Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Spread/bund più rilassati in chiusura di giornata, molto bene l'asta di Atene, discreta quella di Dublino, interlocutoria quella di Madrid. Oggi la prova del Portogallo.

Grecia 905 pb. (930)
Portogallo 388 pb. (393)
Irlanda 384 pb. (403)
Spagna 174 pb. (176)
Italia 147 pb. (150)

Ieri sera ancora in calo i CDS sulla Grecia, secondo la rilevazione CMA delle 23,30, a 826 punti con 51,01% probabilità di default.
Irlanda in aumento a 443 punti con 32,27% e Portogallo stabile a 372 punti con 28,01% probabilità di default.
Grecia/ Usa: “forte sostegno” Papandreou e sue misure economiche. Primo ministro greco ricevuto dal vicepresidente americano Biden

mercoledì, settembre 22nd, 2010

Washington, 22 set. (Apcom) – Il vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti, Joe Biden, ha espresso ieri il “forte sostegno” degli Stati Uniti alle misure di risanamento economico intraprese dal governo greco, ricevendo alla Casa Bianca il primo ministro di Atene Georges Papandreou. “Il vicepresidente ha espresso un forte sostegno alle riforme economiche e politiche della Grecia e si è congratulato con il primo ministro per le sue qualità di dirigente”, ha indicato l’esecutivo americano in un comunicato, al termine dell’incontro tra i due leader.
Papandreou è impegnato in tour mondiale per convincere gli investitori ad acquistare titoli del debito pubblico greco, dopo una primavera segnata da una grave crisi di bilancio che ha scosso l’euro e reso necessario un intervento del Fondo Monetario Internazionale e dei suoi partner dell’Unione europea.
Lunedì a New York, il leader socialista aveva affermato di essere riuscito a convincere l’opinione pubblica del suo paese e gli investitori sulla capacità del suo governo di ridurre efficacemente il deficit. In occasione dei loro colloqui, Biden e Papandreou hanno anche parlato della questione cipriota e delle relazioni tra Ankara e Atene, del Kosovo, del rilancio del processo di pace in Medio Oriente e del programma nucleare iraniano, ha fatto sapere la Casa Bianca.

(fonte afp)
Grecia: Monte Athos, sarà interrogato Karamanlis

La Commissione del parlamento greco che indaga sullo scandalo immobiliare del Monte Athos ha deciso di interrogare l'ex premier Costas Karamanlis, secondo quanto indicano fonti parlamentari citate dai media.

La decisione fa seguito ad una richiesta avanzata dal partito di estrema destra Laos dopo che uno dei testimoni chiave dello scandalo, che riguarda un presunto scambio fraudolento di terreni fra lo stato e il monastero di Vatopedi, aveva direttamente chiamato in causa Karamanlis.

Secondo i media, l'ex premier non sarebbe convocato in Commissione ma interrogato al suo domicilio.

Papandreou-Biden meeting in D.C.

WASHINGTON (ANA-MPA) - Prime Minister George Papandreou met with US Vice Presidsent Joe Biden at the White House on Tuesday.

In welcoming the Greek prime minister, Biden praised Papandreou for the "excellent work he is doing in the handling of the economic crisis and, God willing, he will put his country on the right path again."

Speaking to reporters afterwards, the Greek prime minister said his talks with Biden covered a wide range of issues, such as the global economic crisis, the Middle East issue, the Cyprus problem as well as the fYRoM "name issue".

Papandreou added that he briefed the US vice president on Greece's initiatives regarding the wider region's problems and highlighted Athens' volition and positive contribution in resolving these problems.
Aggiungo una riflessione al post sopra dei CDS.

La nostra Grecia, nonostante la copertura UE/BCE/FMI è sempre presa di mira dagli scuali.

E' già successo, scaricano la molla dello spread in attesa di un evento apparentemente casuale che poi puntualmente accade (taglio rating, fonte anonima e mai confermata di un imminente default, intervento a piffero di un tedesco a caso, etc.). Tutte naturalmente enfatizzate dalla stampa.

Una delle ragioni per le quali il mercato dei derivati è una vera porcheria in termini macroeconomici e dovrebbe essere limitato ma i politici ci arriveranno come al solito troppo tardi. :down:
Railway workers call repeated work stoppages

ANA-MPA/Workers in the Greek railway OSE have announced repeated work stoppages to be launched on Wednesday in protest to the measures promoted by the government to restructure and reform Greece's debt-ridden railway organisation, whose accumulated debts have run to 10 billion euros.
A 5-hour work stoppage has been announced for noon on Wednesday with the participation of all OSE workers. The OSE engine drivers will hold a 5-hour work stoppage on Thursday.

