Grafite e grafene i materiali del futuro ? (3 lettori)


VANCOUVER , Aug. 6, 2014 /CNW/ - Flinders Resources Limited ("Flinders" or the "Company") (FDR.V) provides an update on the final stages of restarting graphite production at the Woxna mine and processing facility in central Sweden. Woxna is a fully permitted brownfields graphite mine, having been on care and maintenance since 2001. The plant restart was completed last month and operations commenced in July.
Key progress milestones over the last month include:
Wet commissioning of all systems completed;
Feed Ore into mill and processing plant commenced;
First graphite concentrate drawn from floatation circuit overflow;
European customers conducting site visits;
Vendor representatives on site to assist with fine tuning of new equipment;
Invitations issued to key stakeholders for the formal opening ceremony of the Woxna facility in September
Blair Way , President and CEO, states,
"Our Woxna graphite plant is up and running in Sweden again, marking the culmination of our last 8 months of efforts. All is on track for full commissioning, with customers now coming to site to confirm our capabilities and discuss expanded supply contracts. Graphite production will place Flinders at the forefront of the graphite sector, with the ability to fill consumer needs immediately, and provide a sustainable European alternative to Chinese supply. Now that we have the confidence in our facility and product, we are working to expand our resource base through proving up our historical resources The September opening ceremony is a great opportunity to showcase our plant and capabilities to stakeholders."
On behalf of the Board,
"Blair Way"
Blair Way , President and CEO


VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug 7, 2014) - LOMIKO METALS INC. (TSX VENTURE:LMR)(LMRMF)(DH8B.F) (Europe: ISIN: CA54163Q1028, WKN: A0Q9W7) (the "Company") announces that its Board of Directors (the "Board") has approved the adoption of a shareholder rights plan (the "Plan"). The Plan is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange and shareholder ratification within six months of its adoption. The Corporation will seek shareholder ratification at its annual and special meeting of the shareholders scheduled to be held on October 30, 2014.

Lomiko is not adopting the Plan in response to any specific proposal to acquire control of its outstanding securities. The Plan will be similar to plans adopted by other Canadian companies and ratified by their shareholders. It is not the intention of the Plan to entrench management or prevent a change of control of Lomiko to the detriment of shareholders. The Plan will not apply to takeover bids that meet certain requirements including that the bid be made by way of a takeover bid circular and be left open for at least 60 days so as to ensure that shareholders will have an adequate opportunity to assess the merits of any such bid.
The Plan has been designed to encourage the fair and equal treatment of shareholders in connection with any takeover bid for Lomiko's outstanding securities, and will provide the board of directors with additional time to assess the advantages and disadvantages of any particular offer, and to seek out alternative proposals in the best interests of all shareholders.
If ratified, the Plan will have an initial term which will expire at Lomiko's annual general meeting of shareholders to be held in 2017; the Plan may also be reconfirmed and extended at that annual general meeting and at every third annual general meeting thereafter. If ratified as disclosed above, a copy of the new rights plan will be available for viewing on SEDAR and may also be obtained from Lomiko subsequent to its 2014 annual general meeting of shareholders.


Weighs lower-cost options for tandem financing of mine/plant and purification facilities for high value "battery grade" graphite production

