Eni...Dogs and Horses, for pussy's lovers only - Cap. 3

salve bella gente :)

news petrolifere...


  • Snap_2014.06.20_15h13m42s_001_.png
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ENI vs EXXON dall'inizio dell'anno


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Ultima modifica:
ENI vs EXXON e BP ( ovvero raffronto con le due compagnie petrolifere che stanno procedendo con l'evacuazione del personale dall'Iraq )


  • Snap_2014.06.20_15h27m36s_002_.png
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quindi Obama ha deciso di spedire in Iraq 300 consiglieri militari

consiglieri una motosega ! :-o

"It is political semantics," he said. "We are calling them adviser now ... instead of combat troops or boots on the ground," he said.
"They are the most elite fighters we have," he added. "So, if they aren't going to be combat troops, I'm not quite sure who the President is going to refer to as combat troops."

300 U.S. advisers heading for Iraq; what will they do? - CNN.com
visto che qui non trattiamo esclusivamente di cagne e cavalle e a maggior ragione visto che ISP ha un peso notevolissimo sulle sorti dell'indice, segnalo che quella odierna, nel caso chiudesse negativa anche oggi, è la decima candela rossa consecutiva, roba che non si vedeva da tempo


  • Snap_2014.06.20_15h48m30s_001_.png
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quindi Obama ha deciso di spedire in Iraq 300 consiglieri militari

consiglieri una motosega ! :-o

"It is political semantics," he said. "We are calling them adviser now ... instead of combat troops or boots on the ground," he said.
"They are the most elite fighters we have," he added. "So, if they aren't going to be combat troops, I'm not quite sure who the President is going to refer to as combat troops."

300 U.S. advisers heading for Iraq; what will they do? - CNN.com

Non era il suo predecessore il bullshitter?

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