Harley Bassmann:
Ultimately, what I am suggesting is that you increase your exposure to assets that exhibit greater price volatility but less fundamental economic volatility.
In plain English, solid but less liquid assets. These investment orphans are mispriced because they are shunned by the Ratio driven portfolio managers.
One should note that Private Equity has been the solo success this past decade
in the Alternatives space; precisely because they are executing a similar strategy. They ask for (1) long-horizon capital with (2) no mark-to-market constraints.
They only invest in projects that can (3) produce significant returns, and they diversify enough so (4) a few failures will not sink the overall fund
Harley Bassmann:
Ultimately, what I am suggesting is that you increase your exposure to assets that exhibit greater price volatility but less fundamental economic volatility.
In plain English, solid but less liquid assets. These investment orphans are mispriced because they are shunned by the Ratio driven portfolio managers.
One should note that Private Equity has been the solo success this past decade
in the Alternatives space; precisely because they are executing a similar strategy. They ask for (1) long-horizon capital with (2) no mark-to-market constraints.
They only invest in projects that can (3) produce significant returns, and they diversify enough so (4) a few failures will not sink the overall fund
Io non credo che il mercato si aspettasse un taglio.Sebbene il mercato sia rimasto parzialmente deluso per la mancanza di un accenno ad un possibile tagli odei tassi il paragrafo sull'inflazione è interessante perché fa cambiare la prospettiva con cui la FED guarderà nei prossimi mesi i mercati.
Vedi l'allegato 511363