Focus Graphite Inc. 35 minutes ago

0 shares Project Feasibility Study Technical Report

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OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Aug 8, 2014) - Focus Graphite Inc. ("Focus" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:FMS)(FCSMF)(FKC.F) sole owner of the Lac Knife, Quebec high purity graphite deposit announced today that the Feasibility Report prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101and with form 43-101F1 will be filed under the Company's SEDAR profile on Friday August 8th, 2014 at and on Focus' website (
The Feasibility Study was prepared by Met-Chem Canada Inc. with contributions from AGP Mining Consultants, Journeaux Associates and Golder Associates.
Don Baxter, Focus' President and Chief Operating Officer said: "With the Feasibility Study now completed, we continue to de-risk the project by focusing on key, near to mid-term milestones, including: detailed engineering, project financing, and the permitting process.
"In particular," he added, "the Feasibility Study opens the door to another level of available financing.
"We are evaluating options to secure project financing that will enable us to advance the Lac Knife mine and plant construction."
Mr. Baxter said discussions with potential offtake partners are ongoing and will complement the existing 10-year offtake signed in December, 2013.
The highlights of the Feasibility Study, as reported June 25, 2014:
Table 1 Lac Knife Feasibility Results (Pre-Tax) Base Case 2016 Forecast Units Average Price / Tonne of Concentrate: $1,713 $2,256 US$ Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 30.1 41.8 % Net Present Value @ 6% Discounted Cash Flow 510 809 $ million Net Present Value @ 8% Discounted Cash Flow 383 624 $ million Net Present Value @ 10% Discounted Cash Flow 291 488 $ million Payback Period 3.0 2.1 Years Lac Knife Feasibility Results (After-Tax) Base Case 2016 Forecast Units Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 24.1 32.8 % Net Present Value @ 6% Discounted Cash Flow 304 476 $ million Net Present Value @ 8% Discounted Cash Flow 224 364 $ million Net Present Value @ 10% Discounted Cash Flow 165 280 $ million Payback Period 3.2 2.4 Years All monetary values are in Canadian Dollars ("CDN") except where specified otherwise Of note is that average prices used in the financial model do not include value added products produced using the typically lower valued finer natural flake graphite.
The Feasibility Study was conducted with engineering and estimation methods appropriate to target an accuracy of 15% that is standard and realistic for capital and operating cost estimates for this level of study, that is required prior to detailed engineering, and well beyond the +/- 30% accuracy of a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA). Based on an extensive risk review exercise the contingency is 11.5%. Capital Expenditures in Table 2 itemize cost requirements for mine construction, processing plant, power line and all associated infrastructure estimated at $165.55 million.
Table 2 Lac Knife Capital Expenditure - Cost Centers CDN$ millions Mine equipment, infrastructure, and pre-stripping 4.21 Infrastructure 11.62 Primary Crushing 7.02 Concentrator 62.24 Environmental and Tailings Management 8.22 Additional Infrastructure 15.4 Indirect Costs 39.77 Contingency (11.5%) 17.07 Sub Total 165.55 The company is continuing discussions with vendors to define financing packages for equipment. The company's aim is to reduce up front capital and add to the basket of financing options currently being investigated. Discussions and due diligence continue regarding Supply Chain Financing ("SCF") based on the offtake agreement signed in December, 2013 for a minimum of 50% of Lac Knife's production over the life of a 10-year agreement. SCF is a non-dilutive alternative to equity financing and is less encumbering than traditional debt, or royalty financing.
Future off-take agreements will contain a financial component. This project-financing alternative could include equity and low interest debt as well as a signing bonus to execute an offtake agreement. The various options discussed above have the potential to enhance future project economic evaluation metrics, and the company continues these discussions with several interested parties.


OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Aug 11, 2014) - Northern Graphite Corporation (TSX VENTURE:NGC)(NGPHF) announces that initial testing, using production scale equipment, has confirmed that large flake graphite from the Bissett Creek deposit has a spherical graphite ("SPG") yield of 50%. The Company expects that the yield will increase with further optimization. SPG is the anode material used in lithium ion batteries ("LiBs") and Industry yields are generally 33% (or less). Losses in the SPG manufacturing process are one of its biggest costs and low yields render a great deal of graphite unsuitable for this use.
Large flake graphite currently sells for approximately US$1,350/tonne whereas the price of uncoated SPG is US$3,500/t and over US$10,000/t coated.​
Gregory Bowes, CEO commented that: "Our goal is to create a technology company that is focussed not only on higher value markets but on reducing battery costs, increasing their capacity and meeting the growing needs of the electric vehicle market." He added that: "the unique nature of the Bissett Creek deposit, and the technologies that Northern has developed, provide the Company with significant competitive advantages. In particular:​
Bissett Creek has the best location and infrastructure of any new graphite project leading to low capital and operating costs.
90% of production will be battery grade which is by far the highest in the industry as most deposits produce only 25-66% battery grade concentrates.
Recent testing confirmed that the yield on rounding for Bissett Creek graphite is the highest in the industry.
Initial testing has demonstrated that the pristine flake from Bissett Creek has a highly ordered crystal structure resulting in greater battery capacity and the possibility that the costly graphitization step may not be required.
The Company has developed its own proprietary process for coating SPG and,
As a result of extensive testing over the last three years Northern has also developed a process for purifying both SPG and flake concentrate in an environmentally sustainable, cost competitive manner."
The latter is particularly important as western companies not only need to economically produce SPG, they need a purification solution. All natural based SPG is currently produced in China and is purified from approximately 94%C to 99.95%C using hydrofluoric and sulphuric acid with little or no treatment of the toxic wastes. This approach is unsavoury and not sustainable as the demand for LiBs grows with the increased adoption of "green" hybrid and all- electric vehicles.​
The fastest growing market for graphite other than LiBs is expandable graphite used in thermal management for consumer electronics, fuel cells, gaskets, construction materials etc. This market requires +50 mesh XL flake with a high expansion ratio (which not all has). Graphite deposits generally produce less than 15% XL flake. 50% of Bissett Creek production will be XL flake providing the Company with the optionality of serving both the LiB and expandable graphite markets. XL flake currently sells for over US$2,000/t and highly purified versions over $3,000/t.​


THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Aug 11, 2014) - Zenyatta Ventures Ltd. ("Zenyatta" or "Company") (TSX VENTURE:ZEN)(ZENYF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Kenneth Stowe to the Board of Directors of Zenyatta. Mr. Stowe, a well-respected mining industry veteran with over 35 years of experience, obtained a mining engineering degree (B.Sc. & M.Sc.) from Queen's University.
Ken was President and CEO of Northgate Minerals Corporation from 2001 until his retirement in 2011. He spent the initial 21 years of his career with Noranda Inc. in various corporate, operational, research and development roles. He has also held senior positions at Diamond Fields Resources Inc. and Westmin Resources Limited. In 2006 Ken received the prestigious award of Canadian Mineral Processor of the Year which recognizes an individual with great accomplishments and contributions in the field of mineral processing.
Mr. Stowe previously served as VP, Technology at Diamond Fields Resources, overseeing the feasibility study of the Voisey's Bay nickel-copper deposit. Upon Voisey's Bay's acquisition by Inco, Mr. Stowe joined Westmin Resources as VP, Operations to startup the Lomas Bayas copper mine in Chile. He then joined Northgate and successfully turned around the struggling Kemess South copper-gold mine. Mr. Stowe led Kemess South to become one of the lowest cost gold mines in the world. Currently Ken is a Director of Hudbay Minerals and Alamos Gold.
Aubrey Eveleigh, President & CEO of Zenyatta commented, "We are very pleased to add a highly respected and accomplished mining executive of Ken Stowe's caliber to Zenyatta's Board. Ken is a creative leader with vision, backed by deep technical knowledge and hands-on experience. He will add considerable strength to our Board as we transition through metallurgical testing and a PEA to prepare for upcoming feasibility studies. The Company is fortunate to attract and include Ken in an existing, strong team of credible Directors, management and advisors. Mr. Stowe, who has a considerable network in the industry, will assist us in our efforts to meet business objectives and continually grow Zenyatta."


VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug 15, 2014) - LOMIKO METALS INC. (TSX VENTURE:LMR)(LMRMF)(DH8B.F) (Europe: ISIN: CA54163Q1028, WKN: A0Q9W7) (the "Company") announces it has received approval from the TSX Venture Exchange to the acquisition of 1,200,000 common shares at $0.25 per share of MatNic Resources Inc. The transaction was subject to MatNic Resources Inc. receiving regulatory approval to a reverse takeover ("RTO") by Graphene 3D Labs Inc. ("Graphene 3D") (TSX VENTURE:GGG) (formerly named MatNic Resources Inc.).