Altro settore che verrà privatizzato ...
Investors snap up Greek debt

Treasury bill auction meets with strong demand; yield drops below crucial 4 percent psychological threshold

Greece raised 390 million euros via a three-month debt issue at a rate of 3.975 percent yesterday, with demand six times greater than the amount on offer, the Greek debt office said.
The office had intended to raise 300 million euros but said after an initial statement that bids totaled 1.874 billion euros and that it had increased the amount raised to 390 million euros.
Analysts had previously said that it would be an important achievement for Greece to successfully place a three-month issue at a yield or interest rate of less than 4.0 percent.
The last issue of three-month bonds on July 20, which raised 1.5 billion euros, was made at 4.04 percent.
Greece was frozen out of the sovereign debt market four months ago, when a debt crisis brought it close to default, but it was then rescued with substantial loans from the European Union and International Monetary Fund.
Since then, Greece has been dipping its toe back into the water and is now stepping up the rate of issuance.
Foreign investors snapped up nearly three-quarters of the 390 million euros’ worth of paper that was sold by Greece, which is barely holding on to its investment grade rating from Fitch as it battles to cut a big deficit and emerge from recession.
“The yield has fallen below the psychological threshold of 4.0 percent and the cover is quite good. But the amount is small and we can’t draw [clear] conclusions,” said Stelios Vizantinopoulos, senior fixed income trader at Marfin Bank, told Reuters.
The latest Greek issue was being watched closely as it coincided with sales by Ireland and Spain. Ireland in particular is under great pressure from the cost of a banking crisis and there were concerns that if its issue went badly, another round of great tension on eurozone bond markets could arise.
But the sales in Ireland and Spain also went well, helping send European stocks and the euro higher.
Investors were relieved that Ireland managed to tap the market for 1.5 billion euros by selling four- and eight-year government bonds, indicating that demand remained firm despite recent concerns that the Irish economy was falling off a cliff as it grapples with sky-high debt levels and a bailed-out banking system.
Spain also garnered 7 billion euros – at the top end of expectations – via the issue of 12- and 18-month bills but had to pay a moderately higher interest rate to get investors to buy.
It has been a while since European bond auctions have attracted so much interest in the markets.


Un commento sull'asta di ieri.
Fixing Greece’s image at home and abroad

Prime Minister George Papandreou is seen here during his visit yesterday to the New York Stock Exchange, which took place at the same time that European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund representatives were meeting with top officials at the Labor Ministry in Athens. The meeting in Athens went well, according to sources, as optimism was expressed regarding the progress of social security reforms. The key issue of arbitration between employers and employees will be dealt with next month by the ministry, which is hoping to reach a solution based on consensus. The thorny point that Greece’s international lenders are pressing for, the upgrading of corporate contracts compared to sector-level contracts, will be discussed at the next meeting between the EC-ECB-IMF troika and the Labor Ministry.


Draft law dusts off old tax bills

The government yesterday presented for discussion a draft law that will make it easier for individuals and businesses to voluntarily pay outstanding tax obligations in a move that could boost the state coffers by 700 million euros.
“We call on taxpayers and tax authorities to leave the past behind and to build a relationship of trust and consistency that will ensure the fulfillment of tax obligations for all citizens in the future,” the Finance Ministry said in a statement.
The repayment of tax debt, for outstanding amounts owed up to the end of last year, will result in a legal, final and irrevocable settlement and will eliminate controls, court processes and coercive measures for tax recuperation, according to the statement.
Proposals outlined in the draft law include the ability to pay past debts in monthly installments as well as varying discount rates depending on how long the tax has remained unpaid.
Athens Chamber of Industry president Pavlos Ravanis welcomed the move yesterday, saying that it will help provide businesses with the chance to pay off old debts and improve relations with the government on tax-related issues.
Data presented earlier this week showed that Greece’s budget gap shrank 32.3 percent in the first eight months of the year, beating a 26.5 percent target for the period.
Cuts in state wages and pensions offset slower-than-forecast increases in revenue as the economy moves deeper into recession.
The deficit, which doesn’t include spending by state-owned institutions and companies, contracted to 14.5 billion euros from 21.4 billion a year earlier, according to the Finance Ministry.


Consigli dall'Italia .... :lol:.
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