Egitto 6.875% 30.04.2040 ISIN XS0505478684 (67 lettori)


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Egypt's Sisi discusses nuclear plant, grains trade with Russian officials
19/03/2023 19:44 - RSF
CAIRO, March 19, (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi held talks with high-ranking Russian officials on Sunday to discuss a Russian-built nuclear plant under construction on Egypt's north coast as well as grains supply and food security, Egypt's presidency said.

The meeting with officials including Russia's trade minister and a special envoy of President Vladimir Putin also addressed the establishment of a Russian industrial zone inside the Suez Canal's Economic Zone, among other investments, it added.

Construction by Russia's state-owned energy corporation Rosatom of Egypt's first nuclear plant at El Dabaa began in July of last year, and is expected to take until at least 2030.

In the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Egypt has been trying to balance long-standing ties with both Russia and Western powers.

It is a major importer of Russian wheat, and has leaned more heavily on supplies from Russia since the conflict disrupted its grain purchases from Ukraine.

(Reporting by Mohamed Hendawy Writing by Farah Saafan Editing by Aidan Lewis and Peter Graff)


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Egypt targets growth rate at 5% in new fiscal year budget
19/03/2023 17:27 - RSF
CAIRO, March 19 (Reuters) - Egypt is targeting a GDP growth rate of 5% in its new fiscal year budget, a spokesperson for the Egyptian presidency said on Sunday.

Egypt’s fiscal year starts in July and ends in June of the following year.

(Reporting by Mohamed Waly; Writing by Omar Abdel-Razek; Editing by David Holmes)
(([email protected];))


Nuovo forumer
Stato fallimentare. 100 milioni di abitanti che si affollano in una striscia di terra in uno scatolone di sabbia.
Deficit delle partite correnti del 4,6% del PIL, aggravato.
Export totale di poco più di 40 miliardi. In pratica, il doppio della provincia di Vicenza.
Deficit pubblico verso il 7% del PIL.
Non stupisce che appena aumentino i tassi internazionali, i titoli sprofondino.


Nonno pensionato
UPDATE 1-World Bank agrees $7 bln, 5-year partnership with Egypt
22/03/2023 17:22 - RSF
(Adds detail on funding goals, background, IFC)
CAIRO, March 22 (Reuters) - The World Bank said on Wednesday it had approved a new $7 billion partnership agreement with Egypt for 2023-2027 with a focus on boosting private sector jobs, provision of better health and education services, and adaptation to climate change.

The Country Partnership Agreement (CPF) will entail $1 billion per year from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and about $2 billion over five years from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a statement from the World Bank said.

Among the goals of the programme is to help create a level playing field for the private sector and to encourage investment and improve resilience to shocks through better macroeconomic management, the statement added.

Egypt's economy has come under severe pressure over the past year, after the fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine exposed underlying problems.

The government has announced ambitious privatisation plans but sales of state assets have been repeatedly delayed.

Also on Wednesday the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group, announced that it had partnered with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Egypt's Sovereign Fund to develop desalination plants in Egypt through a public-private partnership model.

The scheme is part of Egypt's plan to increase desalinated water supply by 8.8 million cubic metres of water daily by 2050, with the first plants to be located in the north coast region of Marsa Matrouh, the IFC said.

Egypt depends almost entirely for fresh water supplies on the River Nile, and is considered at high risk from the impacts of climate change.

(Reporting by Nayera Abdallah, Nadine Awadalla and Aidan Lewis, Editing by Louise Heavens, William Maclean)
(([email protected];))


è la somma che fa il totale...
Egitto: estesi di un anno depositi del Golfo per oltre 2,6 miliardi di dollari
Il Cairo, 23 mar 17:14 - (Agenzia Nova)- La Banca centrale d'Egitto ha annunciato l'estensione per un altro anno di un deposito del Kuwait di 2 miliardi di dollari per un anno e di un deposito degli Emirati Arabi Uniti del valore di 658,5 milioni di dollari. I kuwaitiani vantano due depositi a medio e lungo termine presso la Banca centrale egiziana per un ammontare complessivo di 4 miliardi di dollari: il primo è stato prorogato fino a settembre 2023, mentre il secondo, del valore di 2 miliardi di dollari, dovrebbe scadere il prossimo aprile. Da parte loro, gli Emirati hanno cinque depositi a medio e lungo termine, per un ammontare complessivo totale di 5,658 miliardi di dollari. Secondo i saldi risalenti all’ottobre 2022, il primo deposito ammonta a un miliardo di dollari e deve essere pagato a luglio 2026; il secondo vale un miliardo di dollari e scade a luglio 2023; il terzo vale 2 miliardi di dollari, da pagarsi in tre rate ad aprile 2023, aprile 2024 e aprile 2025. (Cae)
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