11,812 Euros as premium.

The transfer does not modify the scope of consolidation and will have no impact on the Group's
consolidated financial statements.

Regarding the means of determining the price for the transfer and assessments of its suitability,
Landi Renzo S.p.A. notes that the relevant task was assigned to an independent expert of sufficient
and proven professionalism, as per article 2343-ter, second paragraph, letter b), of the Italian Civil

It is also noted that the prospectus as set out in article 71 of the Issuer's Regulation 11971/99 and
subsequent additions and amendments, which must be prepared in conformity with annex 3B, is not
necessary since it is an operation undertaken between the Issuer and a company that is wholly
controlled by the Issuer. Therefore the company will not make it available to the public.

Finally, since the transfer is being undertaken in favour of a wholly controlled subsidiary, in which
there are no significant interests held by other parties related to the Issuer, the procedure for
dealings with related parties of Landi Renzo has not been applied.


This press release is a translation. The Italian version will prevail

Landi Renzo S.p.A. is a world leader in the sector of components and LPG and CNG fuel systems
for motor vehicles. Based in Cavirago (Reggio Emilia -- Italy) and with more than 50 year's
experience in the sector, Landi Renzo is distinguished by the extent of its international operations,
with a presence in over 50 countries and with more than 80% of sales generated abroad. Landi
Renzo S.p.A. has been listed in the Star segment of Borsa Italiana since June 2007.

Anti-theft dovrebbe essere anti-furto se ricordo bene. Potrebbe diminuire il fatturato di Landi, ma bisognerebbe sapere quanto incide e poi quanto incidono i costi di questo settore.
Con te la rivalità potrebbe essere più sentita ... Anche se difficile da credere sono molto sportivo, mi piaciono le rivalità e gli sfottò peccato che nel calcio di solito non ci si ferma solo a questo
io la penso come te, io sinceramente non sopporto i tifosi io cerco di essere obbiettivo al max e difatti delle volte mi scontro con i tifosi stupidi:up::up: a me piace il bel calcio e la settimana scorsa mi sono divertito a vedere sia napoli city che milan barcellona che è stata secondo me la partita più bella degli ultimi 4/5 anni:up::up:
Anti-theft dovrebbe essere anti-furto se ricordo bene. Potrebbe diminuire il fatturato di Landi, ma bisognerebbe sapere quanto incide e poi quanto incidono i costi di questo settore.

E'come un macelleria che si trasforma in una panetteria........spero solo sia stata già scontata dal mercato!!!Mala tempora currunt,comunque!!!:wall:

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