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Forumer attivo Egypt’s $35,000 Bond Sale Shows Currency Risk Sapping Demand

ByNetty Idayu Ismail and Tarek El-Tablawy+Follow

3-3 minutes

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Egypt sold a tiny fraction of the bonds on sale in an auction as the government balked at paying what investors fearful of another plunge in the value of the pound are demanding to buy its local currency debt.
The cash-strapped nation sold 1.09 million pounds ($35,275) of three-year securities late Monday, the least it has ever raised in a domestic sale of notes, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
The amount was a mere 0.04% of the 3 billion pounds of securities initially offered. The government accepted a sole bid at 21.7% after investors demanded yields as high as 28%.

Demand for Egyptian local currency debt has shriveled, driving yields to record highs, amid expectations that the country may be forced to devalue its currency for the fourth time in just over a year.
The value of the pound on the local black market for US dollars has diverged further from the official bank rate as the North African nation struggles to secure hard currency and foreign direct investment, including from the Gulf. The Central Bank of Egypt hiked its key interest rate by 200 basis points last week to 18.25% in a bid to rein in inflation.
“The parallel exchange rate tells you that the currency needs to weaken,” said Edwin Gutierrez, head of emerging-market sovereign debt at Abrdn Plc.
Steeper Decline
Derivatives traders are hedging against the prospect of a steeper drop in the pound. Further currency declines threaten to exacerbate inflation which climbed to 31.9% in February.

In the non-deliverable forwards market, the currency’s 12-month contract slumped this week past 41 per US dollar for the first time. The pound has weakened about 50% since March last year and was trading around 30.8 on Tuesday.
Gulf countries are waiting for more certainty on the pound and proof Egypt is following through on commitments to revamp the economy before making good on promises to provide billions of dollars in investment.
The North African nation of more than 100 million people has been heavily exposed to the shock waves of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and is struggling with its worst foreign-currency crunch in years. The government had pledged in October to move to a more flexible exchange rate, enabling it to clinch a $3 billion deal with the International Monetary Fund.
— With assistance by Joseph Tabet


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Egitto: il debito estero sale a 162,9 miliardi di dollari nel quarto trimestre 2022
Il Cairo, 03 apr 12:34 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il debito estero dell'Egitto è aumentato del 5,2 per cento durante il quarto trimestre del 2022, raggiungendo i 162,9 miliardi di dollari alla fine di dicembre scorso, rispetto al terzo trimestre. Lo ha annunciato il ministero della Pianificazione e dello Sviluppo economico. Nel terzo trimestre del 2022 (luglio-settembre) il debito pubblico era pari a 154,9 miliardi di dollari. Su base annua, il debito estero dell'Egitto ha registrato un aumento del 12 per cento nel 2022 rispetto al 2021. A fine dicembre 2022, il debito estero si è attestato a 145,5 miliardi di dollari, con un incremento di circa 17,4 miliardi di dollari rispetto al 2021. L'indebitamento con l'estero era diminuito nel secondo e terzo trimestre dello scorso anno, per poi tornare ad aumentare nell'ultimo trimestre alla luce della grave crisi economica del Paese. (Cae) © Agenzia Nova - Riproduzione riservata


Charlie don't Surf
secondo me è una delle cause della debolezza attuale dei bonds..probabilmente la principale l'egitto non fa i compiti il FMI non concede prestiti

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