The transaction is now complete and the Company now holds 4,396,970 common shares in the capital of Graphene 3D representing approximately 11.23% of the outstanding Shares of Graphene 3D. Of these shares, 3,196,970 were acquired at a deemed price of $0.075 pursuant to pursuant to a securities exchange agreement (the "Securities Exchange Agreement") dated June 6, 2014 between, among others, Graphene 3D and Lomiko.
3,196,970 of the Shares held by Lomiko are subject to the terms of a Surplus Security Escrow Agreement, in accordance with the Policies of the TSX Venture Exchange. Pursuant to the terms of the Tier 2 Surplus Escrow Agreement, 5% of the Shares will be released from escrow upon the issuance of the TSX Venture Exchange bulletin announcing final approval of the listing of the Shares, and respectively 5%, 10%, 10%, 15%, 15% and 40% will be released on each of the dates that is 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, 30 months and 36 months from the date of the TSX Venture Exchange bulletin.
Lomiko acquired the Shares for investment purposes and does not intend to acquire additional Shares in the future.
The acquisition of Shares was exempt under National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions.
Lomiko Metals Inc. Background
Lomiko Metals Inc. is a Canada-based, exploration-stage company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of resource properties that contain minerals for the new green economy. Its mineral properties include the Quatre Milles Graphite Property and the Vines Lake property which both have had recent major discoveries. Recently, Lomiko Metals formed Lomiko Technologies, a 100% owned subsidiary focused on technological applications of graphite and graphene.
On Behalf of the Board
A. Paul Gill, Chief Executive Officer


Energizer Resources Upgrades Molo Graphite Resource to Measured Status and Increases Overall Size of Resource

Energizer Resources Inc. August 14, 2014 8:00 AM

0 shares and Increases Overall Size of Resource,+...&display=popup&show_error=yes

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TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Aug 14, 2014) - Energizer Resources Inc. (EGZ.TO)(ENZR)(YE5.F) (WKN:A1CXW3) ("Energizer" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has upgraded a portion of the National Instrument (NI) 43-101 mineral resource estimate for its Molo graphite deposit, located in southern Madagascar, to Measured status and has increased the overall size of the resource.
Energizer previously announced on December 3rd, 2012 a maiden NI 43-101 resource of 124.31 million tonnes (MT), consisting of an Indicated resource totalling 84.04 MT grading 6.36% carbon (C), and an Inferred resource totaling 40.34 MT grading 6.29% C above a 2% C cut-off grade. The Company recently completed an infill drilling campaign to upgrade a portion of the Molo deposit to Measured status as part of its Full Feasibility Study (FS), which is on track to be released in November of this year.
Overall Mineral Resource Estimate Increased
The new mineral resource for the Molo deposit consists of a Measured resource of 23.62 MT grading 6.32% C, an Indicated resource of 76.75 MT grading 6.25% C and an Inferred resource of 40.91 MT at 5.78% C, for a combined total of 141.28 MT at 6.13%C. A cut-off grade of 4%C was used for the "high grade" zones and 2%C for the "low grade" zones. Please note that while the 'high' grade resource occurs within the 'low' grade resource, each was estimated and reported separately. The resource remains open along strike and to depth. Table 1 below indicates the resource by classification.
Table 1
Classification Material Type Tonnes - T Grade - C% Graphite - T Measured "Low Grade" 13 048 373 4.64 605 082 Measured "High Grade" 10 573 137 8.40 887 835 Total Measured 23 621 510 6.32 1 492 916 Indicated "Low Grade" 39 539 403 4.73 1 871 075 Indicated "High Grade" 37 206 550 7.86 2 925 266 Total Indicated 76 745 953 6.25 4 796 341 Measured + Indicated "Low Grade" 52 587 776 4.71 2 476 157 Measured + Indicated "High Grade" 47 779 687 7.98 3 813 101 Total Measure + Indicated 100 367 464 6.27 6 289 257 Inferred "Low Grade" 24 233 267 4.46 1 080 677 Inferred "High Grade" 16 681 453 7.70 1 285 039 Total Inferred 40 914 721 5.78 2 365 716 TOTAL "Low Grade" 76 821 044 4.63 3 556 834 TOTAL "High Grade" 64 461 141 7.91 5 098 140 Grand - Total 141 282 184 6.13 8 654 974 1. Mineral Resources are classified according to the Canadian Institute of Mining definitions. 2. "Low grade" Resources are stated at a cut-off grade of 2 % C, and excludes "high" grade resources. "High grade" resources are stated at a cut-off grade of 4 % C. 3. A relative density of 2.36 t/m3 was used assigned to the mineralized zones for the resource estimation. The NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate was prepared by Desmond Subramani, Pr.Sci.Nat.(400184/06) and John Hancox, Pr.Sci.Nat.(400224/04), independent Qualified Persons with Caracle Creek International Consulting (Pty) Ltd (CCIC) of Johannesburg, South Africa. The Company's Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) Study, entitled "Molo Graphite Project, Fotadrevo, Province of Toliara, Madagascar, Preliminary Economic Assessment Technical Report Update" dated April 12, 2013 will be updated to reflect the now upgraded and increased resource and available under the Company's profile at within 45 days of this release. CCIC has verified the information in this release.
The new Measured resource estimate is based on an additional 32 drill holes (totaling 2,063 metres) and 9 trenches (totaling 1,876 metres) drilled by Energizer, at an average spacing of 50 metres along strike and 50 metres along dip. The entire database now contains 80 drill holes (totaling 11,660 meters) and 35 trenches (totaling 8,492 meters).


TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Aug 18, 2014) - Energizer Resources Inc. (EGZ.TO)(ENZR)(WKN:A1CXW3) ("Energizer" or the "Company") is pleased to update ongoing infrastructure enhancements in proximity to Company's Molo Graphite Project in southern Madagascar. Further, the successful elections in late 2013, which lead to formation of Madagascar's new democratically elected government, has resulted in announcements from both the United States and Canada regarding trade relations with Madagascar which will both directly and indirectly have a positive impact on the Company's Project.

Upgrading of Main Arterial Roadway Close to Molo Project
The European Union (EU) has reinstated civil infrastructure development projects in Madagascar, beginning with the allocation of funds for the upgrading of the main arterial roadway, Route Nationale 13 (RN13), which connects the capital city of Antananarivo to the state-of-the-art deep water port of Ehoala in Fort Dauphin, which was constructed for and being utilized by Rio Tinto/QMM's ilmenite sands project in the south eastern region of the country. The upgrade will include critical repairs to the RN13, beginning with the portion closest to the Molo Project and eventually ending at the port. A map showing the location of the Molo Graphite Project in relation to RN13 can be viewed by this link:
The road-upgrading project has been awarded to "SARA SRL", a significant and reputable local engineering construction company. Representatives from both SARA and the EU have independently confirmed the allocation of tenders in Madagascar for the rehabilitation of the road between Baraketa, which is located ~30 kilometres immediately east of Energizer's Molo Project, to Antanimora in the south. Both institutions expressed confidence that this first portion of the road upgrade will be completed by December of this year, with the second portion of the works program beginning in early spring of 2015 to extend the road to Ambavombe, where it will intersect with the EU's 2016 program to rehabilitate the third portion, which is the coastal road all the way to Fort Dauphin.
The upgrading of RN13 now positions the Port of Ehoala as a viable alternative for Energizer to consider as a shipping port and this has the potential to positively impact the Company's projected mine economics by reducing overall transportation costs to customer destination.
The Company's Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) Study, dated April 12, 2013, considered only the Port of Tulear, located in the southwestern region of Madagascar, and included Energizer bearing the entire cost of maintaining a regional network of gravel roads. The Port of Ehoala in Fort Dauphin offers Energizer the opportunity to utilize a fully developed port infrastructure without the previously envisioned capital and operating restraints considered in the PEA Study. Energizer's EPCM partner, DRA, is now evaluating the new primary port option as part of the Company's soon to be released Full Feasibility Study (FS).
The world-class, multi purpose Port of Ehoala, which was built in partnership with the Madagascar Government, has significant excess capacity and is considered a key structure for the future economic development of the region. The Port is utilized by Rio Tinto/QMM's operations and also accommodates cruise ships, container ships and refrigeration vessels.
President Obama Reinstates Madagascar as Preferred Trade Partner
On June 26, U.S. President Obama reinstated Madagascar to the African Growth and Opportunity Act, or AGOA. The United States' decision to reinstate Madagascar's eligibility as a preferred trading partner is in recognition of the nation's return to democratic rule.
The Act provides free-trade status and other tangible incentives to Madagascar and looks to improve economic relations between the two countries. Madagascar had been an AGOA success story prior to their suspension in 2009. The country exported on average over US$200 million worth of goods a year under the agreement, with a peak of over US$300 million in 2004. The benefits of the AGOA are of critical importance to Madagascar's economy, as it is predicted that the reinstatement could increase exports to the United States by as much as 70 percent and create thousands of local jobs.
This latest proclamation on Madagascar from President Obama is the latest in a string of positive validations from world governments and organizations since the democratic election in January 2014 of the Canadian-trained chartered accountant President, Hery Rajaonarimampianina. Recognition of his commitment and progress to date in rebuilding Madagascar's economy has brought public endorsements of the government by the African Union, the IMF, the EU, the World Bank and the UN's own Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon.
Canadian Government Identifies Madagascar as "Priority Market" in Global Markets Action Plan
The Government of Canada has officially engaged Madagascar's new government to rebuild economic and strategic resource ties. This past June, Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development sent Canada's trade Minister to meet with Madagascar's Prime Minister and its Minister of strategic resources and stated that, "Canada welcomes the commitment to work toward the signing and ratification of the Canada-Madagascar Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement."
Madagascar is identified as a priority market in the Canadian government's Global Markets Action Plan. Andrew McAlister, Canada's ambassador to Madagascar from 2005 to 2007, stated that the two countries are eagerly working towards an agreement to prevent double taxation of corporations working in both regions in the mining, textile and agricultural industries.
A spokesperson from Canada's Department of Natural Resources said that two-way trade between Canada and Madagascar is "moderate", however Canadian investments in the mining sector in Madagascar are significant. Both Sheritt International's $8 billion Ambatovy Project and Energizer Resources' Molo Graphite Project were cited as the most notable mining operations in the country.
Sagar Property Agreement Amendment
Energizer also wishes to announce that it has modified the terms of the Sagar property agreement with Honey Badger Exploration (Honey Badger). Under the new terms of the agreement, in order to acquire an initial 35% interest in the property, Energizer will receive $150,000 and Honey Badger will spend $1,500,000 on developing the property. Honey Badger can earn further percentage interests up to 75% over a four year period by spending a total of $9,000,000 on the property, paying Energizer $900,000 in cash and issuing to Energizer the lesser of 15% of its issued and outstanding shares or 35,000,000 shares. Once these commitments have been met, Honey Badger can earn the remaining un-owned interest of 25% by paying Energizer an additional $2,000,000 and issuing the lesser of 19.5% of Honey Badger's outstanding shares or up to 60,000,000 shares.


Pompaggio di lomiko

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 20, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Even though graphite companies have been ever increasing blips on investors' radar screens over the past couple of years, the space got a massive visibility and validation boost when the already iconic Tesla Motors announced its planned lithium ion battery gigafactory to be completed by 2017 to support the demand for its new Tesla Model S. It's partnering with Panasonic and initiatives by rival behemoths such as Samsung and others will undoubtedly add to the interest both for graphite and tech derivative graphene.
Without reciting readily available facts, the bottom line is that Tesla is projected to use 30k tons of battery grade spherical graphite derived from 102k tons of feedstock. At the moment, only 80k tons of the high-grade natural flake mineral necessary is being produced annually. And given that the cost per ton of synthetic graphite is roughly double that of natural flake, the future growth may well belong to the latter as more mines come on-stream.
"Investors need to understand that the impressive growth will ultimately come from graphite/graphene technology applications such as 3D printing," stated A. Paul Gill, CEO of Lomiko Metals (LMR.V) (LMRMF) (DH8B.F). "Lomiko not only has first class mineral properties, but also intends to be an incubator of graphene technologies. The recent successful market debut of Graphene 3D Labs, of which LMR owns 11.23% or 4.4 million shares, has been a solid proof of concept that our aggressive plans to seek out the best opportunities deliver exceptional shareholder value."
Considering there are more than 11,000 plus patents or patents pending for graphene technologies, the story just gets more compelling. Large companies such as General Electric and Lockheed-Martin and have also confirmed their interest in utilizing graphene technologies.
Credit Suisse forecasts that global 3D printing market revenues will reach almost $12 billion by 2020; it came in just over $2 billion in 2012. That represents annual growth of 20-30%. The retail consumer/small business market shows the largest growth potential with 100%+ year over year growth in 2013.
While financing for all companies is tough at the moment, LMR closed a $5.5 million financing in March 2014. As well, over the last nine months, the Company's 100 % subsidiary, Lomiko Technologies, invested $350,000 for a stake in (with Graphene Labs) spinoff Graphene 3D Labs for a final ownership total of approximately 4.4 million shares.
GGG began trading on Aug 11th, 2014, and the shares rapidly hit $1.22 a share on Aug 13 2014, a rise of more than 800% on impressive volumes. The shares currently trade at about $0.95, evidencing the ongoing investor interest. For Lomiko, the collective math of the value of its stake following the GGG debut and recent financing should impress investors. Lomiko's current market cap is a modest $10.25 million.
At $0.075 a share, investors in Lomiko are basically buying the cash and Graphene 3D Lab stake and getting the rest of the assets as a bonus.
Over and above the fact that Gill is a font of knowledge on all things graphite, graphene and the related technologies and applications, the way he has structured Lomiko is unique among peers. Is LMR a graphite miner? A tech company? An advocate for the economics and sustainability of natural flake graphite and graphene applications?
Anyone who has linked to Gill or Lomiko on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or signed up for news directly from the Company will never have to wade through pedestrian information, but the latest and most relevant developments in the space. Given how fast moving developments are, investors who want to keep abreast should find LMR not only a great potential investment, but also an indispensable information resource.
Graphene 3D Labs has proprietary technology which management believes has the potential to bring 3D printing to the next stage of commercial development and create new markets. The company has two US patent applications pending for its technology.
Nobel Laureate Andre Geim discovered graphene in 2004. Simply put by Geim in a 2013 CNN interview:
Because of its range of extraordinary properties, people are considering using graphene in a myriad of different applications. For example, because graphene is so strong, people want to use it to reinforce plastics, making them conductive at the same time. Because it's transparent and conducts electricity, people want to use it in applications like mobile phone screens, touch screens, TV screens and so on. People are also considering using it to go beyond silicon technology and make our integrated circuits even denser and speedier. Those are just few examples.
While the applications in 3D printing are impressive, there are several multi-billion dollar industries that will benefit from this alliance including the medical appliance market, biotech and super capacitors. RFID, smart packaging, ITO replacement, sensors, logic and memory are also areas where graphene will likely see exceptional growth.
Lomiko's flagship property, the 3824 hectare Quatre Milles in Quebec continues to move ahead. The eastern portion has already been drilled. The exciting part is what was found in the West Claim Block in the July 2014 survey; 88 magnetic anomalies with no less than 23 high priority targets. These represent by far the best potential within the property, displaying the same size as the eastern anomalies but larger in number of targets. Since the Company can't ignore the impressive potential of these findings, drilling is being stepped up within the 2014 plan. Lomiko's cash position will fund the development.
If you want a pure graphite mining play there are lots of candidates. If you want one that is already diversifying revenue streams, positioning itself at the leading technology edge of this burgeoning space and can be had for what seems to be a ridiculously low price, kick Lomiko's tires.
Lomiko trades at $0.06 with a market cap of $8.2 million.


Press release che pompa Energizer Resources

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Aug. 25, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Energizer Resources, Inc. (OTCQX: ENZR, TSX: EGZ), has received a "BUY" recommendation from two prominent Canadian investment institutions. The first was on June 9, 2014 from investment bank, GMP Securities L.P. The second "BUY" recommendation was issued on August 25, 2014 by Stormcrow Capital Ltd. Both reports can be accessed here: Stormcrow Capital, GMP Securities
The importance of graphite and how crucial the commodity is to industry was outlined in the coverage released by UPTICK Newswire on August 18, 2014 (Energizer Resources Well-Positioned To Be Major Supplier of a Critical Material In Short Supply). In a short summary, graphite has over 200 essential applications, with "flake" being the most coveted form of graphite that buyers and producers look for in order to produce lithium ion batteries for mobile applications and electric cars, fuel cells, flat-panel televisions, solar panels , and consumer electronic components to only name a few applications. Moreover, Graphite is not only a critical resource but is also vital in manufacturing steel. Currently the manufacturing of steel consumes approximately 50% of the global production for graphite. The importance of this critical commodity, coupled with surging worldwide demand and constrained supplies is still not fully evident to the general public. As mentioned earlier, steel alone will increase annual graphite demand from 1.1 million to 1.5 million metric tons by the year 2020, this reflects a growth potential of almost 50%.
The analyst equity reports issued by GMP Securities and Stomcrow Capital represent the lucrative market position Energizer has gained in its flagship "Molo Flake Graphite Project". In addition to it being ranked as one of the largest all-flake graphite deposits in the world, verified using the highest mining standards under the Canadian government, the "National Instrument 43-101", this undervalued project located in southern Madagascar, retains more than 200 miles of continuous graphite mineralization. The sheer size of the project ensures that Energizer can easily expand its graphite resource as market demand requires and be a significant barrier to entry to other competing projects. It is predicted that by 2020, 6 brand new flake graphite mines will be needed just to meet the demand for electric vehicles alone, and Energizer's Molo deposit is capable of fulfilling that entire demand. Energizer has completely de-risked the project from a metallurgy standpoint by already having its graphite successfully tested by leading battery and consumer electronics manufacturers. The Company is now engaged in securing long-term off take contracts and securing mine financing with global purchasers and manufacturers of graphite based products.
In February of 2013 Energizer Resources released a Preliminary Economic Assessment Study of the Molo Project, verifying to the market it has the potential to be a very profitable and low cost producer. Based on the Study's robust results, Energizer initiated a Full Feasibility Study, which is the last stage required in respect to qualifying the Molo project for mine financing by chartered banks. The feasibility study is slated to be completed and released by the fourth quarter of 2014.
One of the unique advantages of the Molo Flake Graphite Project is its geographical location. Located in southern Madagascar, the Molo Graphite Project is ideally situated within the hub of the top purchasing and processing markets for graphite - Japan, South Korea, China and India.

Our financial model suggests that the company should be valued at US$0.40 per share, excluding any value that one might ascribe to any of the company’s projects other than Molo. [FONT=Calibri,Calibri][FONT=Calibri,Calibri]On this basis, we are initiating coverage with a positive recommendation and a $0.35 target price

[FONT=Calibri,Calibri][FONT=Calibri,Calibri]GMP SECURITIES HA UN TARGET PRICE DI 0,30 $
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